Pickled duck eggs. Duck eggs are slightly larger than chicken eggs, so it’s going to take a little while longer to cook them than chicken eggs. Making quiches. This means lighter, higher cakes. So much for my science experiment. Making omelettes. I find that eggs even a week old will spread more in the pan, so you’ll have to adjust your technique according to the age of the eggs. !. google_ad_height = 60; But there are differences: the yolks of duck eggs have more fat and the whites more protein than those of chicken eggs, and you need to take these differences into account when cooking. It streamlines the office so you can focus on farming. Because the whites of duck eggs have more protein than those of chicken eggs, they will whip up higher when beaten and create more loft in cakes. Cooking with duck eggs doesn’t call for a major revision in technique. I am often asked if you can eat duck eggs and use them in cooking and baking. This makes them thicker, so they’ll take longer to cook through; you may need slightly less heat than with less-fresh eggs. Hard Boiling for picnics and packed lunches. I always substitute one for one of the eggs and the batter is richer in both colour and texture and the taste is enhanced as well! For larger recipes, weigh the eggs after cracking. But quite tasty. You can freely substitute duck eggs for chicken eggs in cakes, pies, cookies, custards, etc. The farmingfriends website was set up at the end of 2006 and started as a diary of daily life on the farm but has grown into an online magazine and forum community packed with information, resources and products relating to farming, keeping livestock, food and nature. Thanks for this. Duck eggs also have a thicker shell and membrane, which can take some getting used to. Baking. To hard-cook duck eggs, place them in a pot, cover them with cold water, and bring to a boil over high heat. You just solved several mysteries for us . Fascinating, I thought, and wondered if this was due to mineral content: more copper in the white, more iron in the yolk, perhaps? This method — which does not involve boiling the eggs at all, hence my borrowing Julia Child’s term "hard cooked" — gives tender whites, fully-cooked yolks with no greenish tinge, and no sulfury smell. Hard Boiling for picnics and packed lunches. I prefer mine fried in bacon fat, but butter is fine. Once you get them frothy, however, they beat up fairly easily. As soon as the water boils, remove the pot from the heat and let stand 12 minutes for large eggs. Thank you! This will give more tender whites. Hi Sara, sara @ farmingfriends. Meet the animals and harvest the information without getting your hands dirty! If you don’t eat them immediately, store them in a bowl in the refrigerator, covered with water. All content copyright ©2002–2018 by David Walbert unless otherwise noted. Some pastry chefs argue against baking with duck eggs lest they unbalance finely calibrated recipes, but I have found few recipes to be as finely calibrated as their authors often believe. Your video and photos of the fox are amazing. I have acquired repeat dedicated duck egg customers because according to them, I am the only one that ships duck eggs very fresh, and sad to say, in the past other shippers have sent them half bad duck eggs.I hope this informaion helps you! Call (888) 218-2466 or email us for an online tour. Yes cake making with duck eggs is good – my blueberry muffins are tasty! sara @ farmingfriends, Hi Topveg,