This sentence is in the passive form, so we use the auxiliary ÊTRE. 11-Sa mère l’………………………………..emmené au théâtre. → They went back/returned to their childhood home. To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. 3. Tu as été a) Je – – en pleine forme aujourd’hui. 6-Elles………………………….arrivées à Toulouse dans l’après-midi. → Guillaume waited for his mother. 20-Elle………………....……..retournée à Paris pour les vacances. The verb ‘être’ (to be) is one of the most important verbs in French as it is used a lot. 6-Elles………………………….arrivées à Toulouse dans l’après-midi. 12-The auxiliary ÊTRE 5. Hier, j’ai adoré la chaleur du soleil. She returned to Paris for the holidays. View full legal notices at the bottom of page. 8-The auxiliary ÊTRE Nous allons être = wij gaan zijn. Tu (être) à la maison. This sentence contains a verb that is in the DR & MRS VAN DER TRAMP list : Rester. → You got on the train. Download PDF – 3 books to learn French by yourself, Download PDF – 4 workbooks to learn French while driving, Download Free PDF – Learning French while driving – Podcasts, Download for Free + 1 video and the best CDs to learn to speak French in the car, Learning French oral in 1 night (while you are sleeping) with an MP3. The horse was tired by the race. SO is not a pronominal verb 15-The auxiliary AVOIR M → Monter (to go up/to get on,in). In this sentence : 19-The auxiliary ÊTRE Elle est retournée à Paris pour les vacances. Elle a fini par lui dire. This sentence is in the passive form, so we use the auxiliary ÊTRE. This sentence is in the passive form, so we use the auxiliary ÊTRE. → I was born in Paris. View full legal notices at the bottom of page. This sentence contains a pronoun verb : Se Regarder. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. a- Tu es au restaurant. Exercice de français "Accords du participe passé avec être et avoir" créé par anonyme avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! Elles ont mangé QUOI ? 8 songs to practice, Download Free PDF – The basics to read and write in French, 2 tips to improve your reading understanding skills – 1 story to read, French academic reading : how to approach it + 1 book for a deep studying, Download PDF – 5 comic books to enjoy learning French, Download PDF – A bilingual text to learning French, 9 books and novels to learn French with stories, Download Free PDF – Writing in French is fast and easy, Writing in French : date – letters (alphabet) – verbs, Download PDF – Simple sentences to learn French in 15 minutes a day, Download PDF – Learn French in 7 days : courses and exercises, Download a PDF to learn French in 10 days, Download PDF – 24 hours to communicate in French, How long to learn to speak French ? 3-Elle s’……………………………..…………………regardée dans le miroir. 10 books and card games to study French at home, The best mobile app to study French in the car, Download PDF – The accelerated learning French system, Download a French language learning pack + Intermediate phrases to be better at speaking French, Download Free Ebooks PDF – Several ways to learning French. → I came back from Africa. 13-The auxiliary ÊTRE 10 ways to learn French with whatsapp groups ! Example : Je suis revenu d’Afrique. Example : Nous sommes sortis de la gare. → I got in the car. 7-The auxiliary ÊTRE Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. 1- If there is a DOC (Direct Object Complement) Welk hulpwerkwoord moet je gebruiken: avoir of être? They stayed at Mathieu’s place after the evening. Voir les statistiques de réussite de ce test de français Merci de vous connecter au club pour sauvegarder votre résultat. Choose the right answer : ETRE and AVOIR and conjugate it in the past tense. Example : Example : → He went into the kitchen. 8-Le cheval…………………………..………………fatigué par la course. Download PDF – How to say the time in French ? 8-The auxiliary ÊTRE Top sentences to know for your first 24 hours in France. The best app to be able to speak in French conversations with a good pronunciation, The best app for iOS to learn French offline – Memrise, A French learning app with games : Fun French, Best computer software (and app) to learn French – for downloading – for PC and Mac, Download PDF – Learning French grammar, make it easy, Download PDF – A list of French adjectives and how to position them in a sentence, Download PDF – 4 grammar and conjugation points, The French accents : aigu-grave-circonflexe – Podcasts, Do you want to know the basics of French grammar ?


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