I noticed that in your discussions of salted water in cooking, you never mentioned the main reason why people add salt to water: it raises the boiling temperature of the water so that foods cook faster — L. You are right that adding salt to water raises the water's boiling temperature. How do you calculate how much weight a helium balloon can lift? I live under the flight path that leads into Sydney's International/Domestic Airport. When the room air's relative humidity reaches 100%, drying will cease altogether. But even the best balls waste some of the energy involved in denting their surfaces. When you step into a room illuminated only by red light your skin appears red, not because it's truly red but because there is only red light to reflect. If your television set or monitor has such a system, then turning it on and off a couple of times should clear up most or all of the magnetization problems. 1379. The missing blue light illuminates the skies far to our east during sunrise and to our west during sunset. The only directions that we can move in are along the three dimensions of the universe that we perceive. It would be easy to take pictures in complete darkness if you just illuminated a scene with bright infrared sources. 1478. But surface that's exposed to air will lose heat via evaporation and will be particularly important in cooling the water. The second way for the pad’s electronics to sense your presence is to let your body act as an antenna for electromagnetic influences in the environment. And while an individual soap film may exhibit colors because of interference between reflections from its two surfaces, these interference effects average away to nothing in the dense foam. )2 & 4 ****** c.)4 & 9 d.)9 & 16 2. That "something" is the concentrated LiBr solution. 1426. Could it hurt you?- JP", Well ..Having the thought process that I have, kinda how should I put it? 1523. Friction's role with respect to temperature is in raising that temperature. Hydrogen has such a mythical aura to it, but in the context of energy, it's just another fuel. 1454. As it approaches the p-n junction, it will find itself with no empty valence levels in which to travel the last distance to the junction. The pure water vapor enters a condenser, where it gives up heat to its surroundings and turns into liquid water. Why does air speed up as it flows over an airplane wing? What is the radiation hazard, if any? That's because the lens of your eye focuses it onto your retina and even though your retina won't see any light, it will experience the heat. (-1,2) c. (6,3)*** d. (1,1/7) 3. You can't pull the strands of latex apart because they are all linked together. As it takes energy from the current, the battery adds to its store of chemical potential energy so that it recharges. (1 point) ∠GBM and ∠FBC ∠CBX and ∠FBC ∠XBG and ∠FBC ∠MBY and ∠FBC 2. Is it better to use warm or cold air to defrost your windshield? 1496. Find the area under the standard normal curve to the right of z = -1.25. black holes and neutron stars), there fortunately aren't any around here. — MS, West Virginia. I used microwave-powered mercury lamps similar to this in my thesis research fifteen years ago and they work very nicely. To reflect the microwaves, the conducting screen must carry electric currents. In that case, I'll bet that the 12psi ball will bounce highest. A set does the mixing by turning on and off three separate electron beams to control the relative brightnesses of the three primary colors at each location on the screen. A car battery is a possibility, but it has safety problems: it can deliver an incredible current (400 amperes or more) for a long time (minutes) and can overheat or even explode your coil of wire. Because momentum is equal to an object's mass times its velocity, the accumulating downward momentum in the egg is reflected in its increasing downward speed. While you are running toward the front of the bus at 0.000002% of the speed of light, your speed is in reference to the other passengers in the bus, who see you moving forward. That's because sound has to travel as a vibration in some material such as air or water or even stone. The metal has no asymmetry that would treat left-moving charges differently from right-moving charges. Write an inequality to represent this situation and solve. If she rolls herself into a compact ball, she weakens the drag force and ultimately increases her terminal velocity. - VC. That's because the direction of current flow through the secondary coil reverses frequently and the sign of the charge on each electrode reverses, too. The earth's gravity is still pulling him toward the center of the earth and his weight is almost as large as it would be on the earth's surface. Like a camera, your eye collects light from the scene you’re viewing and tries to form a real image of that scene on your retina. On the other hand, if she spreads her arms and legs wide so as to catch more air, she strengthens the drag force and decreases her terminal velocity. The cooking chamber walls are so thick and highly conducting that they reflect the microwaves extremely well even when they have a little rust on them. This sliding leads to a form of internal sliding friction and sliding friction converts useful energy into thermal energy. There is enough time in the wind-up and pitch for the batter to determine where and when to swing and to hit the ball just right. 1446. In that case, current could flow through the bird from one wire to the other and the bird would run the serious risk of becoming a flashbulb. The ant survived by staying within a tiny fraction of the microwave wavelength (about 12.4 cm) of the metal surfaces, where there is almost zero microwave intensity. — A, Aizawl, India. This effect is a consequence of acceleration and the changing relationships between space and time that come with different velocities. As for making them small enough to wear as contact lenses... that's probably beyond what's possible, at least for the foreseeable future.


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