"Ah" he would say, as he struck the knife into the lamb, "This poor creature dies, not for any guilt that it has ever had, but to show me that I am guilty, and that I deserved to die like this." I can’t see it as well as I should, but Lord you see it, and you have said. Kjv House Church October 2014 “And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses…” (Exodus 12:7). I'm truly grateful for the blood of Jesus that was shed for ME. And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? YouTube feeds people to our website. C ... the blood of which we speak today, ... Let the blood be applied to the lintel, and to the door-post, there is no destruction. It can cure the unspeakable sores of leprosy. The nails pierced His hands and feet, and Blood ran freely from the Cross. June 2013 Does that verse have anything in it for us today? "Then I am glad they have it to say, that a man coming from the antipodes had nothing better to tell than the wondrous story of the dying love of Jesus. Video producer, author, and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.Visit his other sites:AZVideoCompany.comDurangoVideo.comPatrickSipperly.com, November 2017 Though the earth should rock beneath the feet of man, yet the Christian, may stand fast, and though the heavens should be rolled up, and the firmament should pass away like a scroll that is burned by fervent heat, yet need not a Christian fear; God's people shall be saved: if they cannot be saved under the heavens, they shall be saved in the heavens; if there be no safety for them in the time of trouble upon this solid earth, they shall be "caught up together with the Lord in the air, and so shall they be ever with the Lord," and ever safe. OD'S PEOPLE ARE ALWAYS SAFE. During every great revival that has happened in Christendom, there has been an increased awareness and understanding of the blood of Christ and it’s importance,. “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.”. he replied: "I presented, to the best of my ability, the most interesting subject in the world." Blood on either side, on the side posts. There is no sin so great that His Blood cannot cleanse it! “Thus saith the Lord, About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt; And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die…For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt” (Exodus 11:4-5; 12:12). Forgive me and cleanse me for the sake of Christ’s Blood alone.” Make that your heartfelt prayer and desire and you will be washed clean in the Blood of Jesus very soon! Oh no! KJV Sermon Outlines. Dr. Hymers’ e-mail is rlhymersjr@sbcglobal.net. December 2010 If Christ were a mere man…there would be no efficacy in his blood to save; but Christ was “very God of very God;” the blood that Jesus shed was Godlike blood. The Bible says that without the shedding of blood is no remission (of sins)...without the blood you or I would never be able to make heaven our home. The blood … Box 15308, Los Angeles, CA 90015. While he did rend his enemies like a lion, yet did he protect his children, every one of them. Yes, it is full of meaning, for the blood that was shed on that first Passover pointed to the Blood that Jesus would shed – at the Passover. Be washed from sin in the Blood of Jesus! There is no sin that the Blood cannot wash away. He had passed through unheard-of hardships, and had performed dangerous exploits for his Master. The blood on the doorpost looked forward and pictured the Blood that ransoms sinners from destruction, and plants them in. But Pharaoh was harsh and cruel. May 2014 “and dip it in the blood…and strike the lintel and the two side posts” (Exodus 12:22). Then come to God in prayer and say, “Lord save me for the sake of Christ’s Blood. The Hebrews could not see the blood. Purpose Of The Church "But they wanted something different—a story" "Well, I am sure I gave them a story—the most thrilling one that can be conceived of." You do not have to see the value of the blood. These sermon manuscripts are not copyrighted. Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, Nothing can hurt the man who has made his refuge God. February 2012 “For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matthew 26:28). His Blood ran freely under the snarling lash when He was scourged in Pilate’s Hall. Oh! Now it came time for God to send the tenth plague. Not corruptible gold or silver but the precious blood of Christ, the Son of God. The Church As the old hymn put it. It was the blood of man, for he was man like ourselves; but the divinity was so allied with the manhood, that the blood derived efficacy from it…the unceasing wonder of eternity, that God should become a man to die. There is a destroying angel for Egypt, but there is none for Israel. October 2010 I Peter 1:18-19; John 19:34; I John 1:7. But if you come to Jesus and trust His Blood, God will see it. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. It can release the madness of the Demoniac. "All the saints are in his hand;" and the hand of God is a place for safety, as well as a place of honour. These sermon manuscripts and videos now go out to about 1,500,000 computers in over 221 countries every year at www.sermonsfortheworld.com. And during every time that faith has waned and hearts have grown cold, there has been a diminished emphasis and teaching on the blood of Christ.. What is the basis of that great truth, that all things work together for good to them that love God? The purpose of this website is to provide free sermon manuscripts and sermon videos to pastors and (“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” by Isaac Watts, 1674-1748). The children of Israel grew and multiplied, but there rose up a new Pharaoh who did not know Joseph. All rights reserved. But God did not want His people to be punished. “Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood” (Romans 3:24-25). May 2012 POWER OF THE BLOOD. We can rely upon Jesus Christ's acceptance by his Father, because his Father ordained him to be our Saviour from before the foundation of the world. And then how could I hereafter meet the fearful charge, 'I gave you one opportunity to tell them of ME; you spent it in describing your own adventures!'"


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