Shockingly, I found this website which states that the prevalence of Trisomy 21 when the mother is age 40 is exactly 1 in 86 (go to website, go to PPV, type in your age and condition). X. I really don't want to worry about this for the next 6 months but know what I'm like! My husband and I decided to terminate, knowing it was the right thing for my family and my 3 year old son. According to the National Down Syndrome Society, a 35-year-old woman has approximately a 1 in 350 chance of conceiving a child with Down syndrome. Create an account or log in to participate. We have one perfect boy and we are very lucky. All rights reserved. The result had changed the risk to 1:100000. I dreamed about my baby all night. It’s flawed. Preliminary results come back in 3-5 days and we are getting the full chromosomal panel tested. The result had changed the risk to 1:100000. What do they test that’s different between the blood works and the NIPT? Other tests are maddeningly equivocal. Hub is 41. I guess my point is that these are only guides, they aren't conclusive tests. The best non-invasive "screening" test for Down syndrome that is currently standard of care identifies about 95 percent of affected fetuses. Just wondering if anyone at my age had such a low risk, or is there some sort of mistake? I wouldn’t be able to not continue with he pregnancy. We were so relieved to know baby is ok. I’d definitely recommend NIPT. PS I'm 35 - 36 two weeks today! For the fastest help on, More posts in "December 2012 Birth Club" group, Create a post in "December 2012 Birth Club" group, Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. I’m also concerned that by the time this happens and get the results I’ll be 18 weeks! What about you're baby,what does it feel like & when did you start?Nx. I am praying our baby is healthy and whole without Down syndrome, but the news is very hard to process. I don’t feel like anything has changed. I am just trying to justify the cost of a harmony test, at £400 to just confirm T18 and T13 which are lower base risk anyway, seem a bit much. My result for nipt was negative, we did the nt bloodwork after and my risk is 1:294 which they say is “positive”. Custom Website Domain Names, Counting Blessings During One of the Worst Years Ever, Ch. Then, I say, "What that means is that if there are 200 women in a room who are exactly the same age as you and have the same results, one of them is carrying a child affected with Down syndrome, and the other 199 are carrying normal children; it's just that we don't know whether you are the 199 or the one" (a glimmer of understanding). Certain time of day for ms = boy or girl?! It’s hard as I had the screening via an unltrasound last time and it was all within a week. It's not. This is very true [emoji4] my result wasn't as good as the others on here (1 in 165) but I will love me daughter either way xx, Wondering if you're experiencing early signs of pregnancy? The blood test used in Down's syndrome screening is also sometimes called serum screening. I went with the NIpT and it came back negative but I think if I were given information that there’s a higher chance of chromosomal abnormalities and hadn’t had the nipt than I’d go straight for the diagnostic to give me peace of mind. Wow! We were worried too and were offered amniocentesis or CVS, but instead paid privately for a NIPT which is a non-invasive blood test. But if I got another high risk result then I’d need it anyway. Good luck to you Mama! Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Get expert guidance from the world's #1 pregnancy and parenting resource, delivered via email, our apps, and website. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. Please flag if you think our product match is incorrect. Or even a one-in-two, depending on the mothers age? Thanks for the quick replies. I think I’ll have to speak with the hospital again today. If the screening test shows that the chance of having a baby with Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome and Patau's syndrome is lower than 1 in 150, this is a lower-chance result. I'm 36 so I though it was to do with my age. So We knew the risk was higher. This combines the result of the NT scan with the result of blood tests for PAPP-A and beta-hCG to give the risk of the baby having Down's syndrome. Still trying to make up my mind, That's a great result [emoji4] I'm 32 and my result is 1 in 165 they still class this as low risk (just) I'm 28 weeks now no signs of downs or anything has been seen thankfully x, I am going to jump on i was 1 in 595 at age 28 and my son has down syndrome x. I was 1 in 7900 at 25, and my baby has turned out not to have Down's syndrome. I'm older and my risk should in theory be lower than with DD2 but no3 is 1:46000 :). If you need to flag this entry as abusive, Raise the kind of person you'd like to know. The results were, "screen negative." Hubby and I had the genetic testing done at 12w because we had decided if baby was pos for anything bad we would terminate but that was just our choice. For example, you may find out that there’s 1 in 100 chance that your baby has it. For 25 years we have counseled our patients about risks and screening tests and invasive tests that carry the risk of miscarriage, and our patients are anxious and confused and frustrated. You may also be told that your results are "normal" or "abnormal," depending on whether they are below or above the cutoff for that particular test. I couldn’t imagine that. I know it is better not to let my mind run wild, but it is very hard to keep it contained. My combined 12 week scan and bloods came back with a NT of 3.1mm and high risk 1/42 for Down’s... I’ve taken 2 blood tests and both came back inconclusive but no indication of anything wrong with baby. reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. I am now pregnant again with a healthy baby boy. I am just trying to justify the cost of a harmony test, at £400 to just confirm T18 and T13 which are lower base risk anyway, seem a bit much. We respect everyone’s right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expect’s Terms of Use. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. This has cost us thousand of dollars but is WELL worth the peace of mind. I would 100% shell out for the NIPT. I’m thinking of returning to the hospital to ask more questions about this today. Then I say, "Another way to think about it is that your chance of having a baby affected with Down syndrome is about one-half of one percent" (the blank stare returns). We were given the option for the non invasive treatment but were told it would be £400 and I might need the amnio anyhow. The NIPT is SO much more accurate, it overrules the old school method. Hi With my first pregnancy I had a risk of 1/770 which was considered low risk but It resulted with a down syndrome pregnancy. There is the possibility that an amnio would offer a normal result but I knew I would terminate and that would have been so much harder at 16-17 weeks. Talked to a genetic counselor that basically told us the realm of what is possible. I've still not been round to my friends yet to borrow her hamster;-), Only files 8MB or smaller of the following types are supported: JPEG, PNG, GIF. You may also be told that your results are "normal" or "abnormal," depending on whether they are below or above the cutoff for that particular test. If it helps. I called them, but for some reason, they did not test T18 and T13 in my region, should I be worried about those 2? This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Worried sick of hurting my baby though doing this. But last time there was no issue. I'm also 36 and all of our tests have come back low risk, so 1 in 100,000. All I keep thinking is either way we will have a perfect baby. Our LO's NT measurement at 12 wks was 1.8 which I know is good so I was pleased but the hospital letter says that we have a low risk of downs and then gives the risk as 1 in 420. The new maternal blood test to diagnose fetal Down syndrome in pregnancy is getting a lot of buzz. Sending positive vibes your way, hope it’s just a false high risk result. The simple reason is that, like amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, the test speaks clearly: "yes" or "no."


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