All rights reserved. (Personalize this prayer today; make it specific to the circumstances that face you.) Write down a few notes about what you These devotionals will help parents learn more about the psalms as they teach their children about praise, prayer, and lament. 1 ” Psalm 131:3 Discouragement is something we’ve all felt. In some ways there isn’t much more to it than that, but a little background might help us think about this a bit more deeply. — Psalm 131:2 So many psalms are about battles, doubts, and trouble, or about thanks, joy, and praise to God in worship. My first-born would rather nurse than do just about anything the first 12 months of her life. One of the great streams of the Christian tradition that has been lost, especially in Protestant circles, is the monastic tradition. O Israel, hope in the LORD now and forevermore! So the olive oil (which, remember, is a good thing) is not just running down on Aaron’s head, it is running down on all of Israel. In your prayer, thank God for those times and for the times when he kept you safe as you traveled. There are places where the mountain goes up steeply on one side and the other side is a huge drop-off of up to 100 feet. But this psalm is different, much quieter. Creation, See God's love and power, his presence and purpose in your life everyday, Zephaniah 3:14-20 For David, the ultimate reality for where our hope is to be placed is in the LORD. Pray: Ask God to orient or reorient you to Himself. To be content means to be in a state of peacefulness. Too many believe they are more than they are. Before reading the passage, grab a pen and paper, find a It was just before he was captured and crucified, and it was time for him to really make his point. This makes a tricky and scary situation even worse. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). Read. Calling this route a “road” is not very accurate. You should not just be worried about how you are doing in your relationship with God; you also should be part of and participate in a community of faith. Devotional Reflections on Matthew 6:9-13 (The Lord... Devotional Reflections on Matthew 5:3-12 (The Beat... Devotional Reflections on Psalm 147 (part 2 of 2), Devotional Reflections on Psalm 147 (part 1 of 2), Devotional Reflections on Psalm 116 (part 2 of 2). Christianity, They are walking single-file (and not looking down). April 27- Psalms 131-135. Daily Devotions Daily, biblical encouragement to help you filter everyday life through the truth of God’s Word. Do your parents ever tell you to quit bickering and get along? Aaron, the person mentioned in this psalm, was a priest—and not just any priest. Redefining “King”, John 18:36-38 I can’t help but think about a cyclical synergy that is being built up in this psalm. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” And the secret was this: “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” Paul was confident in this truth; the truth he put his hope in! It can be summarized briefly: it is good when God’s people get along! When I think of oil I think of the stuff that we put in cars or lawn mowers or maybe the oil that I cook with. Because of its height, the peaks are snow-covered year round. It actually looks like it has three peaks. First, there is no way it can be commercialized. I’m sure that he did it the same way that David did—he quieted his soul. With a heart full of gratitude, we can rest complete in Him. Doctrine, No Comments. Loving one another is not only Jesus’ command, it is the best way for us to live. We can have hearts that are content. I've noticed that heaven and angels are popular themes for entertainment. Read more », Calvin Institute of Christian Worship It is also by the same grace that we have or have accomplished anything. Sometimes we forget that one of the greatest gifts from our heavenly Father is peace. Does your family do anything special when you travel long distances in the car? So many psalms are about battles, doubts, and trouble, or about thanks, joy, and praise to God in worship. This psalm is David's profession of humility, humbly made, with thankfulness to God for his grace, and not in vain-glory. It was only by God’s grace and mercy that David was blessed with all he had. Yesterday’s psalm led us to contemplate our The point here in the 131st Psalm is that ultimately when considering our soul and eternal life, there is no help other than Christ. Some synonyms for contentment are: satisfied, pleased, fulfilled, happy, cheerful, and glad. Subscribe to become a Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast Insider and get access to bonus content, journal prompts and more! Hope. Think of the many times we view circumstances around us - whether they are personal or global, and we think, "How can God let this happen; where is God? If not, what is keeping you from experiencing it? Remember how Samuel poured oil on David’s head when David was chosen to be king? Read the psalm again with the following in mind. The leader was subservient to God’s will and way. The promise here is that when I fall down and get hurt, or even cry out my frustration in a tantrum, God will be there to pick me up and say, “There, there; it’s alright.”. each day? Help us to act like your people to everyone we meet. In John 13:35 Jesus says, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Psalm 133 takes this simple yet profound sentiment and extends it through the use of two metaphors: oil being poured out on the head, as in anointing; and rich morning dew. eyes and be still for a minute. Why do you go to church? For me, I don’t find it difficult to pray or read the Bible; but resting in God is quite difficult. Being a good member of the community means that we have to consider the other people in our community. But we can figure out what these metaphors are meant to convey, and in these devotionals we try to do that. Resource Library Browse the Proverbs 31 archives for free content resources. This psalm is titled A Song of Ascents. That’s a question with a lot of possible answers, isn’t it? It is like a blessing of God is being poured over us and running down our heads. But that is supposed to be a good thing. Devotional Reflections on Psalm 131 Before reading the passage, grab a pen and paper, find a quiet place, take a few deep breaths and let them out slowly. None of us deserve anything, but because of God’s love and mercy, He often trusts us with more than we deserve. contentment in being held in God’s loving arms like a child being held in the Of all the things the angels could say in this very important announcement – perhaps the most important announcement ever – the angels talk about peace. – Psalm 119:114 Sometimes when life gets tough, we just need someone to have our back. She was not interested in crib toys, stuffed animals, blankets, the baby swing, a pacifier, or a bottle. Pray for others in your life that they, too, would know and love God today. April 30- Psalms 146-150. Book Group Reflection: Passion for Worship - How Do We Get It. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart and mind to God’s Word. Jesus brought peace. Thank you! Psalm 133 paints a picture of how good it would be if the dew from Mount Herman would also water Mount Zion so plants and animals could thrive there also. Be grateful and humble with what you have and what you have done. It is good to recognize how important God thinks it is that his people get along. There are no upcoming events at this time. Our family always celebrated when we cross state lines. later. Despite education, wealth, experience, or power, we disappoint our Heavenly Father and too often break His commandments. Synergy is simply two or more things working together in order to create something that is bigger or greater than the sum of their individual efforts.


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