Polski • 中文. S. J. Klippenstein, L. B. Harding, and B. Ruscic. Kotz, John C., Treichel, Paul, and Weaver, Gabriela. DE-AC02-06CH11357. Significant Digits • This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences under Contract No. Note that the table for Alkanes contains Δ f H o values in kcal/mol (1 kcal/mol = 4.184 kJ/mol), and the table for Miscellaneous Compounds and Elements contains these values in kJ/mol. Unit Conversions, Afrikaans • Get your answers by asking now. Given that 318 kJ of heat are released for each mole of Fe3O4 formed. B. Ruscic, R. E. Pinzon, M. L. Morton, G. von Laszewski, S. Bittner, S. G. Nijsure, K. A. Amin, M. Minkoff, and A. F. Wagner. Still have questions? what type of reaction is Na2B4O7.10H2O + 2HCl -> 2NaCl(aq) + 5H2O + 4B(OH)3. help needed for organic chem MC question? B. Ruscic, R. E. Pinzon, M. L. Morton, G. von Laszewski, S. Bittner, S. G. Nijsure, K. A. Amin, M. Minkoff, and A. F. Wagner. Stoichiometry • English • Alkanes • Reacting Fe(s) with H2O will not succeed in producing these conditions. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. Why does diethyl ether have the smallest dipole? My text book says that Fe3O4 is formed by Fe+H2O ...but on other sources(Internet) it is written that Fe3O4 can only be formed by FeO+Fe2O3..whats the actual matter.....plz answer fast. 5.1634413233e+017 The chief was seen coughing and not wearing a mask. Should I call the police on then? Equilibrium • The chief was seen coughing and not wearing a mask. -167.92 J/K     (decrease in entropy), From ΔGf° values: [], and was also used for the initial development of high-accuracy ANLn composite electronic structure methods []. Español • (ie. H =q/n. What is the IUPAC  What is the IUPAC name for ch3-ch2-c(double bond o)-ch3. Português • FeO has Fe in the 2+ state, and Fe2O3 has Fe in the 3+ state, so the conditions are satisfied. n = moles. So, the amount of energy released when 1 mole of Fe3O4 is formed is: 655.42 kJ/0.179 moles x 3 = -1100 kJ/mol. -151.10 kJ     (exothermic), [1ΔSf(Fe3O4 (s magnetite)) + 4ΔSf(H2 (g))] - [3ΔSf(Fe (s alpha)) + 4ΔSf(H2O (g))] DE-AC02-06CH11357. Gas Laws • All gases are assumed to be at STP. 1.118 of the Thermochemical Network (2015); available at ATcT.anl.gov. What is the enthalpy change of the balanced reaction of formation Fe3O4 from iron(II) oxide and oxygen.? [1ΔHf(Fe3O4 (s magnetite)) + 4ΔHf(H2 (g))] - [3ΔHf(Fe (s alpha)) + 4ΔHf(H2O (g))] What is the IUPAC  Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Silberberg, Martin S. Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change 4th ed. Also, called standard enthalpy of formation, the molar heat of formation of a … The Mole • You shouldn't "calculate" a standard enthalpy of formation. Radioactivity • what type of reaction is Na2B4O7.10H2O + 2HCl -> 2NaCl(aq) + 5H2O + 4B(OH)3. Русский • Favorite Answer. Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity 6th ed. Tagalog • B. Ruscic, R. E. Pinzon, G. von Laszewski, D. Kodeboyina, A. Burcat, D. Leahy, D. Montoya, and A. F. Wagner, B. Ruscic, Active Thermochemical Tables (ATcT) values based on ver. [], and was also used for the initial development of high-accuracy ANLn composite electronic structure methods []. For further reading and reference, list of sources can be found at the conclusion of each page. Use the interactive menu bar located above to get started. Kinetics • Acids and Bases • S. J. Klippenstein, L. B. Harding, and B. Ruscic. Measurement • Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. Note that the table for Alkanes contains Δ f H o values in kcal/mol (1 kcal/mol = 4.184 kJ/mol), and the table for Miscellaneous Compounds and Elements contains these values in kJ/mol. Nomenclature • Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. 1, 2] enthalpy of formation based on version 1.118 of the Thermochemical Network This version of ATcT results was partially described in Ruscic et al. 1 Answer. Answer Save. [1ΔS f (Fe3O4 (s magnetite)) + 4ΔS f (H2 (g))] - [3ΔS f (Fe (s alpha)) + 4ΔS f (H2O (g))] [1 (146.44) + 4 (130.59)] - [3 (27.28) + 4 (188.72)] = -167.92 J/K. At a pressure of 200atm, water's melting point is approximately what and its boiling point is approximately what? These tables include heat of formation data gathered from a variety of sources, including the primary and secondary literature, as well as the NIST Chemistry WebBook.


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