By Randy Kilgore (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Revival brings joy and it also brings opposition. This is the boldness of a Spirit filled man! Satan laughs. 52:8; Ezek. How then does it have tares?’ 28 “And he said to them, ‘An enemy has done this!’ The slaves *said to him, ‘Do you want us, then, to go and gather them up?’ 29 “But he *said, ‘No; for while you are gathering up the tares, you may uproot the wheat with them. Luke plainly says that he believed, adding the reason. Everest, Isaiah 53 stands out in beauty and grandeur, but only because it reveals Jesus Christ and takes us to Mt. Then this chapter begins: —. 4:15; Jdg. It is notable that Simon looked like the "real deal" in the early stages of his so-called "conversion" - he believed, he was baptized, he followed Philip. The Ethiopian: a man of status and wealth, and a seeker (Acts 17:26, 27). The illegal treatment of Jesus would lead to the crisis of Calvary, the crucifixion which forever will mark the turning point of the history of the the world. Rosscup writes that this 1947 work is "one of Morgan’s better commentaries and one which the student can profitably consult." This is the same verb used in the Septuagint of Isaiah 53:7+ ("did not open") and the quote in Acts 8:32. The word “snatched” is the same word used to describe the church’s being “caught up” to be with the Lord (1 Th. Even in one of his last letters Paul remembers his horrible actions writing, I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service, even though I was formerly a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent aggressor. Shortly after Stephen, a deacon in the early church, was stoned to death for proclaiming Christ (see Acts 7), widespread persecution broke out against Christians, causing many to flee Jerusalem. It describes an experience of being abased or caused to feel shame (cf "despising the shame" - Heb 12:2+). While his book is not Scripture, it is historically accurate and serves to show the truth of Solomon's words in Ecclesiastes 3:11 that God "has put eternity into man's heart," (Ecc 3:11ESV). The power that compels us comes from the Spirit who indwells us. You’ve got trouble when you’re in a system (or a church) that exalts a person other than the person of Christ. Wasn't that he didn't want to, just never needed to. The city here is not named, but it was in a city. There were two roads from Jerusalem to Gaza (ED: ONE BEING THE MORE TRAVELED "KING'S HIGHWAY" ALONG THE COAST - SEE PIX-HIGHWAY IS MARKED WITH PURPLE), and the Spirit commands Philip to take the one that was seldom used (Simon J. Kistemaker, New Testament Commentary: Acts [Grand Rapids: Baker, 1990], 311). He paid no heed to the exhortation to pray for forgiveness and to repent of his wickedness, but still remained in substantially his old error, in that he accredited Peter with power, and asked him to pray for him, as if the Apostle's prayer would have some special access to God which his, though he were penitent, could not have. Figuratively in the only other NT use of chole in Acts 8:23 Vine says "gall of bitterness stands for extreme wickedness, productive of evil fruit. During the struggle with skepticism and atheism, it acquired the sense of conviction concerning the existence and activity of the Greek gods. Dear reader, are you like Simon, a phony, a counterfeit, a sham and a pretender? God could forgive even Simon's greedy unholy desire to manipulate the Holy Spirit! (St. Andrew's Expositional Commentary – Acts). The heart is the center of the personality, and it controls the intellect, emotions, and will. 14:4; 2 Chr. 11:9; Jos. This man had met his match. Magical arts (3095)(mageia from magos = sorcerer) means magic and in plural magical arts or sorceries (as rendered by KJV). ", John Philips - The text tells of the Messiah silent before His shearers. KJV Acts 8:28 Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet. Kent Hughes on God's sovereignty and man's responsibility - As Lloyd Ogilvie says, “The Lord of all creation has ordained that he would do his work through us. And he answered and said, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."]. (Acts 8:37). As an aside, presumably his driver (and possibly others in the caravan heard the words of Isaiah). The Greeks used baptizo to describe the dyeing of a garment, in which the whole material was plunged in and taken out from the element used. Unfortunately, too few can do so. Any earning of God's gift denies God's grace. And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spoke, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. And signs and seals receive, For example the ESV has "And Saul approved of his execution." The importance of the Scriptures (Is. Answer questions or clear up misunderstandings while remaining transparent about your beliefs. (Exploring Acts). A Protest - Joseph Agar Beet D.D. It can give us a quick temper with people. It seems that, wherever Philip went, he had but one subject. 1:19+). 28:9; Num. - Once again we see God's hand of providence, for this was a desert road and yet they came to water for baptism. Seeing the signs and believing in them would be a great beginning; in fact, even the disciples started that way and had to grow in their faith (compare John 2:11 and v. 22). 2. Below are the English translation of the Septuagint followed by the English translation of the Masoretic text. Surprised, the girl raised her hand and explained that she had found answers to those questions in Jesus Christ. And that is why Jesus warned His disciples in the parable of the wheat and tares... “But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares (kind of darnel, resembling wheat except the grains are black - pix) among the wheat, and went away. Most of the 77 NT uses of baptizo in the Gospels and Acts are associated with literal water baptism. Later, he would open the door of faith to the Gentiles (Acts 10)." For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity. D Edmond Hiebert - An exhaustive exposition of Acts by a conservative Presbyterian scholar of the past century. In chapter 52 in verse 13, the Targum reads, “Behold my servant the Messiah.” So it’s obvious that that particular paraphrase interpreted this passage of the Messiah to come. SPIRIT TRANSPORTED PHILIP In Hellenism the term acquired a religious-sacral significance in connection with an oracle. "Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible". He smiled, reached under the counter, and held up his transistor radio. And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spoke, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. 9:10; Joel 2:12; Amos 5:16; Amos 5:17; Mic. Nevertheless, what we can know with certainty is that this Ethiopian man had a desire in his heart to seek God and traveled by chariot a great distance (1000 miles one way which at the rate of 30 miles per day would have taken over one month and most of the way over hot, dusty roads - these are approximations). (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors). Polhill notes that "Though a complete misunderstanding of the Holy Spirit, Simon’s behavior was completely in character for a professional magician. The influence of the converts in that place may have inclined the people of the city of Samaria to give the more heed to the preaching of Philip. The thoughtful reader may indeed ask, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else? He that believeth in Jesus Christ is saved. 3:7ff) and Jesus (Mt. Pope Gregory VI chaired the proceedings. Then Simon himself believed also: Simon believed after a certain style and fashion. Peter, ever blunt, replied, “You and your money will both end up in hell if you think you can buy God’s gift!” We aren’t sure of Simon’s outcome, but he unwittingly lent his name to church history. He was still searching for it; and as he rode along the rough road, he was reading the Book of the prophet Esaias. First, Philip’s mission is incomplete until Peter and John pray for the Samaritans to receive the Holy Spirit. The delay in the sending of the Spirit put the Samaritans somewhat in the position of the Jewish disciples before Pentecost. Acts 8:36-37. John writes (in a different context but still true in principle and certainly applicable to the Ethiopian) ', But you have an anointing (THE SPIRIT) from the Holy One, and you all know.... As for you, the anointing (THE SPIRIT) which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him. To most men Stephen's death seems premature, taking him in his prime, but to God, Stephen's death was sovereignly decreed before the foundation of the world, so that his demise might play a crucial role in the divine plan of redemption. When they are converted, they bring great glory to God. “Well,” said Moody, “sit down then. People who don’t, lose their teeth.”, A little later she asked, “Mister, do you smoke?” “No,” he answered. Simon Magus who represents mere profession of faith in Christ, and Philip, the deacon and evangelist, who represents true possession of Christ. It was a desert, but the angel of the Lord bade Philip go there.


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