Die einzelnen Tasten sind stattdessen in einer elektrischen Matrix aus Zeilen- und Spaltenleitungen angeordnet. [43] In 2009, Recep Ertaş and in 2011, Hakan Kurt from Turkey came in first in the text production event of the 47th (Beijing) and 48th (Paris) Intersteno congresses respectively. Nevertheless, it has been adapted as well for flat keyboards, with a compromise involved: a flat keyboard has a single, wide space-bar, rather than a space button as on Maltron keyboards, so the E key was moved to the bottom row. Inside ASCII Part 2; R. W. Bemer; Interface Age; June 1978; page 64. Premium Membership is now 50% off! Soviet computers didn't support Georgian keyboards. A computer keyboard consists of alphanumeric or character keys for typing, modifier keys for altering the functions of other keys, navigation keys for moving the text cursor on the screen, function keys and system command keys – such as Esc and Break – for special actions, and often a numeric keypad to facilitate calculations. For most consonants, the shift key selects between a "first series" consonant (unshifted) and the corresponding "second series" consonant (shifted), e.g., ត (dtaw) and ទ (dto) on the T key, or ប (baw) and ព (bpo) on the B key. Since Khmer has no capitalization, but many more letters than Latin, the shift key is used to select between two distinct letters. Using AltGr, only one or (if used simultaneously with the normal shift key) two additional letters with each key, whereas using a dead key, a specific diacritic can be attached to a range of different base letters. For example, in the chorded GKOS keyboard which has been adapted for the Google Android, Apple iPhone, MS Windows Phone, and Intel MeeGo/Harmattan platforms, thumbs are used for chording by pressing one or two keys at the same time. Some other layouts have also been designed specifically for use with mobile devices. Besides ĄŽERTY, the Lithuanian QWERTY keyboard is also used. An existing keyboard layout can be edited, and a new layout can be created using this type of software. [31] These intend to offer much of the reduced finger movement of Dvorak without the steep learning curve and with an increased ability to remain proficient with a QWERTY keyboard. Klapp- und Gummitastaturen werden als Ergänzung zu den bauformbedingt sehr kleinen Bildschirmtastaturen von PDAs und anderen tragbaren Tablet-Computern wie dem iPad angeboten. Function Key A special button on a computer keyboard that is used for a particular operation in a program. Neben der Belegung mit Buchstaben, Ziffern und Sonderzeichen verfügten manche Computer über Grafikzeichen, einige sogar über Programmiersprachen-Befehle (zum Beispiel in BASIC) auf der Tastatur. Außerdem sind die beiden Teile wie ein Schwalbenflügel in sich erhöht, und die Tastatur kann – optional – nach hinten abfallen, wohingegen „normale“ Tastaturen nach hinten ansteigen. In the keyboard charts listed below, the primary letters or characters available with each alphanumeric key are often shown in black in the left half of the key, whereas characters accessed using the AltGr key appear in blue in the right half of the corresponding key. Despite test results which show that…. The arrangement of symbols of specific language can be customized. Für Anwendungsfälle, in denen die Mobilität im Vordergrund steht, gibt es Klapptastaturen sowie flexible Tastaturen aus Kunststoff, die man einrollen kann. AZERTY-mapped, it installs as "Tamazight F" and can be used both on the French locale and with Tamazight locales. Heute sind die meisten Tastaturen elektronische Tastaturen. These are used for performing various functions. Es gibt Tastaturen aus Edelstahl, Aluminium oder anderen Metallen, die speziell für den Einsatz in rauen, verschmutzten Umgebungen oder in öffentlichen Räumen gedacht sind. layouts). So for the index finger, the position of second preference goes to the bottom row rather than the top row. This saves learning time for those familiar with QWERTY, and eases entry of Latin characters (with QWERTY) as well for Greek users.


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