The production of Amorphophallus muelleri (A. muelleri) in East Java is 6-10 t ha–1/year1 of fresh tuber. 0 %--Fat. Paul et al.2 reported that elephant foot yams are rich in minerals but poor in proteins. Elephant yam antioxidants make it a nutritious food to eat. Daily Goals. Results: The nutrient content of A. campanulatus flour included crude protein (1.126±0.101%), crude fat (1.173±0%) and crude fiber (3.447±0.142%). The tubers were cleaned, peeled, chopped to 7 cm in length, sun-dried for 2 days at 30-32°C and milled into powder. Although in the United States sweet potatoes are often mistaken for the elephant yam, the two are actually quite different, since they belong to two completely different plant families. Ridla et al.26 studied fermented Chromolaena odorata in rumen content and found that putak meal can reduce tannin levels. Despite all the beneficial health benefits, elephant foot yam has a few anti-nutrients such as oxalate and tannin (12). Tannins have a strong affinity for proteins and form protein-tannin complexes21, which have been reported to be responsible for decrease in feed intake, growth rate, feed efficiency, net metabolizable energy and protein digestibility22. Elephant foot yam is incredibly high in antioxidants (6). Vegetables are high in nutrients, very beneficial for all age groups, and help to maintain a balanced-diet and a healthy lifestyle. Nutritional composition: Elephant foot yam is wild crop in East Nusa Tenggara and its nutritional content is presented in Table 1. Yam is known to contain Diosgenin, a hormonal molecule that is currently being experimented for its potential anticancer effects. Eating elephant yam helps in increasing the estrogen levels in women’s bodies, thus helping in maintaining the hormonal balance. The tuber also contains anti-nutrient factors, such as oxalate and phytate. Consuming vitamin B6 provides relief from pre-menstrual syndrome in women. Purple yam is... Cocoyam or Taro Root is a perennial crop usually growing in tropical regions of the world. Studies have found that this compound is effective in protecting liver functions (5). The lethal dose of HCN for humans is between 0.5 and 3.5 mg for an adult, depending on body weight and nutritional status and is between 30 and 210 mg kg–1 body weight21, while the lethal dose of HCN for cattle and sheep is 2.0-4.0 mg kg–1 body weight11. In East Nusa Tenggara, this plant is not cultivated (i.e., it is a wild plant), which is the cause of its low productivity. Here are some of the health benefits which are derived from eating yams: Copyright © 2016 Mac Millan Interactive Communications, LLC Sign Up. It is a natural cure for constipation and irregular bowel movements. According to the described results, the elephant foot yam is a good source of minerals and has a high caloric content. Each vegetable offers different health benefits and … It also helps treat serious gastrointestinal disorders like persistent diarrhea and piles (10). Oxalic acid ingestion results in gastric hemorrhaging, corrosion of the mouth and gastrointestinal tract and renal failure16. It usually takes 3 to 4 years before the corms are harvested. Surati Surati - Elephant yam (suran) Serving Size : 130 g. 110 Cal. The scientific name of elephant yam is Amorphophallus paeoniifolius. The proximate and mineral compositions were determined according to the AOAC7 methods. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A phytate intake of 4-9 mg/100 g of food can decrease the Fe absorption by 4-5 fold in humans. Signs of cyanide toxicosis include labored breathing, excitement, gasping, staggering, convulsions, paralysis and death. Cooking and fermenting can decrease the oxalate contents of soybean and soybean products18. The tubers have been used as traditional food sources in Malaysia, Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia and India1-3 as traditional medicine1 and animal feed2. It's called elephant yam not because it's made from actual elephants, but because the plant looks like the foot of an elephant and it's actually quite large.Each vegetable offers different health benefits and has different culinary uses. Conclusion: These results revealed that A. campanulatus was high in mineral content but low in anti-nutrient content, so it can be used for food or feed. Therefore, adding it your regular diet may help manage diabetes. Nutritional composition: Elephant foot yam is wild crop in East Nusa Tenggara and its nutritional content is presented in Table 1. But a genetic study in 2017 have shown that Indian populations of elephant foot yams have lower genetic diversity than those in Island Southeast Asia, therefore it is now believed that elephant foot yams originated from Island Southeast A… Tannin levels can be reduced by fermentation processes. Phytic acid acts as strong chelator that forms protein and mineral compounds and is a common storage form for phosphorus in seeds21. The gross energy value was determined with a bomb calorimeter. • It has a cooling effect on the body, which is why it is good for people who suffer from hypertension. The mean anti-nutrient concentrations in the elephant foot yams in this study are provided in Table 2. Yam offers special health benefits to people with diabetes as it has a very low glycemic index. Hence, eating elephant food yam may help you lose weight. It is loaded with potassium, magnesium and phosphorous, as well as with trace minerals like selenium, zinc and copper. Good for weight loss. The elephant yam can be described as an edible tuber, which is one of the most widely consumed food crops, mainly in the tropical regions. In this article, we will find out its nutrition profile and some important medicinal uses. Hence, it’s advised to cook them thoroughly to remove these toxins (13). While consumption of moderate amounts of elephant yam should not lead to any side effects, it is always important to check with a doctor, before making it a regular part of a diet. ; It is also used as a slimming food as it is a low-fat food and lowers the cholesterol level and promotes weight loss. Elephant foot yam tubers contain P (34 mg/100 g), calcium (50 mg/100 g), vitamin A (434 IU/100 g)1, crude protein (2.14%), fat (0.46%), calcium (32.1 mg/100 g) and crude fiber (1.68%)5. Subsequently, Ca and Mg were assessed using the AAS (method 942.05) and P was determined using spectrophotometry method (method 965.17). Vohra et al.25 reported that chicks fed tannins at dietary levels of 0.64-0.84% and 1.0-2% exhibited depressed growth, egg production and an increase in the content to >3% caused mortality. Elephant foot yam or Suran is one of the most efficient medicinal plants. They are known for their valuable vitamin, antioxidant, and mineral contents and effectively repair and maintain the body.The elephant yam is an edible tuber and one of the important staple food crops in the tropics. This study reveals that the nutrient and anti-nutrient contents of the foodstuff like A. campanulatus indicate that this plant could serve as a nutritionally beneficial food-/foodstuff. The detected minerals included P (1443.33±34.185 mg kg–1), Ca (8535.76±543.75 mg kg–1) and Mg (1512.39±89.28 mg kg–1). Several low fat elephant yam recipes are easily available through online resources as well as recipe books. Therefore, it protects against oxidative stress, which helps prevent cancer. Paul et al.2 reported that elephant foot yams are rich in minerals, such as calcium (950 mg/100 g), phosphorus (934 mg/100 g) and iron (0.6 mg/100 g). Background and Objective: The nutrient and anti-nutrient compositions of a foodstuff affects its utilization as food or feed. Eating potassium-rich foods is one of the efficient ways to reduce blood pressure without medications. Health benefits of Elephant Foot Yam: 1. If elephant yam is cooked in the right way, it can be eaten without any fear of weight gain. First the samples were oven dried at 105°C to assess the moisture content (method 934.01), the Kjeldahl method, which consists of digestion, distillation and titration (method 990.02) was utilized to assess the crude protein (nitrogen×6.25) content and extraction in acid and alkali solutions (method 978.10) was used to assess the crude fiber. Elephant yam probably originates from India or Sri Lanka. The mineral contents, including calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and phosphorus (P), were measured by dissolving ash samples in acids (a mixture of HCl and HNO3).


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