Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York, USA. In Canada the summer range extends from southeastern Yukon to Nova Scotia. Females show fainter necklace than males. It usually stays in the understory, feeding in the bushes or on the ground. Canada Warblers are relatively uncommon as their populations declined by 62% between 1970 and 2014, according to Partners in Flight. Blue-gray above and yellow below with distinctive yellow spectacles and necklace of black streaks. New World Warblers(Order: Passeriformes, Family:Parulidae). A colorful, energetic warbler of northern forests, the Canada Warbler spends little time on its breeding grounds. In winter the Canada warbler's range extends from Guyana to northwestern Bolivia around the northern and western side of the Andean crest. The global population of this bird is around 1.5 million birds. Spiffy warbler found in boggy areas. 2017. This warbler received its name from its discovery in Canada, where the majority of its breeding range occurs. During migration they forage and rest in shrubby areas in parks, woodlots, and along forest … Eighty-five percent of the global breeding p… The Warbler Guide. Females select a spot on or near the ground within areas of dense shrubs, ferns, or rhododendrons. Range. Reitsma, Len, Marissa Goodnow, Michael T. Hallworth and Courtney J. Conway. The Sibley Guide to Birds, second edition. During migration and on the wintering grounds though, they flock with other species including Wilson's Warblers, Tufted Titmice, and American Redstarts. USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD, USA. One of the longest-distance migrant warblers; winters in South America. Typically found in low vegetation, especially wet woods and thickets. Photo of Canada Warbler, range map, song, identification tips, and further information Known by its necklace of short stripes, the Canada Warbler is a summer resident of moist, shady woods in the East. Canada Warbler Cardellina canadensis. Legs are pale orange. They are a Yellow Watch List species with a declining population and a Continental Concern Score of 14 out of 20. Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis), version 2.0. Link (2017). Longevity records of North American birds. Canada Warbler Cardellina canadensis Range map Data provided by eBird. Brown-headed Cowbirds frequently lay eggs in Canada Warbler nests. Range: Found mainly in mixed deciduous-coniferous forests across Canada. In The Birds of North America (P. G. Rodewald, editor). Extensive browsing of understory vegetation by white-tailed deer has altered the forest understory, eliminating the shrubby component Canada Warblers need for nesting. Females weave together grass, leaves, plant down, moss, and strips of bark to make a bulky and loosely constructed cup-shaped nest. Sometimes hard to see in this dense cover, it is not especially shy, and a patient observer can usually get good looks. In the United States the range extends from northern Minnesota to northern Pennsylvania, west to Long Island of New York. Canada Warblers breed in mixed conifer and deciduous forest with a shrubby and mossy understory often near water. The current estimated global breeding population is 3 million. Population declines are likely due to changes in forest structure, forest management practices that reduce understory vegetation, and loss of forested wetlands. They also grab flying insects in the air, a foraging strategy called flycatching or hawking. Occurrence. The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Results and Analysis 1966–2015. They may form a monogamous bond during the breeding season, but many also seek out extra-pair copulations. Range: Breeding. It is one of the last warblers to arrive north in the spring, and one of the first to leave in the fall to return to its South American wintering grounds. They frequent forest slopes filled with rhododendrons in the southern Appalachian Mountains, aspen and popular forests in Canada, and forested wetlands in the central part of their range. This map depicts the range boundary, defined as the areas where the species is estimated to occur at a rate of 5% or more for at least one week within each season. Logging practices that thin understory vegetation may also reduce nest-site quality. One of the longest-distance migrant warblers; winters in South America. In Canada, where approximately 80% of the Canada Warbler’s global breeding range is located, it breeds in all provinces and territories except Nunavut and Newfoundland and Labrador. Vital Signs. Princeton University Press, New Jersey, USA. Canada Warbler Cardellina canadensis. Occurrence. A. and A. S. Love (2016). If a female is disturbed while on the nest by a predator or human, she may feign wing injury to distract the predator, chip loudly, or become agitated. The Cornell Lab will send you updates about birds, birding, and opportunities to help bird conservation. They tend to stay in the lower canopy and understory, foraging alone or near their mate. The Canada Warbler has a fairly large range of almost 3 million square kilometers. Version 2.07.2017. In Canada, the Golden-winged Warbler range extends from Saskatchewan to eastern Ontario and southwestern Quebec; the national conservation rank for the breeding population in Canada is Apparently Secure (N4B) (NatureServe 2014). It also breeds in a disjunct area of the southern Appalachian Mountains in eastern Tennessee, western South Carolina and extreme northern Georgia. Nests on the ground. Version 2016.1. Canada Warblers quickly hop between understory trees and shrubs often while flicking their wings and cocking their tail. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY, USA. Pieplow, N. (2017).


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