Our country’s greatest leaders have focused on others, sometimes to their own detriment. Humility is the path to greatness in the kingdom of God, but it’s the road less traveled in politics. All rights reserved. The mark of great leaders is not the number of their followers, but how they attract and intentionally develop the next generation of leaders. Help more believers discern the news differently! The dread of the cup of suffering that He would drink, the fearsome challenge of facing a horrible death, and even His ‘descent into hell’ and separation from the Father would not keep Him from achieving His mission. © 2020 FaithLife Ministries, Inc. McClellan, who had been out, arrived after Lincoln had been waiting an hour and retired without seeing the president. And his father, who was my grandfather, had been a better father than the father he had been given. In whatever leadership position(s) God has placed each of us, we should strive to model Christ-like leadership. Privacy Policy | Disclosure | Permissions | Media inquiries | Donor Portal | FAQ© Denison Ministries 2009-2020. The world, especially contemporary American culture, constantly misrepresents the meaning of true leadership. Christ’s greatest victory, the resurrection, came after his greatest trial, the crucifixion. The Bible provides us with many examples of leaders who demonstrated effective leadership skills. Seventh Cavalry’s First Battalion were engaged in one of the opening battles of the Vietnam War. Yet in David Rubenstein’s new book, How to Lead: Wisdom from the World’s Greatest CEOs, Founders, and Game Changers, leaders mentioned humility again and again. He was renowned for his superb leadership skills. In John 17, we read that on the night before Jesus’ unjust trial, terrible scourging and crucifixion (not to mention the horrors of being separated from His father through bearing the penalty of sin) the chapter describes Him serving His disciples by praying for them. As Jesus’ words above teach us, “apart from God we can do nothing.”  When we rely on our own intuition, talent, or experience, we often end up in places that not only cause us problems or harm, but likely dishonor God as well. “It’s really important to know what you don’t know and listen to people who do know what you don’t know,” he said. You've planned for your future. Puts the needs of the followers first—not themselves or the preservation of their own power. Even with periodic American air support, his outnumbered troops faced annihilation. He made himself vulnerable to a host of temptations and trials in the service of others. A Christian leader, therefore, is someone who stays connected to God by reading and applying His Word, who relies on the Holy Spirit working in and through them, and leads others into a deeper walk with Jesus. The “Arab Spring” and its ongoing fallout has brought into focus failing and abusive forms of leadership; a style of leadership that demands and domineers and has little if any interest in people. He never submitted to jealousy or brooded over perceived slights.”. - Thanksgiving Devotional - Nov. 24, A Prayer for Thanksgiving Day - Thanksgiving Devotional - Nov. 26, Lift Holy Hands Instead of Shaking Fists - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - November 25, 2020, Sweet Girl Sings 'O Holy Night' With Her Daddy. Reagan saw what needed to happen, what could happen, and how it needed to happen, and he led the way. Lincoln was a one-term congressman who had lost two senate races before being elected president. He emerged from the experience stronger in body and spirit. Steve Yount, a senior fellow with the Denison Forum, is a former newspaper editor and public-relations executive working with Christian ministries. In November 1965, Lieutenant Colonel Harold ‘Hal’ Moore Jr. and the U.S. It is, as Dickerson called it, “the hardest job in the world.”. In military warfare, a leader is always a target, and it’s no different in spiritual warfare. Learn how your comment data is processed. Moore won the army’s highest award, the Distinguished Service Cross, and eventually rose to the rank of lieutenant general. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”. Jesus fasted for forty days and nights in the wilderness before being tempted by Satan. Proverbs 25:4,5 - Remove the dross from silver and out comes material for the silversmith; remove the wicked from the king's presence, and his throne will be established through righteousness. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Good leadership produces good results and bad leadership produces bad results. During the Great Depression and World War II, Franklin Roosevelt instilled confidence in the American people with his fireside chats on radio. Once again, Lincoln personified this quality. And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray. Through Briarwood’s Embers to a Flame ministry, Reeder and the ministry leadership team teach, coach, and mentor church leaders across the country and around the world. Theodore Roosevelt overcame childhood asthma to become a symbol of the robust, outdoor life. President George W. Bush said it’s the most important quality for a prospective president. But to do that we need to understand maxims about leadership that arise from the Scriptures. “He had developed a powerful new empathy, allowing him to connect with all manner of people to whom fate had also dealt an unkind blow,” Goodwin wrote. Finally, we execute our specific responsibilities as a Christian leader in the task, initiative, or organization that has been entrusted to us. ‘You must teach me.’”. We may possess tremendous leadership ability, but if it is not based on the Word of God, then we will likely lead our followers in the wrong direction. The dramatic story is told in the 1992 best seller, We Were Soldiers Once…and Young, which was made into an acclaimed motion picture. Cumming, GA USA Elijah prepared Elisha. Yet even those are not enough to make a decision, and the stakes multiply many times when it comes to picking a president. Retired Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling wrote in an article for CNN that empathy “is one trait I’ve repeatedly observed in the best leaders.”. 3 Defining Qualities of Great Christian Leaders, How to Share the Gospel with Your Coworkers without Being Unprofessional, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. He allowed nothing to deter Him. Love Fellow Christians! “I am the vine, you are the branches. View our. Then I explained to him that despite my failings, he had been given a better father than I had been given. In fact, it’s actually Christlike qualities that elevate a leader to greatness. Eventually, all of us will be called home, so who will be there to take our place? Roosevelt and Lincoln were great communicators, but they also knew how to listen to public opinion. Paul had Timothy and others prepared to replace him. Jesus affirms this when He says: ‘It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master’ (Matt. Yet those who interpreted Lincoln’s humility as weakness erred. Your first monthly gift today will help empower more culture-changing Christians tomorrow. The church today needs to understand what makes a great leader in God’s eyes. I admitted to my son that I had failed as his father many times, and I asked him to forgive me. A scene in the movie captured his foresight and grasp of leadership principles when Moore’s character confronted a squad leader who had been unceremoniously ‘killed’ in a training exercise. We also should examine the candidates’ records, but even that is not enough. “Anybody that is really a successful leader, I think, has failed in life, and you have to persist after your failures,” Rubenstein said on Face the Nation. Such spiritual warfare is the reality in which we live, and that is one reason I like to use military illustrations so often in my teaching. thank you so much and God bless you all.. He was steadfastly committed to achieving it, he refused to be paralyzed by fear, and with passion he communicated the mission and the strategy for its success. For Christian leaders, our marching orders are both simple and profound. But because of the selfish bent of our nature, it is a serious challenge to do so from our hearts – and do it in the right way. A Christian leader, therefore, is someone who stays connected to God by reading and applying His Word, who relies on the Holy Spirit working in and through them, and leads others into a deeper walk with Jesus. Required fields are marked *. Now protect it. Integrity, the ability to achieve one’s goals, and going above and beyond what is required are some of the qualities leaders should strive for if they want to be respected and esteemed.


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