10 March - 16 March. Yellow delight: Early maturing variety. The plant is 58cm tall. First weeding should be carried 4 weeks after planting. Mainly irrigation is given twice a week in first month and then subsequent irrigations are given at weekly intervals. In vitro multiplication of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat and it is responses to NaCl induced salinity. Wilt: The symptoms are browning and yellowing of leaves which ultimately gets die. Proper pinching and disbudding should be followed for standard/spray chrysanthemum production. It belongs to “Compositae” family. It matures in 36 days. The flowers are 5.2cm in diameter. Yellow Charm: Belongs to Cinerarias category. Harvesting is usually done of fully opened flowers in the morning time. Winter Queen: Medium maturing variety which gets mature in 128 days. The plant has red color flower buds which becomes attractive yellow in color when matures. Please enter your email address. Chrysanthemum Cultivation (Shevanti) Guide: Always use disease free planting material if they are grown on larger scale. The plant is 64cm tall. Lost your password? Add fertilizer dose of Urea@160kg/acre, SSP@500kg/acre and MOP@133kg/acre at the time of last ploughing. Sauvadet MA, Brochard P,Gibod JB (1990) A protoplast to plant system in chrysanthemum: differential responses among several commercial … It gives 283flowers/plant. 2-3 hand weedings are required to keep the field weed free and for the proper growth of plant. Commercial Floriculture. He plans collaborating his agriculture, horticulture and farming knowledge into a subject of help to all those who wish grow crops, venture into farming or gardening. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In terminal cutting method, cutting of healthy plant is done in the 4-5cm above in the month of middle-April-end-June. Please check your email. Culture -soil requirement. Of some varieties you may only need a few, as they send up large quantities of thrifty cuttings. After cutting roots are treated with Ceresan@0.2% or Captan@0.2% and then are used for planting. Due to high popularity and demand for chrysanthemum it has become one of the first commercial targets for Micro propagation and thus tissue culture can be utilized for its large scale production. Powdery mildew: Caused by Oidium chrysanthemi. 3 March - 9 March. Well prepared land is required for Chrysanthemum farming. Seed rate: 14 April - 20 April. Use planting density of 45,000plants/acre. To control this disease, spray of Kerathane 40 EC @0.5% is given. Red loamy soil having well drainage system is good for Chrysanthemum farming. This variety doesn’t require training and pruning and doesn’t require support. You are currently offline. Basically this flower is native to Europe and Asia. Participants. Plant hoppers: If infestation is observed, then spraying of Rogor 30 EC @2ml or Profenofos 25EC@2ml/ltr. If infestation is observed, spraying of Rogor 30 EC or Metasystox 25EC @2ml/ltr. Description of Chrysanthemum Cultivation is very good. It is an important flower crop grown all over the world. Two to three hand weeding should be carried out for proper growth of the plant. The plant is 45cm tall. For control measures of these pests and diseases, contact floriculture department. The plant is 75cm tall and flowers have 90cm diameter which is uniform in color. Method of sowing: The best way to protect the flowers is to sleeve the flower bunch with a transparent plastic sleeve. Propagation and Planting in Chrysanthemum Cultivation:-Chrysanthemum plants are propagated vegetatively through suckers, terminal cuttings or by micro-propagation.Suckers: In this method of propagation, after flowering, the stem should be cut back just above the ground level.


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