The expression for Ka is written by dividing the concentrations of the products by the concentrations of the reactants. Although the videos are 30 minutes long, these, too, are accessible to be watched in sections or in other non-traditional ways. Partial pressures may also be substituted for concentrations in the ICE table, if desired (i.e., if the concentrations are not known, \(K_p\) instead of \(K_c\) is desired, etc.). If the flow of electrons during a redox reaction can be controlled, energy can be stored inside batteries for later use or the surfaces of metals can be electroplated. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 17. The concentration of hydrogen in the palladium depends on the pressure of H2 gas applied, but in a more complex fashion than can be described by Henry’s law. Nuclear decay 16. Videos (especially the demos), interactive labs, and course readings are a rich resource to reinforce key concepts. To achieve these learning goals, the course is built around the following objectives: Chemistry is a large field with many branches and subspecialties. It will dissolve in an unsaturated solution, remain apparently unchanged in a saturated solution, or initiate precipitation in a supersaturated solution. Since every component of the course is also designed to stand alone, learners do not need to use all of the materials or access them in any particular order. Catherine L. Drennan Buffers 4. The contributions to atomic theory of Dalton, Proust, Lavoisier, as well as those of the Arabic scientist, Jābir ibn Ḥayyān, who died in 803 AD, are discussed. Production Team: Course materials were developed at the Science Media Group, the media production unit of the Science Education Department at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, a member of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Explain. Immediately after opening, the beverage, therefore, contains dissolved CO2 at a concentration greater than its solubility, a nonequilibrium condition, and is said to be supersaturated. At different lab, scientists are mimicking the process of photosynthesis to convert the Sun’s energy into storable chemical energy. Navigation and search tools provide easy access to content either by individual learners or by facilitators using the materials as a stand-alone course or as a way to extend and augment their existing course offerings. Christopher Morse He has authored two books, “Quantum Mechanics in Everyday Life” and “The Equations of Chemistry,” for the advancement of science education. Buffers. Think one of the answers above is wrong? Calculate its molarity. One solution is to get answers to chemistry questions online. \(\ce{Fe(NO3)3}(s)⟶\ce{Fe^3+}(aq)+\ce{3NO3- }(aq)\). What volume (in ml) of 4.35 M HCl solution is needed to react with 18.5g of CA(OH)2, When CaCO3 is used as a standard for a strong acid, it is necessary to dissolve it in an excess of. Describe how you would prepare 1 L of a 2 M solution of acetic acid. After earning his Ph.D. at Colorado State University and starting his academic career in environmental analytical chemistry, he redirected his attention to chemistry teaching and learning. Her research area of interest is in medical chemistry and structural biology and, in addition to a full-time teaching career, she continues to pursue research collaborations with colleagues from UMB and Boston University. Unless otherwise noted, LibreTexts content is licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. For some problems like example 2, if x is significantly less than the value for Ka, then the x of the reactants (in the denominator) can be omitted and the concentration for x should not be greatly affected. Acid-Base Reactions 3. The course zeroes in on essential topics that are generally taught in introductory chemistry, providing a strong foundation for learners to pursue further study in science or a liberal-arts education. Dr. Finkelstein’s research focuses on studying the conditions that support students’ interest and ability in physics—developing models of context. He is also involved with multi-disciplinary teams that closely support the development of products through the clinical trial stage to approved medical products. It is loosely based on the historical development of chemistry ideas in a sequence that would be applicable to a one-semester introductory chemistry course, with materials designed for maximum flexibility for different users. Mr. Song graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a degree in chemistry and molecular and cellular biology in 2010. This study of thermodynamics can lead to predicting how chemical reactions will proceed or how much energy is required or released during the reactions. For these learners, the search tools and the navigation of the website can help them quickly locate sections of interest. On-Camera Hosts: On the site, there are thirteen separate units, whose sequence roughly follows the historical progression of the field from prehistoric cave paintings to modern materials. Ionic/Covalent Bonds 12. Her current efforts focus on recruiting and preparing future STEM teachers, and chemistry teachers in particular. Whether solids, liquids, or gases, solution chemistry is important because most chemical reactions, whether in the laboratory or in nature, take place in solutions.


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