Overwhelmed and Understaffed, Our National Wildlife Refuges Need Help. Sooty Grouse are usually found singly, not in flocks (except for hens with young), and are generally fairly wary. Usually leave nest within a day after hatching, and follow female; young find all their own food. If separated from her brood, hens give … The National Audubon Society protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. A large, dark forest grouse of inland regions of the western U.S. and Canada. This group, the "chicken-like" birds, consists of medium to large terrestrial birds. Although considered a non-migratory species, the Dusky Grouse does use different habitats at different times of the year. The population along the east slope of the south Cascades (subspecies D.f. Visit your local Audubon center, join a chapter, or help save birds with your state program. Both sexes have a pale gray band on their rounded or fan-shaped tail, however the band is more distinct in males. The Sooty Grouse’s rugged, mountainous habitat has helped protect it, although it is still vulnerable to habitat alteration and loss. While many bird species move from higher ground in summer to lower areas in the winter (a phenomena known as altitudinal migration), the Dusky Grouse does the opposite: It moves upslope in winter and downslope in spring. Sign up for ABC's eNews to learn how you can help protect birds, Dusky Grouse hen by Greg Homel, Natural Elements productions. Scientific Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Aves Order Galliformes Family Phasianidae Subfamily Tetraoninae Genus Dendragapus Scientific Name Dendragapus obscurus Quick Information … It's popular as a game bird—of all of North America's grouse species, only the two sage-grouse species are larger—but its yearly fall retreat into dense forest tends to limit hunting. Turkeys and chickens tend to get all of the attention. California quail. The song, which is both louder and higher-pitched than that of Dusky Grouse, is a series of six deep-toned hoots that can carry as much as half a mile. Common peafowl. Until recently, this and the Sooty Grouse were considered to make up one species under the name Blue Grouse. During late summer and early autumn, many Sooty Grouse move from open breeding areas to dense conifer forests at higher elevations; this altitudinal migration is typically a short distance, but can be as much as 30 miles, much of which is undertaken on foot. The song, which is both louder and higher-pitched than that of Dusky Grouse, is a series of six deep-toned hoots that can carry as much as half a mile. In breeding season, male gives deep song punctuated with short flights, wings fluttering loudly. The nests are usually a shallow slump in the ground, covered with dead undergrowth and body feathers. They have been seen nesting in open areas that have recently been burned and also in densely mixed coniferous forests. 0:00 / Sooty grouse (alarm call) alarm call. Our site uses cookies to collect anonymous information about your use of our website. In peak display, male struts with tail raised and fanned, neck feathers spread to reveal patches of bright skin. May increase after clearcuts, but then declines as these grow up; does very poorly in even-aged tree farms as compared to original old-growth forest. In summer, Sooty Grouse feed on the ground on leaves, flowers, buds, berries, conifer needles, and insects. Vaccinium, also known as blueberry or grouse whortleberry, is an important diet component for adult males in the fall. In Washington, separating them can be challenging in the zone where their ranges meet on the east slope of the north Cascades (see below). When the adult males leave the breeding grounds they generally move into the highest forest available, which has a vaccinium under story. Speak out against the Yazoo Backwater Pumps which would drain 200,000 acres of crucial bird habitat. Birds leave their breeding grounds by October and return by early April. Females will tend to the young, but will not feed them. Through winter, the Information Office is open 8:00 am–4:30 pm Mon–Fri. The young leave the nest within a day after hatching. Females stay in contact with chicks using a quiet tu, sometimes repeated. sierrae) lies along the east slopes of the south Cascades in southern Kittitas, Yakima, and Klickitat counties, from the crest down to the edge of the shrub-steppe zone. Pale buff, usually speckled with brown. Females give a quavering cackle or whinny to show interest to advertising males. Audubon’s scientists have used 140 million bird observations and sophisticated climate models to project how climate change will affect this bird’s range in the future. Just before breeding males also strut with tails raised and fanned, and the neck feathers spread, revealing patches of bright skin. Spread the love and learn about six other fowl. Bald Eagle. The darker the shaded area, the more likely it is the bird species will find suitable climate conditions to survive there.


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