Their kitchen garden also ensures the freshest vegetables; everything is grown or reared to organic standards. The idea behind Refurnish is not only help to protect the environment but to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. It’s inspirational to work so closely with our local community and fantastic to see the local children’s groups embracing the 3 R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle!’ - Chris Powell. The number of organisations, businesses and people that are striving for sustainability and more eco-friendly lifestyles is increasing. Eco and Earthy. Green Alliance was lunched in 1970 with main aim of ensuring that political priorities of the UK are determined within an ecological perspective. The PIG has thought about pretty much everything to ensure it has a minimal impact on the environment and maximum positive effect on the local community. Complex is dominated by two enormous enclosures which are home for many plants collected from all around the world. Energy saving has been high on the agenda for Hethersett Junior School in the last years. For pupils to really engage with Eco-Schools and feel proud of their achievements, the Eco-Committee needs to ensure the whole school is involved. Adcote is trying to introduce a new waste disposal system that will encourage producing less waste. The local artisans that brew Suma's ales use only 100% organic agricultural ingredients, and they don't use isinglass in processing so all Suma beers are vegan too. "Scrappies function is to collect worthwhile materials and to sort it, use it, make things with it, pass it on, or sell it to members. EcoTales began with the making of our five time award winning film “Gloop”, a twisted fairy-tale about the meteoric rise of plastic from its conception to its present day wide-spread use, and carries the message plastic NEVER goes away. If the issues that surround sustainability are not addressed, what hope is there for humanity and more importantly the planet that is our host? Can real words and expressions be good business names? Collier Primary School and Nursery has managed to raise capital for installation of solar panels in the school. ", "Landfill space is running out, incineration can lead to toxic fumes being released and we dump many items that still have useful life in them. Otesha is a community of people who see their lives as a powerful tool for environmental and social changes. During the past decades organisation worked with a growing network, NGOs and politics in order to increase support, stimulate new way of thinking and dialogue on environmental policy. ‘Maitreya’ means-loving kindness or universal love in Sanskrit – values that the Café reflects in its food. The menu is totally meat-free, with vegan and gluten-free options clearly labeled. It currently has 4 ongoing projects composed of the scrapstore, the creative outreach, the make and mend craft space and the shed. Greater Green . The school has devised an “Eco Code” which is put in every class to encourage eco friendliness to help in achieving the Eco School Green Flag. Well, I think there are decisions you take with your head, your heart or sometimes you do not quite know why you take them. It is not a style or fashion but an enduring set of principles that looks at all aspects of construction from site preparation through to reuse, recycling and reclamation. 'We're delighted to be recognized by Green Match UK for our schools programme the Pod. Earthlings. We use cookie to give you the best browsing experience. Green & Eco Finalist - UK Blog Awards 2018, Most Outstanding in Energy Efficiency Services, 80-83 Long Lane, London, EC1A 9ET, UK Researchers at the University of Liverpool have discovered innovated green products which are being commercialized on a global scale. The very walls of this house are built entirely of tightly packed soil that creates a … We aim to empower you with simple, direct information on green alternatives which make a real, lasting difference.Green Choices offers these suggestions and information on the basis of its own research and that of other reputable organisations.  @KeepBritainTidy. Member of the Eco Schools program, the school encourages others to take steps toward achieving sustainability. Earth Wise. Grow Green. Although many ask what difference can one person make, my answer to that is this: I would rather be part of the solution than part of the problem! Why you should consider retention when choosing a name for your business, 10 tips for creating a catchy business name. T.E.D, which stands for ‘Think.Eat.Drink,’offers ethically sourced, sustainable British produce served in an atmosphere of stylish informality. The Green Blue offers practical advices and help to everyone who wants to preserve the coasts and inland waters. She is currently working on her first novel. Alliance for Sustainability. How is that sustainable? Grain Store emphasizes being “veg-centric” instead of vegetarian. The restaurant was the pioneer of introducing a combination of Italian home cooking, seasonal ingredients, a casual atmosphere and also high prices of the sophisticated courses. We show on a daily basis HOW we are reducing our own landfill waste by highlighting the pitfalls and sharing our mistakes and successes! Eco Earth. Therefore, the school can now generate its own electricity. - Robyn Thorn, Education Programme Manager. I used words like “Grow”, “Nature”, and “Clean” to represent a healthy environment and a respect for environmental health. "At Boston Tea Party we take sustainability seriously. London restaurant Grain Store has been named Sustainable Restaurant of the Year 2013. This is another great step on the school's journey to becoming a truly sustainable school and inspiring others to follow the same path. EJF’s work is targeted and effective - their evidence of illegal fishing in West Africa has prompted arrests; they have secured action from the US State Department towards halting human trafficking and their investigative work into the Uzbek cotton industry led to governments signing UN conventions to end forced labour. ", The Juice Tonic’s priority is to use 100% organic products and supplements. I was not so good at seeing how the general environment, the one that six and a half billion people rely on, was changing and how everything is connected like a join the dots puzzle.". On this blog I share glimpses into my life with my husband and dog in the English countryside as well as my love of stationery, color, positivity and a peek into my life running the green gables. Many of the people we work with are disadvantaged, long term unemployed and in need of support to help them gain new skills and increase their confidence to enable them to move forward with their lives, and gain employment. Green Energy Nayland is a community enterprise with the goal of bringing renewable energy to the local area. Friday: 8:00am - 3:00pm. "I started up when I was looking for great sustainable designs for my two sons, and couldn’t find eco designs that were also practical and gorgeous. @StanwellSchool. Their ultimate goal is to prove that environmental consciousness and commercial reality can work hand in hand. If you’re stuck on words to use, try our business name generator. Clean Earth. Clean Harbors. Conventional products – fashion, food, even energy – are produced but completely ignore the planets’ limited resources. Your information is safe and will never be shared. As Green Register's focus is on Green Building, here are their thoughts on the issue. Thu… However, you can change your cookie settings at any time at the bottom of this page. We want to encourage consumers to buy responsibly made clothing and get away from the 'disposable fashion' that dominates our western society but importantly, has an often devastating effect on the environment and people who make it. The company had the priority to fund and support the minimization of waste in the local community as well as develop recycling projects for this cause.


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