We collaborate with management researcher, professionals, intellectuals, and scientists for their original research, ideas, developments, results and applications in all areas of management. Guest editors If you have a suitable paper ready for submission before the ScholarOne slot opens, please contact us. Background to the Special Issue. Submission opens on Scholar One (do not submit before this date): 1st January 2021 LJRMB is accepting research paper submission as “Call For Papers” for next issue with due date 15th October 2020. Submission date: 25th January 2021 We are most preferred, popular, hassle-free, author friendly and quality conscious publishing house. Read all the steps involved in publishing paper in London Journals Press. Publication process takes from 30 to 90 days including the review process. Education + Training Justin Zhang, University of North Florida, USA CiteScore: 8.4 ℹ CiteScore: 2019: 8.4 CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title. The IJSBAR welcomes the submission of scientific articles in all scientific fields for this year 2020. Journal of Management & Organization Call for Papers 2020. Amporn Sa-ngiamwibool, Rajamangala University of…, Role of technology in E-commerce: Bright and the Dark Side, The submission portal for this special issue will open on July 1, 2021. Dynamic Capabilities: New Ideas, Microfoundations, and Criticism. Guest Editors: Felix Arndt, Peter Galvin, Rob Jansen, Gerardus JM Lucas & Peiran Su. Guest editor Dr. David Oloke, University of Wolverhampton Guest Editors The world's largest index/list of calls for papers (CFP) of international conferences, workshops, journals, and book chapters in the whole academic fields. All terms, conditions, contents, activities, services are subject to change anytime without intimation. Every discovery in the realm of energy meant a step forward for…, Review of Economics and Political Science, Reinterpreting competitive strategies in turbulent scenarios: new paradigms, approaches, and solutions for boosting sustainable innovation in economic, business, and territorial competition, The Special Issue is associated with the 2020 EUROMED conference. The dynamic capabilities framework “was created with an ambitious agenda in mind, … The Role of Education and Training in Labour Market Integration Dr Matthew Pepper, School of Management, Operations and Marketing, Faculty of Business, University of…, Call for Papers - Minimising Violence Against Emergency Health Care Workers, Guest Editors: Evelien Spelten and Peter O’Meara  Guest Editors:Abhishek Behl, O. P. Jindal Global University, India A: Software Engineering and Computing Algorithms, D: Big Data, Cloud and Database Engineering, D: Electrical, Electronic and Semiconductors, E: Accounting, Taxation Accounting and Auditing, H: Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary and Diversified, F: ENT / Ear Nose Throat Specialist, Dentistry and Otolaryngology, G: Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine, A : Physics, Space Science and Electronics, H: Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary, H: Education, Library Science, Sports Science and Physical Education, I: Public Administration, Forensic Science, J:Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary. Recently, the pandemic has drastically reshaped the business…, Exploring the Impact of Covid19 and the Role Governance, Accounting and Finance Can Play in Preventing Future Pandemics, Guest editors This Special Issue of the Journal aims to attract world-leading research on how commercial, non-…, Public procurement as a government policy lever, Special issue call for papers from Journal of Public Procurement Dr Alexandra Oancă (University of Leuven) The way we…, International Journal of Workplace Health Management, The Role of Education and Training in Labour Market Integration, Call for Papers Arvind Upadhyay, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK (Lead Guest Editor) The call for papers for London Journal of Research in Management and Business is open.   Demetris Vrontis, University of…, Stakeholder Causal Scope Analysis for Strategic Management of Big Data: Implications for the European-Mediterranean Region, Rationale Stefano Bresciani, University of Turin (Italy) What is the special issue…, Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, The Development and Adoption of Lean Six Sigma in Australia and New Zealand, The Development and Adoption of Lean Six Sigma in Australia and New Zealand Special Issue Journal of Management. CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a range of four years (e.g. How can we make research more accountable? The (un)sustainability of impact factor. Michele Andreaus, professor of Accounting, University of Trento, Italy, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Resilience and responsiveness of the AEC Sector – trends and forecasts. Submit your manuscript, research paper in London journal press. A special issue of Due date for submission of research paper/manuscript for forthcoming issue is: The call for papers for London Journal of Research in Management and Business is open. Vidmantas Tūtlys, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania…, Tribology for Sustainability & Reliability, Submission opens on Scholar One (do not submit before this date): 5th November 2020 Rights are reserved as per copyright act 2020. Call for Papers – November – 2020 click here to Get more Details Submit your Paper for peer review PAPERS SUBMISSION IS OPEN FOR November 2020: Impact … Submission deadline: 22nd April 2021…, Corporate Social Responsibility And Covid-19 Global Crisis: Managerial And Financial Perspectives In Developed And Emerging Countries, Guest editors: Guest EditorsM. Enrico Battisti, University of Turin (Italy) Here are the latest calls for papers from our extensive journal range. The International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) is a multidisciplinary peer reviewed Journal. Guest Editors: Guest Editors Prof Christine Harland, Politecnico Di Milano, Italy, Corporate Innovations in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis within South Asia, The submission portal for this special issue will open on January 10th, 2021. This special issue of Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research aims to provide a forum for scholars to discuss the wider context of…, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, Human Resource Development in the Digital Age: Recent issues and future research directions, Human Resource Development in the Digital age: Recent issues and future research directions Submission opens on Scholar One: 2nd November 2020 Concerned authors will be wholly responsible for the contents and we shall not be accountable for the same. ... Economics & Management. This disclaimer governs all terms, conditions, and the privacy policy and shall be binding to our website users. Dr Enrico Tommarchi (University of Hull…, Business Disruptions and Innovations beyond COVID-19, Business Disruptions and Innovations beyond COVID-19 Michael Christofi, Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus) Deadline 30th January 2021. Joanne Scillitoe,…, KPIs to Help Develop the Next Normal in Construction Practice, Teaching-Learning and Research, Submission opens on Scholar One (do not submit before this date): 1st February 2021 Prof Juliet Simpson (Coventry University) Special issue on “Human Resource Development in the…, Reshaping work, health and workplaces: management learnings from the pandemic, The employment and social measures related to the Covid-19 pandemic have had substantial impacts on individuals, families, organisations, and societies worldwide (BBC, 2020; WHO, 2020).


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