In short, sustainable tourism development (STD) means that Exploitation of Resources, Direction to Investment and Orientation of Technology should be in consonance with the needs not only of the present but also of the future. Publish your original essays now. On the contrary, some of the deleterious effects not withstanding, tourism has also contributed to the protection of natural environment and cultural heritage; in particular to the restoration of historical and archaeological buildings, works of art. Sustainable Tourism Development contributes to human well-being while maintaining harmony with environment as it implies preservation and conservation of tourist resources; preservation of national heritage and conservation of natural environment. An understanding of the notion of ‘Sustainable Development’ gaining currency over the last two decades or so, central to all public discourse and public policy agenda is imperative to have a thorough understanding of the implications of eco tourism. Academics warn that like any other form of tourism, eco tourism attracts visitors to isolated and remote areas which often cannot sustain intensive human activities. As an ideal principle, tourism should be developed within the carrying capacity of the park and not at the cost of the park resources. Its advocates believe that it engenders a sense of need for environmental protection among local population once the latter realize conservation does not mean loss of economic opportunity. TOS4. World’s Largest Collection of Essays! Eco tourism relates to the quality of the environment and to ensure that the impacts from the activity are controlled comprehensively. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. We need to understand what is sustainable tourism means. Preservation and conservation of environmental qualities, recreation and education are, indeed, the core themes behind the development of national parks and reserves. Environmentally Sustainable Tourism Types & Importance Essay Competition- Paryatan Parva. An overall view of successful and sustainable tourism development calls for a synergistic relationship of community’s involvement, planning and technical assistance. The drive for the increase in tourism is based primarily on economic benefits, not on whether such levels of tourism are sustainable. Moreover, similar to mass tourism, many organizations controlling eco tourist flows are powerful transnational companies, allowing the destination only a minor part of income generated by it. The rather rapid and substantial changes in the nature of tourism and broad recognition of its inter-relationship with natural environment necessitate new paradigms to manage tourism development. Before publishing your Essay on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Also, alternative forms of tourism have been experimented with fair measure of success in some of the countries, under different titles, such as Green Tourism, Soft Tourism, Rural Tourism, Heritage Tourism, Cultural Tourism, Appropriate Tourism, etc., but the spirit behind them all is most humanising, and development of tourism sums up its basis (Shades of Green, 1990). Green tourism has also been termed as eco-tourism and sustainable tourism. Inskeep (1991) opines that tourism researchers and planners are increasingly recognizing that successful tourism development must sustain the community’s socio-cultural, natural and built environments as well as contribute to economic well-being. However, the critics argue that with the establishment of bio-diversity protection-cum-tourism conservation projects, people living in the area tend to lose their shelter and means of livelihood. In view of the socio- cultural impacts and the level of resentment created thereby, community’s participation in formulating, executing and monitoring the development plans is surely the best bet. Moreover, heterogeneity in destination systems is inherent as each destination is unique in itself. Green tourism is also being an environmentally friendly tourist itself for e. g. taking a leisure trip to a beautiful resort but also, in the processes, have the lowest impact on the environment where you are headed. The need at present is for quality control as tourism must be recognized as a valuable long-term renewal resource. To solve the problems such as the degradation of the environment and social milieu resulting from the increasing pressure of tourist traffic, appropriate development strategy for achieving environmentally sustainable tourism is the right choice. It is also agreed upon by environmental experts that the three elements, viz., political acceptability, social responsibility and sound environment with a perfect balance between quality and quantity, in tourism development/ promotion, can ensure quality tourism. The unprecedented development of tourism especially during the last quarter of the twentieth century has obviously evoked concerns about social, cultural and environmental impacts of tourism at the global level, in general, and at the national level, in particular. Could there be a way of alliance between the conflicting ‘target groups’ and policy enforcement organisations where communality and consensus of interests may lead to some kind of righteous tourism package that fits in the philosophy of Sustainable Tourism Development? Before publishing your Essay on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Published by Experts, Essay on Space-Odyssey as the Future in Travel and Tourism, Essay on Leadership: Introduction, Functions, Types, Features and Importance. On the contrary, the existing trend of mass tourism is obviously unsustainable. Content Guidelines 2. Thus, for different destination systems, different forms of tourism could be the futuristic strategy for ascertaining the ultimate, i.e., Sustainable Tourism Development. Gunn (1988) suggests four perspectives in this context, viz., those of the tourists, the developers, the providers of services, and the local resident community. Eco tourism, indeed, has the phenomenal potential as a tool for sustainable development. Hopefully, eco tourism can provide the local community with jobs, enabling a shift away from unsustainable practices such as over grazing, mining or logging in environmentally sensitive eco systems. Sustainable tourism is a positive approach intended to reduce the tensions and friction created by the complex interactions between the tourism industry, the visitors, the environment and the communities which are host to holiday makers. Nevertheless, eco tourism is regarded as a positive dimension of tourism involving minimum density, low impact activities taking place at natural sites of sufficient biological, cultural and geographical interest to tourists.


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