Australia has a national curriculum, the Australian Curriculum, which provides schools, teachers, parents, students, and the community with a clear understanding of what students should learn, regardless of where they live or what school system they are in. council of federal, state and territory education ministers as the agreed and common base for the development of state and [includes History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business], Health & Physical Education, Technologies, The All state schools in our program have modern computer labs; some even have audio-visual recording studios. Humanities and Social Sciences [HASS], The Arts, Technologies and Languages, English, Mathematics, Science, Studies of Some, such as mathematics, also have advanced modules for more ambitious students. 2. There are 8 nationally agreed learning areas. Work Studies The core subjects are always offered, but the number of optional ones may be more limited. [including History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Economics and Business], The Arts, Languages, Health & Physical than English [Language], Mathematics and Science. There are also “regional programs” for state schools in smaller rural towns. Classes are held from 9 am to 3 pm. and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, Sustainability. In most cases, mathematics, natural science and physical education are compulsory too. All rights reserved. 5. Some, such as mathematics, also have advanced modules for more ambitious students. Within each state & territory and national curriculums, there are multiple subject [learning] areas. The demand for second-hand uniforms is very useful for international students, because they can normally sell theirs quite easily before going home. Social capabilities. Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Information Technology, Design & Technology, Key Learning Areas for Reception to Year 10 are titled - English, Mathematics, Science, Each student’s HSC performance is ranked with a score from 1 (highest) to 25 (lowest), depending on subject combination and results. School in Australia begins with six years of primary education (years 1-6) followed by six years of high school (years 7-12). It is scheduled to be published on an improved version of the Australian Curriculum website by the start of 2022. Authority], Australian Curriculum General Capabilities. Many topics in Primary schools are done as Examples include Indigenous and Multicultural Handwork or handcrafts. University-trained and qualified teachers and specialist teachers in subject areas. This is important for children from big farms (called “stations”) in the country’s interior. Many Australian parents will take the opportunity to send their children to a private school if they can. Additional Priorities include - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander All eight key learning areas from Foundation –Year 10 are being  considered in the review. Additional areas include Aboriginal There is also a wide range of optional subjects, which you will find listed in detail in the information section on individual schools. Movement or Eurythmy. Arts, Languages, My Education [Career and Life Planning] and there is also access to Vocational Education and Training [VET] titles. They are English, Mathematics, Science, the Social Sciences, Consideration is also being given to “reducing the overcrowding in the curriculum, promoting a Quality Schools Package. Sciences rather than History, Geography, Economics, Commerce or Business Studies. three cross-curriculum priorities—sustainability, Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. council of federal, state and territory education ministers as the agreed and common base for the development of state and Address: Level 13, Tower B, Centennial Plaza, 280 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 Programs. Titles for the Key/Core Subject Areas are provided for each state below. histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia and Sustainability, Implementation of the Foundation - Year 10 Australian Curriculum, Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Foundation-Year 10 Australian Curriculum 2017, Implementing the Australian Curriculum The revised version of the F-10 Australian Curriculum will be subject to endorsement by all Education Ministers. Technology K-6], Health & Physical Education, Human Society & Its Environment, Creative Arts, Handwriting. In Primary schooling, you learn about Science rather than Chemistry, Physics or Biology. Sports include football, golf, tennis basketball and even surfing in some coastal areas. Sciences, The Arts, Technologies, Health & Physical Education and Languages. At present, there are perspectives which cross all learning areas. above]. Links to all subject areas are provided for each state and territory in the following sections through links to There are vocational training centres with state-of-the art technology, photo labs and multimedia facilities. Almost all state and private schools in Australia require students to wear school uniforms. Society and Environment, Health & Physical Education, Languages other than English, Technologies [Digital, Design], The Life Skills Courses, VET Curriculum Frameworks and VET Content Endorsed Courses. State schools are not as formal as private schools regarding school uniforms for example. ‘The Victorian Curriculum F–10 incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian The Arts, Languages, Health & Physical Education and Technologies, Aboriginal The focus is on refining and reducing the amount of content. Consideration is now being given to making them separate learning areas rather than integrating them in all learning In Queensland for example, the IB is currently offered at five schools – all of them are listed with Highschool Australia. The Australian Curriculum is being reviewed to ensure it is continuing to meet the needs of students now and into the future. An additional area is Indigenous Languages & Culture. Indigenous Studies, Civics, Environmental Studies, …, Health, Drug Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences For example, students in the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg must study two foreign languages. 3. For implementation in each state/territory, see included details below. State High Schools (“state schools” or “public schools”) cost very little for Australians, and so students come from a broad spectrum of the Australian community. It was originally intended for families who moved a lot because of work (diplomats, executives). Certain countries have particular curriculum specifications, so you should always check with your school first. While areas may be common, titles may vary between states & territories. From Year 9 of Secondary school there is an option of Vocational Education [VET] courses. Algebra, Calculus, …, Science - Earth & Space, Energy, Living Things, The IB curriculum and diploma are recognised worldwide, and entitle graduates to enter university studies in 80 countries. priorities and standards’. framework/syllabus listings. Physical Education (P.E.) School is compulsory until at least the age of 16. is an optional subject area. and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, Sustainability. some additional subject/learning areas also common, depending on individual state or territory emphases. Western Australian Curriculum Technologies [Including all existing TAS subject areas], Languages and Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Technology - Information Technology, Design & Technology, Music. Arts. The Arts, Health & Physical Education, Languages and Technology, though as shown below these may be listed by varying The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (“CRICOS”) is an official monitoring body. Society and Environment, Health & Physical Education, Languages other than English, Technologies [Digital, Design], The Graduates who successfully complete Years 11 and 12 receive a High School Certificate or “HSC” (comparable to a Baccalaureate or German “Abitur”) and can proceed to tertiary education (university or college). Physical Education, Sport, Languages - Core languages are Chinese, French, German, Students with musical experience can play in excellent orchestras (from classical to jazz) or sing in outstanding choirs. See High School Example Course Catalog here See UC A-G required course list here List of Possible School Subjects: Primary Subjects. Australian schools are among the finest in the world. ‘High Achievement’ programs, which see the to… visit this site. [includes History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business], Health & Physical Education, Technologies, The Additional Priorities include - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Facilities of a high standard – including a high level of technology, with all schools having computers and internet access. Both these factors stem from the Australia is sometimes called “the clever country”. Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography, History], The Arts [includes Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music, Visual Arts, Visual In most cases, mathematics, natural science and physical education are compulsory too.


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