Everybody is always looking at their electronic devices. Decade long home homeowners policies being cancelled by the hundreds up here!!! Can you have Thanksgiving during the COVID-19 pandemic? Estimates range anywhere from zero to 50% additional snowfall, Friedrich said. Treachery at its peak on Earth Day. Heavy aerosol spraying in Yuba County, California again. Sigh… hope you’re surviving so far. The content is provided for information purposes only. Silver and silver compounds have a relatively low rate of toxicity, and watershed concentrations would be extremely low because small amounts of silver iodide are used. In this video you can see the nasty haze the day of heavy chemtrailing has left behind. Silver iodide is used for the active seeding agent, supplemented by dry ice if aerial seeding is done. The design of the program may change each year to reflect watershed and hydrologic conditions. There were thunderstorms in the vicinity that day, and Nick Nauslar from the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho, says that outflow from a separate dry thunderstorm moved over the fire, resulting in a wind shift and stronger winds. A video of an operational AHOGS and air seeding event can be viewed below by clicking on the photo. Get weekly and/or daily updates delivered to your inbox. Educate, pray and make change. L.A. outdoor dining ban survives challenges as COVID-19 outlook worsens. abundant in moisture but limited in condensation nuclei. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. But the group's findings could get scientists closer to being able to make those cost-benefit calculations. The Thanksgiving eve evictions came as activists argued that government officials had failed to provide shelter to keep people safe during the pandemic. ?✈☁️☁️?☁️☁️??? R653. Skies turn a light gray, not white from moisture, but a silvery gray. Stores are once again limiting how much toilet paper and cleaning supplies customers can buy, as the third wave of COVID-19 infections ramps up and lockdown orders return. or, by University of Colorado at Boulder. But by mid afternoon, with all of the heavy sky activity going on, this is what we were left with. Man made clouds, aka chemtrails expanding and taking over the West Coast sky. Then tonight as the sun set although pretty there were too many to count. Aerosol pilots: please do the right thing and stop poisoning the people of this countryside. The company charges from $500,000 to $20 million for a cloud seeding operation. For example, a fire on the middle or upper slopes of a mountain will probably remain active throughout the night because there is usually drier air and stronger winds above the inversion. L.A. County recorded over 6,000 new cases, also a record. Homeless families sought shelter from COVID-19 in vacant homes. While walking home this morning I noticed heavy activity above. area. And he said it could make a big difference. Trails that were lingering and trails in progress. Several airplanes at high altitudes crisscrossing, leaving clouds, making circles, flying back to back and basically covering the skies over Oakland, California and the entire San Francisco Bay Area. It was January 2018– pre Covid– according to our current understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time and we'll never share your details to third parties. This forms a pyrocumulus cloud. Added snow removal costs in mountain counties. So the fire is weaker at night because of increased relative humidity, and the air being pulled into the fire is cooler. affiliate private CO. Because the government is not supposed to spray the skies with chemicals. However, additional research of weather modification is needed and funding for such studies is always a challenge. We’re getting a lot in Central Texas too! Earthquake: 3.3 quake reported near Palmdale. "If we hadn't seeded these clouds, they would not have produced any precipitation," Friedrich said. My husband and I awoke before 6:00am this morning. These toxic metals in the air will damage you and destroy the forest and the air you breathe. OaklandMofo was born in Oakland in 1979 and raised here his entire life. Winds at the surface can be strong or erratic as a result. The To date, there has been no complete and rigorous study of current cloud seeding projects in California, although some studies of individual projects in the past years have shown increases in runoff. particles of dust or dirt in the atmosphere. Perfect for running, jogging etc. Cloud seeding programs are conducted throughout California and are common throughout the world. 7. Report from KSLA News 12 in Louisiana. We’re breathing all of those particulates in. But for three days early this year in Idaho's Payette Basin, that's just what Friedrich's team did, monitoring three attempts at cloud seeding from start to finish. Another potential area of interest to California is wintertime cloud seeding to augment Colorado River supplies, a key source of imported water for Southern California. 2020 State of California. By using our site, you agree to this. “Given these conditions, fires are more frequent, they’re larger and they burn hotter,” Patzert said, “so we can expect these ominous pyrocumulus clouds to become a more common threat in a fire season that has expanded to include all twelve months.”. What you do — how we ALL act in the next six weeks — will make the difference between an inconvenient fall and a disaster that will take years to overcome. spreads out and sticks around becoming a huge haze cloud cover and eventually falling to the ground over the course of the day creating a really hazy low visibility evening. One that was prettty long. Heavy spraying of unidentifiable aircraft over Yuba County again. People are much more angry and confused and grumpy on spray days. The practice of precipitation enhancement in Santa Barbara County has proven to be a cost effective and positive addition to water resources management goals and objectives.


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