No detail was insignificant. The process of stereotyping has had the good effect of restoring almost the original sharpness and crispness of the lines, and of rendering the present impressions nearer the state of the earliest impressions than they would have been had they been taken from the blocks themselves. Maße. The engravings republished in the present volumes are from the same blocks. On this visit and during the longer stay of 1505-7, he made a profound study of Italian painting at the very moment when it was being changed by the revolutionary ideas of Leonardo da Vinci and others. Signatur. It was during his apprenticeship that Dürer studied the technique of woodcuts. . He was apprenticed (1486-90) to M. Wolgemut, in whose workshop he became familiar with the best work of contemporary German artists and with the recent technical advances in engraving and drawing for woodcuts. However, one of his greatest achievements in the woodcut medium was the Apocalypse, a set of 15 woodcuts narrating the revelations of St. John. -Octavia Ross *Vasari, Giorgio. Select bibliography: Walter L. Strauss in his catalogue raisonne, Albrecht Dürer Woodcuts and Woodblocks (Abaris Books, 1980), provides a summary of comments upon each individaul work. Thirty-five of the thirty-seven of them have found a secure resting place in the British Museum. The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists. Despite the architecture, the palm tree defines the sub-tropical location of the scene. Our gallery is located in the beautiful Oakland Hills of the San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA. Anja-Franziska Eichler: Albrecht Dürer 1471–1528. 10, S. 59), The Lamentation (c. 1498-99: B. Köln: Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft, 1999. Dürer later traveled to Italy during the Renaissance, a remarkable era of creativity and invention. . P. E. Boissier, whose father bought them many years ago in Italy. His paintings are rare in the art market given Dürer’s predominant occupation as a printmaker. He also travelled to Italy twice (1495/96 and 1505/07): the sojourns influenced him deeply. His stay in Italy was incredibly important for him, exposing him to the works of Andrea Mantegna, Antonio Pollaiuolo and Lorenzo di Credi. The inventiveness shown in these related series can be quickly seen by comparing them: Dürer was rarely content to simply repeat an approach that he had already tried. The auction earned $6 million in sales from its 62 lots. Bildmaß: 32,5 cm × 24,2 cm. Every tiny thing had to be brought to the fore and prominently exposed. The Lamentation (the Large Passion), c.1498-99, The Betrayal Of Christ (The Large Passion), 1510, Agony in the Garden (The Small Passion), 1612, The Rejection of Joachim's Offering (The Life of the Virgin), c. 1504, Christ Before Annas (The Small Passion), 1612, Christ Before Herod (The Small Passion), 1612, Christ Before Pilate (The Small Passion), 1612, Christ Crowned with Thorns (The Small Passion), 1612, Christ Taking Leave of His Mother (The Small Passion), 1612, Ecce Homo-Christ Presented to the People (The Small Passion), 1612, Hercules Conquering the Molionide Twins, 1496-1498, Noli Me Tangere (The Small Passion), 1612, Salome Presenting the Head of John the Baptist to Herodias, The Death of the Virgin, (Life of the Virgin), The Deposition or The Descent from the Cross (The Small Passion), 1612, The Flagellation (The Small Passion), 1612, The Holy Family with the Three Hares, c. 1496, The Lamentation (The Small Passion), 1612, The Mocking of Christ (The Small Passion), 1612, The Nailing to the Cross (The Small Passion), 1612. Dürer interrupted his work on the Large Passion to work on his other great series, The Apocaplyse (c. 1498, republished with new works 1511) the Life of the Virgin (c. 1501-2, completed and published 1511), the Small Woodcut Passion (c. 1508-1510, published 1511), and the Engraved Passion (c. 1506-1510). Dürer must have been pleased with his work, too, since he signed it twice. Albrecht Dürer (1471 Nürnberg - 1528 Nürnberg) - GND. These painters were best known for their experimentation with perspective and the theory of human proportions, two innovations Dürer took great interest in. The History of Rembrandt’s Copper Etching Plates, Woodcut, Woodblock, and Wood Engraving, Defining the Medium favored by Albrecht Dürer and Katsushika Hokusai. 13, S. 60), The Crucifixion (c. 1498: B. Explore: Albrecht DÜRER1471–1528, Germany. Dürer himself focused on woodcuts and etchings. Browse Albrecht Dürer Catalogue Raisonnés Online.. German painter, engraver, Albrecht Dürer was the designer of woodcuts and major art theorist.Dürer was born in Nuremberg and trained first under his father, a goldsmith. 1467 heiratete er Barbara Holper (* 1452; † 16. He was in Nuremberg for his marriage in 1496, but left in the autumn of that year for Italy. Towards the end of his apprenticeship with Wolgemut, Dürer produced his first dated painting featuring his father Albrecht Dürer the Elder in 1490. He began his artistic education in his father’s workshop and later learned with Michael Wohlgemut. Proud of his German identity (Albert Dvrer Noricvs or “Albert Dürer of Nuremberg”), the artist is nonetheless enthralled by Italian and classical tradition. Strauss’s Commentary volume in the Illustrated Bartsch series updates his commentary here. According to Walter Strauss (Albrecht Dürer Woodcuts and Wood Blocks [NY: Abaris Books, 1980], p. 342 and after), Dürer began the Small Woodcut Passion sometime in 1508 or 1509, completed it in 1510, and published it in 1511 with Latin verses by Benedictus Chelidonius facing each plate. As always, Panofsky’s Life and Art of Albrecht Dürer (Princeton University Press, 1945, revised editions culminating in the 1971 edition) is crucial for an understanding of the work of this great artist and printmaker. Binnen 25 Jahren gebar sie 18 Kinder, von denen nur drei die Kindheit überlebten.


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