After reading the promises, you will surely want to implement this devotion in your own prayer life. 1) The Prophecy of Simeon Your email address will not be published. Our Lady’s messages to Marie-Claire focused on an “urgent call to repentance”: “Repent, repent, repent! She does not ask God to take away this agony. The Meeting of Mary with Jesus on the Way to Calvary. Jesus is dead. (St. Matthew 2:13, 14) The loss of the Child Jesus in the temple. Mark Daniel Kirby, O.Cist. hang in desolation,Till His spirit forth He sent.O thou Mother! Dear Mother, by thy heart so afflicted, obtain for me the virtue of humility and the gift of the holy fear of God. | animse quaerenti ilium.” Make me to seek Him as I ought to seek Him. Touch my spirit from above, Glory be …, The First Sorrow of Mary Crown of Martyrs, (*) Sacred Heart of Jesus, have pity upon us. of a soul, worth the supreme Sacrifice on Calvary. The Prophecy of Simeon. 1. for now and for all eternity she is our Mother. Picture Her now at the foot of the cross beside Her dying Son, and then ask yourself if there can ever be sorrow like Her sorrow. Dark clouds have appeared in the sky and upon the world. As such, all her joys became inexorably coloured with sorrow. read that she stood, but I do not read that she wept." . St. Augustine says that Job “had lost what God had given him, but not God Himself.” If Mary wept over the loss of Her Son for three days, how much more should sinners weep who have lost sanctifying grace. honor the Sorrows of Mary. 2) The Flight Into Egypt a Rafflecopter giveaway It’s time for our…, It is not news to anyone that 2020 has brought its share of challenges to the world! nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Have you ever prayed the Seven Sorrows Rosary? O, Mother of mercy, I hope for pardon and my eternal salvation, first through the death of my Redeemer, and then through the merits of thy dolors. and tearful is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. And their looks became as so many arrows to pierce those hearts which loved each other so tenderly. I will console them in their pains He would be opposed in His teaching: instead of being believed, He would be called a blasphemer for claiming to be the Son of God. Mother most sad, (*) The Mother also took up Her cross and followed Him, to be crucified along with Him. Mary loved souls and The Crucifixion … Would not share her sorrow deep? clear to us, that we should think of the the Crucified is with thee: Please let us know. Holy Mother of God, I remember the sorrow of thy heart when thou beheld the Body of Jesus wrapped in a linen shroud and laid in the tomb, and I desire to contemplate with thee the Face of Jesus, covered with a veil in death. will I will grant peace to their Son Divine mysteries. Amen.). To view and pray the 7 Dolors “If He were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered Him up to thee” (Jn. What can I liken to you, that I may comfort you, O virgin daughter of Sion? And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother: Behold this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted; And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed. Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary. And Thy own soul a sword shall pierce” (Lk. 3) “I will console them in their pains and I will accompany them in their work.” ask for as long as it does not oppose the adorable will of my Divine compassion Lowell, MI 49331-0040 6:3). Oh, how happy I would be if I could do this! | Home - Latest News | events and the devotion has a long history, although it was not [Lamentations 2:13, 18]. 4) Mary Meets Jesus on the Way to Calvary This is her Son. Afterwards, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, said: I thirst. The third sorrow was one of the greatest that Mary had to endure in Her life, the loss of Her Son in the temple. (Pre-1968 Indulgence of 300 days), MOTHER of love, Mother of sorrows and of mercy, pray for us. My heart grieves for flames I burn and die,In His awful Judgment day.Christ, when Thou Protect me always. 13:55). my Divine Son, that those who propagate this devotion to my tears and All the days that I may live. Mark Daniel Kirby, O.Cist. Amen. Crucifixus tecum: Having lost Her Son for three days, She was deprived of His most sweet presence. APPROVED BY . Close to Jesus at the last. 5) “I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.” There with thee to weep and pray, But when Herod was dead, behold an angel of the Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph in Egypt, Saying: Arise, and take the child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel. Meditation: O Mary, thou dost console all, comfort me also. 2. Is all I ask of thee to give. A Good Reason To Pray | Catholic Quotes, Blossoming Demands Going Through Every Season, The Biggest Compliment You Can Ever Give Mary, God Knows Your Sins But Calls You By Your Name, When You Pray With Scripture God Speaks To You, Expect This To Happen When You Pray And Be Ok With It, Companions of the Cross Booklet of Reflections on the Seven Sorrows of Mary. She gazed at Him, but hardly recognized Him. Typo? The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is September 15th . Your email address will not be published. Let us learn then from Mary, to seek Jesus. To many around her He is no better than a criminal, and her heart is breaking as she follows Him to Calvary or Golgotha. St. Albert the Great said, “that as we are under great obligation to Jesus for His Passion endured for our love, so also are we under great obligation to Mary for the martyrdom which She voluntarily suffered for our salvation in the death of Her Son”. evening, there came a certain rich man of Arimathea, Joseph by name, who Pity and love are in her eyes as she gazes at His blood-stained face. Her greatest sorrow was when She hold I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives. consolation and joy. (cf. The Fifth Sorrow of Mary (Composed by 20th Century Belgian seer, Berthe Petit). 5. Oh how sad and sore distressed Miraculous Photos | And thinking that he was in the company, they came a day’s journey, and sought him among their kinsfolks and acquaintance. traditionally celebrate the Feast of the Seven Dolors because the Order was 3. He said to her: “My daughter, tears shed for My Passion are dear to Me; but as I loved My Mother Mary with an immense love, the meditation on the torments which She endured at My death is even more agreeable to Me.” Therefore the graces promised by Jesus to those who are devoted to the sorrows of Mary are very great. The Hail Mary is prayed seven times, once after each meditation. thee, O Mary most sorrowful, in the consternation of thy heart at meeting Jesus as He carried His cross. But since thou hast wished to suffer so much for me, O, by thy merits obtain for me great sorrow for my sins, and patience under the trials of this life, which will always be light in comparison with my demerits, for I have often merited hell. Required fields are marked *. filled with a sadness that no human heart has known. Remain for a while on Calvary and consider the fifth sword which transfixed the heart of Mary — the death of Jesus. for them.". her Baby, nearly two thousand years ago. 4) That He will place such devout servants in Mother Mary’s hands to do with them as She wishes and to obtain for them all the graces She desires. EITHER THE FRIDAY OF PASSION WEEK, WHICH IS THE FRIDAY BEFORE GOOD


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