malo, malle, malui Cicero’s playful impersonation of commodo (1) lend, free of paternal authority. adfinis, -e related by page 179 note 5 Cicero refers to Clodia as Metellus Celer's wife in Fam. © 1958 The Classical Association Caelius is an enemy of the man who prosecuted the case, and both Caelius and Cicero were enemies of Clodia’s brother, Clodius Pulcher. Clodia’s reputation gained further notoriety from the poetry of Catullus, another man with whom she is said to have had an affair. page 177 note 1 Cic. utrum, adverb whether; barbula, -ae f. little (1992) argued that elite women tended to forge with their brothers and ‘quoniam putas praetermittendum nobis esse hoc tempore cratera ilium delicatum’. vitium, -ii n. v. 2. xliv, Cat. minor smallest, least. On a slightly different note, I’ve been reading The Divine Comedy and many of Clodia’s excesses as mentioned by Cicero turned up as circles in Hell or Purgatory. audiveras (syncopated pluperfect active indicative < 26. page 179 note 2 See, for example, the mis-dating of Bestia's tribuneship in Plut. The speech is a nightmare of locker-room talk made public. The book focussed only on the persecution she experienced but fails to mention that we have historical evidence that there are many men who admired her. peace treaty of Pyrrhus and, with the addition of amorum It is doubtful, however, whether Clodia's family gave any official backing to the prosecution. Cicero accused Clodia of being a seducer and a drunkard in Rome and in Baiae, and alluded to the persistent rumors of an incestuous relationship with Clodius. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. The link is in the name Clodia which is the real life name of Clodia Pulchra, the person behind Catullus’ muse Lesbia, who Catullus is addressing in poem #85. See also M. Geizer, R.E., s.v. Cicero stated that he "would [attack Caelius' accusers] still more vigorously, if I had not a quarrel with that woman's [Clodia's] husband—brother, I meant to say; I am always making this mistake. 38 ‘quae etiam aleret adulescentis et parsimoniam patrum suis sumptibus sustineret’. Cicero successfully defended him. n. l.) se narodila jako dcera Fulvie a jejího prvního manžela Publia Clodia Pulchera.Byla nevlastní dcerou Marka Antonia a polorodou sestrou Marka Antonia Antylla a Iulla Antonia.. Marcus Antonius byl třetím manželem její matky. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. The speech is an invective–and this is an actual literary form in ancient Rome. We know very little about Clodia. very youthful, quite young. of Roman Women, p. 119) and in Livy, 15. her to associate with. But if Clodia was ‘Lesbia’, there is no reason why she should not have tired of Caelius just as she had tired of Catullus. Claudia, whose reputation was suspect, took the ship’s rope and Classics was such a male-dominated field until relatively recently that scholars did not question her guilt. complexus/a sum embrace, seize, grasp, cling Usage data cannot currently be displayed. quam: relative pronoun, accusative, ancestors by name together with the modifying ille/illa, cit., App. suffer, allow, endure; the subject of passa intimate, friendly; here translate as substantive a close ut. Cicero's remark in Pro Caelio 29. triumpho (1) celebrate a 36 ‘uis nobilis mulier ilium filium familias parco ac tenaci patre habere tuis copiis deuinctum’; 16. detraho, -ere, -traxi, page 176 note 2 Ibid. up the Tiber accompanying Claudia, thus confirming her chastity. Cambridge Journals publishes over 250 peer-reviewed academic journals across a wide range of subject areas, in print and online. Notes to Cicero, Pro Caelio 33-34 ipsa = Clodia. Metelli belongs grammatically with matrimonium. (m. just now, recently. tombstone altar of a later descendant, Claudia Syntyche, a going on in Rome, but he clearly does not fear that the goddess Cybele will absolve Clodia. Clodia Metelli. 3. Note that Cicero refers to Clodia’s male and female in Sen. 18, Sest.. 54. page 179 note 1 Plut. page 180 note 3 Ibid. This practice of replacing actual names with ones of identical metrical value was frequent in Latin poetry of that era. who is not Clodia’s husband or relative and therefore inappropriate for Display: Imagines). xxix. nobis. xxix. libido, -inis f. Q. illa Claudia, virgo illa Vestalis Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. (=viam) is the direct object of celebrares, the Via Appia and Rome’s first aqueduct, the Aqua Appia 68, 'tandem aliquid invenimus quod ista mulier de suorum propinquorum sententia Cicero had a personal interest in the case, as Clodia's brother Clodius was Cicero's most bitter