In a lot of ways, the Switch’s smaller screen hides some of the visual issues which might help in the long run. Granted, if the teams had endeavoured to recreate each and every background to better fit modern displays, Final Fantasy 8 Remastered would have taken far longer to produce – and would inevitably have commanded more than the £15.99 you’re currently being asked to part with. Key additions include a 3x speed boost, which sees you able to blitz through the many random encounters, and the option to turn them off entirely once you’re done with grinding. Final Fantasy 8 Remastered is exactly what it says on the tin – a remastered version of Square Enix's celebrated JRPG now available for PS4, Xbox One, PC and Switch. Where Final Fantasy 8 Remastered falls down is where Square Enix and co-developers Dotemu and Access Games haven’t enhanced the source material (or perhaps haven’t been able to). If you can look beyond the obvious imperfections, then the combat and party management systems, plus the gracefully unfolding – if at times ridiculous – story and world building, which are as strong now as they were 20 years ago, will reward patient players. Final Fantasy VIII Remastered finally released recently and while it does some things very well, it also is a step back even compared to the PS1 original in some ways. Boosters are a welcome addition But this time I may finally finish 7. No es nuestra intención profundizar mucho en el argumento del juego, intacto en Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, pero sí repasaremos las líneas maestras. If you haven't played it before, you’ve no excuse not to become acquainted with the world of FF8, even if the game is at times hard to look at on a 16:9 display. A diferencia de la temática de ecología y resistencia contra una megacorporación de Final Fantasy VII, en Final Fantasy VIII se potenció la parte romántica entre el protagonista Squall y la chica, Rinoa. Una historia noir de detectives pero con animales antropomórficos en lugar de humanos. It took Square Enix a long time (understandably so) to bring Final Fantasy VIII back, but given its historic status it deserved a lot better. Final Fantasy VIII Remastered on Nintendo Switch Review - Rated 5 out of 10 - Page 1. While I’m thinking wishfully, I guess this means that as Squall has now appeared on a Nintendo console, we’ll get to play as him again when Super Smash Bros: Turbo Mega Ultimate “This Is The Last One Now Guys, We Promise” gets released in 2028, right? Menus are sluggish Además la secuencia de invocación es fantástica, un auténtico espectáculo técnico y artístico en 1999… Pero se hacían muy pesadas tras muchas horas, y daban la sensación de romper el combate –pese a lo cual, FF VIII no es un juego fácil-. Frontier abre en consolas una experiencia con las mismas posibilidades que en PC que, tras una entrada abrupta, revela un juego completo y ágil. Como remaster toca lo mínimo, siendo casi apenas una conversión que mejora la resolución y un poco el aspecto de los protagonistas. Durante buena parte de la aventura Squall y sus compañeros lucharán contra una poderosa bruja, Edea, aunque la trama se enreda más con unas misteriosas visiones protagonizadas por un soldado llamado Laguna, la rivalidad con Seifer y el creciente interés del frío Squall por Rinoa. In lieu of Square Enix deciding to give the eighth Final Fantasy instalment the full Remake treatment (unlikely), I’ll take what I can get, kupo. El sistema tiene su gracia, pero en la práctica resulta un poco engorroso si deseamos optimizar al equipo. Switch Re:port covers the Nintendo Switch port/version of a game newly released on the platform. Eso es lo que propone Chicken Police, una aventura gráfica del estudio húngaro The Wild Gentlemen. Es algo que tarde o temprano los fans modificarán en la versión de PC, pero que Square Enix debería haberlo adoptado de manera oficial –justificando así la palabra Remastered-. Sprites have been given some welcome spit and polish, but the environments they inhabit have not. During the Square Enix Live event at this year's E3, it was revealed Final Fantasy VIII Remastered would be coming to the Switch and multiple other platforms. No obstante, como se puede comprobar en las imágenes, los fondos están intactos –con un ligero desenfoque para que no sean muy visibles los pixels-, las secuencias de vídeo delatan su baja calidad y el combate sigue funcionando a una tasa de imágenes un tanto baja. Learn more. Only the PC version throws in a few extra cheats, which will see you able to max out character stats and money. Olvida el uso de puntos de magia: aquí las magias se acumulan, y si posees 10 ataques Piro, significa que podrás lanzar diez magias de fuego. The big issues with this release are the blurred environments, sluggish menus, and the PC exclusive features not being on other systems.


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