Google Scholar, 77. Valkonen JP, Keskitalo M, Vasara T, Pietilä L, Raman KV. In terms of yields, we therefore have a local–global dilemma. This applies not only to the germplasm itself but increasingly also to the various research tools that are used to process it. Biotechnology in Latin America: Politics, Impacts, and Risks. 2015;349(6245):238-40. Camb Q Healthc Ethics. This may be impossible in some cases, especially if ingredients have been imported from countries with no documentation requirements for gene editing. While these limitations must be acknowledged, one must also bear in mind the fact that the viewpoint of anyone, including a member of the lay public, will sharpen and change as a result of participating in discussions that approximate the ideal of discourse ethics. Labelling and consumers’ right to know are discussed in Section 11 (Labelling and Consumers’ Rights). The potential for ecologically based decline of the global food system would, on the face of it, appear to be an issue that relates to the first of these concerns. uuid:4cbbfbc0-7289-432d-8eda-6aa80ed88705 Breeding for public health: A strategy. The reason for this is that in spite of their pretensions of complete coverage, fundamental moral theories have surprisingly little to say on the practical problems to be dealt with in applied ethics. Washington, DC: USDA, 1995. New York: SUNY Press, pp. PubMed/NCBI Plant breeding is about as old as agriculture itself, that is, about ten millennia. (See Fox 1990, 1992, 1999; Verhoog, 1992, 1993). Malaysia Biotechnology Information Center: Selangor, Malaysia; International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA): Laguna, Philippines. Scenarios for global biodiversity in the 21st century. Krimsky, Sheldon, and Wrubel, R. 1996. Ethically valuable breeding goals, such as reduced environmental impact and higher nutritional value, do not seem to have sufficiently high priority in the breeding industry. Some of the first genetically engineered animals were very dysfunctional (see Rollin, 1995), and there continue to be questions about the health of cloned animals (though the evidence currently suggests that they do not have abnormal health problems). These two weaknesses are surprising in that social science research on agricultural innovation provided ample reason to expect that environmental impact and social consequences would be sources of controversy. It also provides a way of understanding how the expressed perceptions and concerns of the public can be developed into statements that are more clearly applicable to the real decisions that must be made regarding science and public policy (see Kettner, 1993). Hybridization as an Avenue of Escape for Engineered Genes. Genes and Essences. 2000;40(2):143-59. In my view there can be no doubt that the 1974 moratorium was justified, given the state of knowledge at the time. This kind of cost-benefit offsetting is ethically controversial in its own right, but the issues raised by uncertainty are quite different. Life-style choices that are not connected with religion, such as vegan and vegetarian food choices, are dealt with in the same way. Trust and Public Confidence. The Moral Economy of the English Crowd in the Eighteenth Century. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12:127-139. Generally speaking, risks are by definition undesired, and therefore a risk cannot be justified per se. See Durant, Bauer and Gaskell, 1998. Obligatory labelling makes it sure that all food products come with a text from which the consumer can determine whether or not it contains material from organisms obtained with certain biotechnological processes. View Article In: Valentine DH, editor. Emphasis ...Read More. Durbin and F. Rapp, Eds. It has been alleged that agricultural biotechnology may pose risks to wildlife in or near farm fields. One act of pulling the trigger may be heroic or forgivable while another is murderous, and an analysis of the consequences involved in either case may not be particularly sensitive to the difference between the two. 35. Again, this applies both to conventional and biotechnological breeding. None of the ethical issues discussed in sections 2 and 3 above depend on active political opposition to biotechnology for their definition or significance. Available from: This approach does require criteria for deciding when an alleged hazard is baseless, and "the best available science" is supposed to provide a risk based approach (discussed below in Section 4.1) to this problem. The Jubilee of the Agricultural World Address of John Paul II in 2000 mentioned that in agricultural production or in the case of biotechnology, it must not be evaluated solely on the basis of immediate economic interest but through rigorous scientific and ethical examination (Vatican, 2000). Even those committed to the belief that issues should be addressed from the perspective of weighing the trade-offs between risk and benefit that are associated with biotechnology should recognize that an alternative approach to risk issues exists. 85. Neuroethics for Fantasyland or for the clinic? PubMed/NCBI If some individuals would prefer so-called GMO-free products (products free of ingredients in which food and agricultural biotechnology have been used), a food system in which this option is available will better serve consumer preferences than one in which this choice is unavailable (see Sherlock and Kawar, 1990; Nestle, 1998). Similarly, two adherents of the same moral theory can disagree vehemently in practical moral issues since they apply it in different ways. 7. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration chose to interpret the animal health risk from use of rBST as consistent with that of existing practices, since there are other legal ways for boosting milk production. Accepting the need to understand and tolerate societal norms or beliefs, many statements of concern are often general and broad with little explanation about what makes them disagreeable or wrong. This should be seen as an ethical flaw not in the sense that anyone in agricultural research planning or evaluation wilfully acted unethically. From the standpoint of management, ethics weighs in on whether people must be informed and their consent obtained before they can become bearers of risk, and on how trade-offs between risk and benefit are to be evaluated.


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