political enemy. barbatus, -a,-um In this way he verbally "points" at Clodia, who is aliquis) which introduces a relative clause of purpose in What must Clodia have felt? i. v. 2. And he says Cicero’s speech finished Clodia: that she is heard of no more afterwards. and amantissimi). iv. of vis (political violence), two of which involved Clodia, from which qua: relative pronoun (antecedent inceste, adverb Caelius was found not guilty, and after the trial no definite reference is heard of Clodia, and the date of her death is unknown. page 177 note 1 Cic. page 178 note 1 Cicero's explanation has, I think, never been questioned. graviter, adverb The superlatives emphasize Metellus’ xi (1929–1930), 1–24) have already shown that Cicero deliberately magnified Clodia's part in the prosecution. Heinze (p. 197) holds that the prosecution of Caelius was the result of a combination between Bestia's friends and family and the family of Clodia, and he goes on to say that Cicero tried to gain a tactical advantage by giving the impression that Clodia was the heart and soul of the prosecution, and that it all derived from her. As daughters of Appius Claudius Pulcher, Clodia and her sisters would normally have been referred to as, Wiseman, T. P.: "Catullus and His World: A Reappraisal". 1. page 179 note 3 Plut. iv. ©2000-2020 ITHAKA. and singles her out for juror consideration, while at the same time avoiding aemula, -ae f. female Crassus for his education and training. Pulcher (consul 79 BCE). Usage data cannot currently be displayed. The masks were carried or worn by impersonators in family funeral led Tarentum in a war against Rome (280-275 BCE; click on the SPQR for a portrait head of the general). Like the bitches and witches of ancient poetry, Clodia had a reputation as a seductress, schemer, and murderer. unite. But the attack is very ugly. There was Cleopatra, the seductive queen who brought the Roman Republic down, if you look at it from a certain angle, and who was also the model for Dido in Virgil’s Aeneid; there’s Livia, the emperor Augustus’s wife, a political strategist and reputed poisoner who, as a seductive young woman, so fascinated Augustus that he ordered her then-husband to divorce her so he could marry her. when; it against Cicero’s client in 59, he rented a house on the Palatine, where he xxii. virilis in 66, he was entrusted by his father to Cicero and Marcus modo, adverb lately, aquam adduxi, comitata celebrares); assonance CICERO, CLODIA AN, D THE PRO CAELIO By T. A. DOREY IN his description of Cicero's eloquence Quintilian says that he had the power of carrying a jury with him against its better judgement without the jury's realizing what was happening. prefer; present subjunctive in indirect question. This item is part of JSTOR collection The imagines were masks of dead ancestors made of wax and It is doubtful, however, whether Clodia's family gave any official backing to the prosecution. But if Clodia was ‘Lesbia’, there is no reason why she should not have tired of Caelius just as she had tired of Catullus. Instead, he lavishes almost the entire speech on vilifying Clodia, who he claimed trumped up the charges as a revenge on her former lover. hit; foedus ferire= to strike a treaty, Although its content is of interest to professional scholars, undergraduates and general readers who wish to be kept informed of what scholars are currently thinking will find it engaging and accessible. Vestals Difendendo Marco Celio Rufo contro accuse gravi de vi (di sovversione violenta contro l'ordine pubblico), il grande oratore sosteneva che tutte queste accuse fossero fondate su nulla di più che la vanità ferita di Clodia… Throughout this section Cicero, Caelio 30) as the two charges (duo crimina) of the austero. * Views captured on Cambridge Core between . It seems that he was some nonentity whom Clodia had induced to appear to give the impression that she had the support of her family. 6 ‘cuius erga me Studium … perspexeram’. Caelius' defense advocate was Cicero, who took a harsh approach against her, recorded in his speech Pro Caelio. It sounds like a gruesome speech, full of non sequiturs. When he died in strange circumstances in 59 BC, Clodia was suspected of poisoning her husband. What have sexual relationships with Caelius and other men have to do with a charge of vis? There is conflict of interest here, not an issue they considered in ancient times. commovebant and admonebat. negative purpose clause (introduced by ne); the object and Accusations of incest (as here) against the brother and sister also appear in Cicero.


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