That’s the clear, golden liquid that’s in squeeze bottles labeled “raw honey”. It’s 100% real and natural! While there’s no official FDA definition for raw honey, according to the National Honey Board, raw honey is defined as “honey as it exists in the beehive or as obtained by extraction, settling or straining without adding heat.” WHY RAW HONEY IS SO GOOD. Think of it as hive to shelf. It is a USA Grade A honey and comes only from happy bees. For the filtered style of honey, USDA Grading Standards for Extracted Honey give higher grades for honey that has good clarity. Substandard - Poor, Failing [edit]Indicators of quality. Not heating ensures that the beneficial enzymes in the honey are not destroyed. High quality honey can be distinguished by fragrance, taste, and consistency. Nutrients are preserved in raw honey. However, this is unfortunately so untrue about supermarket honey, which is mostly pasteurised (hence definitely not raw honey) and yet often labelled "pure honey". This leaves the naturally beneficial enzymes intact inside of the honey. Honey is filtered to remove extraneous solids that remain after the initial raw processing by the beekeeper. Ripe, freshly collected, high quality honey at 20 °C (68 °F) should flow from a knife in a straight stream, without breaking into separate drops. Raw honey, on the other hand, is any honey that hasn’t been heated or filtered. It is one of the best raw honeys to spread on biscuits and pancakes since its lack of processing leaves it nice and creamy. Pasteurization is the heating that kills some good nutrients. 95 degrees is about the maximum temperature in a beehive. It is additionally one of the cheaper honeys to make our list of the best raw honeys one can buy. Many consumers in fact equate "pure honey" with "raw honey" as they assume that "raw honey" contains honey in the the most original form with nothing added to it and hence should mean the same as "raw honey". Straining vs. filtering raw honey. When honey is harvested from the comb by centrifuge, it leaves behind the large chunks of beeswax. When the mostly-honey stuff is strained, little bits of beeswax are further removed. The honey grade scale is: Grade A - Good. Grade B - Reasonably Good. Raw honey mainly refers to the fact that the honey is not heated past 95 degrees Fahrenheit and is not fine filtered to remove all the pollen and other beneficial substances that are in honey. This process is called straining, and the resulting product is “pure honey”. It is not pasteurized! Various filtration methods are used by the food industry throughout the world. Grade C - Fairly Good. It is as the bees intended, no changes from humans. Raw honey contains pollen which allows you to trace the honey back to where it was first created.


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