Frequency is the cyclic pattern of scalar waves or standing waves. We can decrease the amplitude of Vibration by releasing the pendulum bob from a smaller height. Some of the common sacred geometries are known as the circle, cube, octahedron, star tetrahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron. The unit of frequency of vibration or oscillation of a vibrating object is hertz. Check out this great video and see how the sound changing the sand into sacred geometry using different speed/frequencies. In his experiment, Jenny added light-colored particles (colloidal suspension) into a droplet of water and charged it with frequency. Question 3 What is the relation between time period and frequency of an oscillating body? href="http... jordan: Thanks for informative blog. ​A repeated back and forth motion is called vibration. A microbiologist that did a great job of studying the relationship between frequency and health is Bruce Tainio. Unlike binary codes, the energy patterns of frequency can be in an on or off state simultaneously. It is these frequency signatures that allow your consciousness to differentiate an object from another object. Each time the tone reached a new octave, the sand particles would reorganize themselves into a different sacred geometry. One of the main energy forces responsible for creating sacred geometry is frequency, which is made of vibration and oscillation. Question 8 Define the term time period of vibration? If an object makes 10 vibrations per second, then its frequency will be 10 hertz. So to find the time taken by 1 vibrations we measure the time taken by a large number of vibration. Water isn’t the only element that can demonstrate how the creative power of frequency and vibration creates sacred geometry. Once the body’s frequency drops below 62 Hz, it becomes vulnerable to certain sickness. The speed at which energy contracts and expands is what determines the frequency rate of all things. Frequency is simply the speed at which certain energy and sound vibrate at, measured in hertz.. And many things vibrate at different frequencies, our body, the Earth, all living things including plants, minerals, animals all vibrate at different hertz frequencies. The time taken by one vibration or oscillation of a simple pendulum is very short and hence cannot be measured accurately. Frequency plays an important role for your health because your body depends on frequency to operate, just like how a central processing unit (CPU) needs frequency to work properly. As energy contracts and expands, it creates energy patterns that blink on and off. Question 11 What is the frequency of a vibrating body whose time period is 0.05 sec? When your body becomes sick, it is nothing than a disruption in the frequency patterns of your body. When a swing moves back and forth repeatedly, we say that swing is making vibration or oscillation. Question 6 How can we increase the amplitude of vibration? Perhaps that special person somewhere far away is still vibrating in sympathetic resonance with your heart. After learning about these interesting facts, Nikola Tesla’s famous quote about sound, frequency and vibration holding the secrets to the Universe begin to make a little more sense and evokes a lot more curiosity. Sound, Frequency, and Vibrations can Reprogram our DNA One other recent discovery made by scientists was how sound, frequencies, and vibrations have the power to program or reprogram our DNA. The time period of a pendulum depends only on the length of Pendulum. When energy expands away from the neutral point, it is known as oscillation. The time taken by a vibrating object to complete one vibration is called its time period. The unit of frequency of vibration or oscillation of a vibrating object is hertz. The amplitude actually tell us how far the vibrating object is displaced from its central position. If we displays the bob of pendulum to the left side to position B and then release it, it will start vibrating or oscillating like a swing between position B and C. The bob first goes from position B to positions  C, and then comes back to B. Try to be more aware of your emotions, choose consciously what you put in your body, spend more time with your loved ones, practice random acts of kindness, laugh and create more happiness in your life. Sacred geometries are some of the fundamental systems that nature used to create the fundamental structures of reality. This motion of the pendulum is repeated again and again. The maximum displacement of a vibrating object from its Central position is called the amplitude of vibration. The pendulum bob is vibrating or oscillating between position B and C. The position A of bob is called Central position and the position B and C are called the extreme position of the bob. They did this by charging the metal plate with frequencies of the diatonic scale. Once you understand the relationship between your body and frequency, you should understand why some scientists like to refer to the human body as a biological quantum computer. He found that a healthy human body produces a frequency range of 62-72 Hz. The frequency actually tells us how fast the vibrating object repeats is motion. The energy patterns in frequency allow energy to have expressions and therefore energy can project itself into any form, including but not limited to particles, atoms, biological life, planets, stars, galaxies and universes. As a whole, the human body vibrates at a specific frequency. This often causes your body’s frequency to drop. Some of the common sacred geometries are known as the circle, cube, octahedron, star tetrahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron. At 58 Hz cold and flu symptoms can appear and at 42 Hz cancer starts to thrive. When an object makes one vibration per second its frequency is said to be 1 hertz. Oksana and Larry Ostrovsky are passionate guides of this space. Question 7 How can we decrease the amplitude of vibration? Vibration is a physical phenomenon involving matter. Question 12 Calculate the time period of a pendulum which is vibrating with a frequency of 10 hertz? For a given pendulum ,the time period is the same every time. When the pendulum bob goes from one extreme position B to the other extreme position C and then comes back to B, it completes 1 vibration or one oscillation . The number of vibrations or oscillations made in one second is called the  frequency of vibration. The number of vibrations or oscillations made in one second is called the frequency of vibration. However, each of its smaller systems also have their own frequency signatures. Filed Under: Class 8, Sound Tagged With: amplitude, bob, central position, extreme position, frequency, hertz, simple pendulum, time period, vibration. They only seem solid to you because your consciousness processes the energy patterns as solid objects. The time taken by pendulum bob to complete one vibration or one oscillation is called the time period of pendulum. It again goes from position B to positions C, and then comes back to B. As you now understand we are energetic beings and constantly emit our frequency to the world.


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