(6) The motivation of the apostles might seem suspect, when considered in light of their past thinking and actions. Being listed on the state reserve list or the state retired list as described in section 2 of the military law or comparable status for any other state, territory or possession of the United States. OR WHO HAS FIRST GIVEN TO HIM THAT IT MIGHT BE PAID BACK TO HIM AGAIN? c.   The administrative law judge may, in the administrative law judge's discretion, permit any person who has a substantial interest in the complaint to intervene as a party and may require the joinder of necessary parties. e.   The provisions of this section relating to disparate impact shall not apply to the use of standardized tests as defined by section 340 of the education law by an educational institution subject to this subdivision provided that such test is used in the manner and for the purpose prescribed by the test agency which designed the test. Policy. It would seem that the disciples were preoccupied with the kingdom, a “Jewish” kingdom2 (“restore the kingdom to Israel”), and an imminent one. The term "trade secrets" means information that (i) derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; (ii) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy; and (iii) can reasonably be said to be the end product of significant innovation. The resurrection of Christ need not have changed the attitudes and motivations of the disciples. The immediately preceding context suggests that the apostles still had things out of focus, while the immediately following context (Pentecost) informs us that the Spirit’s coming was not yet, and thus suggests that the apostles were acting on their own initiative, and not that of God. Look at the principle of proportion in action in Acts, particularly in chapter 1. The complainant may present additional testimony and cross-examine witnesses, in person or by counsel, if the complainant shall have intervened pursuant to rules established by the commission. Romans 8:11). During His earthly ministry, Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit. a. It is clear that knowing the time would not have been beneficial to them. 11 And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher (2 Timothy 1:1,11). What we are talking about here is not unique to the apostles in their day and time. A demand made pursuant to this subdivision shall be effective immediately upon its service on the subject of an investigation and shall remain in effect until the termination of all proceedings relating to any complaint filed pursuant to this chapter or civil action commenced pursuant to chapter 4 of this title or if no complaint or civil action is filed or commenced shall expire two years after the date of such service. Of all that could have been said that fits into this category, Luke chose to take up the greatest part of the chapter with an account of the selection of the twelfth apostle. Hiring, reinstatement or upgrading of employees;      2. I urge you to read and reread this great book as often as possible. (g)   Applicability; persons under 18 years of age. The term "housing accommodation" includes any building, structure or portion thereof that is used or occupied or is intended, arranged or designed to be used or occupied, as the home, residence or sleeping place of one or more human beings. Publicly-assisted housing accommodations. In New Testament usage, depending on the context, the plural Greek word, (translated “brothers”) may refer either to. Judicial review. [Repealed]§ 8-104. he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said. a. The term "covered relative" means a caregiver's child, spouse, domestic partner, parent, sibling, grandchild or grandparent, or the child or parent of the caregiver's spouse or domestic partner, or any other individual in a familial relationship with the caregiver as designated by the rules of the commission. (i)   Whenever a complaint is filed pursuant to paragraph (d) of subdivision 5 of section 8-107, no member of the commission nor any member of the commission staff shall make public in any manner whatsoever the name of any borrower or identify by a specific description the collateral for any loan to such borrower except when ordered to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction or where express permission has been first obtained in writing from the lender and the borrower to such publication; provided, however, that the name of any borrower and a specific description of the collateral for any loan to such borrower may, if otherwise relevant, be introduced in evidence in any hearing before the commission or any review by a court of competent jurisdiction of any order or decision by the commission.(Am. (2)   Nothing set forth in this subdivision shall be construed as prohibiting an employer, employment agency, or agent thereof, when making employment decisions with regard to hiring, compensation, or the terms, conditions or privileges of employment, from considering any substantially job-related qualifications, including but not limited to: a current and valid professional or occupational license; a certificate, registration, permit, or other credential; a minimum level of education or training; or a minimum level of professional, occupational, or field experience. While we do not always know, at the moment, whether God is in what we are doing, the really important thing is whether or not we are in what God is doing. But does it? And Luke never chose to pronounce on the “rightness” or “wrongness” of this action. Provided, however, an accommodation shall be considered to constitute an undue hardship, for purposes of this subdivision, if it will result in the inability of an employee who is seeking a religious accommodation to perform the essential functions of the position in which the employee is employed.


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