Key words: Cauliflower, Crop duration, Curd yield, Temperature, Weather mong different vegetable crops, cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. The cauliflower crop is grown fro m seedlings raised in nursery beds. The temperature … 10/kg cauliflower … Wiebe ( 1984 ), in par­ticular, commented on the unusually hot summer of 1983 in the south of Germany where curd initiation in the summer cauliflower was delayed by several weeks. Temperature. The average price a farmer can get is Rs. Hollow auger was used to collect root samples from a depth of 0–45 cm. Duration of Cauliflower crop is 90-120 days. Favourable Climate. Expectation. Cauliflower requires even moisture, so don’t let it dry out. Increases in crop duration after sudden periods of unusual high temperatures are frequently seen in com­mercial cauliflower production, causing recurring pro­blems of continuity in supply. 27. To increase moisture retention, make a narrow moat around each plant by mounding soil up in a ridge around it. 100-120 days after sowing. Cauliflower curd initiation temperature Optimum -15.5°C Crop duration Crop duration steadily declined from about 140 days down to about 90 days as the sowing date advanced from late February (calendar day 55) to early May (calendar day 130). Expected Duration. 80-100 Quintal/acre. Expected Income (Rs) 81,000. Mix some mulch into this soil ridge to further aid in moisture retention, protect delicate roots, keep the ground cool, and inhibit weed growth. Cauliflower. Climate. Cauliflower cultivation in 1 acre requires 300 – 350 gm/ acre of seed rate. The optimal temperature range for cauliflower is between 65 and 68° F. It is extremely sensitive to unfavorable conditions, such as unusually hot weather, drought or too low temperature, which often result in the formation of premature heads or curds. Heavy rains, cloudy weather at the time of curd formation is harmful as it affects the head quality. Expected Expenditure (Rs) 45,000. The biometric properties such as LAI and RLD were observed for the entire crop duration starting from initial to maturity stage at an interval of 25 days. The less you weed, the better, as the roots are shallow and fragile. Cauliflower is a cool-season crop requiring more exacting temperature for quality production than its relatives. High temperature leads to yellowing of heads. The biometric observation of cauliflower crop was taken from centre rows of the treatments to avoid edge effects. However it can yield up to 15,000 – 20, 000 kg cauliflower heads per acre based upon the variety you chose to cultivate. Expected Harvest.


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