This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Do you long to slow your life down just a b, What’s in my cup? The statements above have not been approved by the FDA as said cures for any disease or ailment. Void Where Prohibited by Law. This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. Pingback: 7 Common Year-Round Herbs You Can Grow Right Now | Sarah Jay - Freelance Writer. For example, this herb has emmenagogue, and abortifacient action, and therefore it is unsafe to take Yarrow during pregnancy. It stops the both internal, and external bleeding. Although it’s considered an invasive weed by some, anyone who understands just how amazing this plant is knows better than to try to eradicate it. It was called by the Ancients, the Herba Militaris, the military herb. Essential oil rich yarrow will also help keep harmful pests away with its potent aromatic phytochemicals. Yarrow is an ancient ally and maybe even a magical friend we once knew well. Containing anti-inflammatory and antiseptic oils, as well as astringent tannins and resins, yarrow possesses excellent wound healing gifts. Sign up below to receive bi-monthly "letters" to help you live life naturally and seasonally. For centuries, yarrow has earned common names like soldier’s wound wort, old man’s pepper, staunch weed, field hops, herbe de St. Joseph and knight’s milfoil for its many uses as an herb and spice. Luckily there are amazing herbal formulators who put all their love and passion into doing that for us. As an herb of Venus, Yarrow dances on the land with beautiful white tufts of tiny white to pink daisy like flowers atop a woody stem, lined with many delicate and lovely leaves resembling feathery lace. In fact, yarrow can assist with almost every system in the body, and is used for many different ailments, including colds and flu, cramps, fevers, digestive complaints & disorders, nose bleeds — any hemorrhaging for that matter — skin irritations and infections, to regulate the menses, to stimulate the flow of bile due to its bitterness, and is an excellent blood purifier . They found that the robust aroma of yarrow tea cleared up nasal and sinus problems, and provided relief from congestion, allergies, coughs and upset stomachs. For centuries, yarrow has earned common names like soldier's wound wort, old man's pepper, staunch weed, field hops, herbe de St. Joseph and knight's milfoil for its many uses as an herb and spice. In the study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2013, yarrow is found to have the ability to lower high blood pressure, as well as relaxing the blood vessel and the airways which improves breathing. Part(s) used for medicinal purpose: Whole plant, Flower heads. It has antispasmodic action, and helps to relax the muscles of the digestive tract. For fever, the decoction of flower heads or of the whole plant is prescribed. As we introduce another new powerful herb to our shop, we would like to focus our attention on Moonshine Yarrow and share all the reasons why it was next in line to be added to our repertoire. These also indicate the conditions in which we should avoid it. Harvest with respect and care, taking only what is needed and allowing the plant to regenerate.). Habitat: Very common in Pasture, and meadow lands of Europe, and America. Ancient physicians weren’t concerned with daily nutrition values, though. Proper wound care is vital and all serious wounds should be tended by a professional. Visit your physician if an ailment does not heal as expected. It’s antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, anti inflammatory, an excellent diaphoretic, vasodilator, febrifuge, haemostatic, diuretic, alterative, digestive, tonic, bitter tonic, hepatic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antihistamine, analgesic, expectorant, an emmenagogue, antiviral, stimulant, tonic, a vasodilator, and vulnerary wound healer. Renowned Ayurvedic and Medical Herbalist Anne McIntyre shares the folklore of Achillea: “Yarrow is one of the finest and most versatile healing plants, and respected as such since at least the time of the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians. Below is given taxonomical classification of the plant. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! “Thou pretty herb of Venus Tree Yarrow contains sterols, which have actions similar to hormones, and aid in balancing the menstrual cycle. A yarrow concoction can be given to weak patients to bring back vitality and immunity to the body. This can be taken three times daily between meals. It is effective in treating bile, the liver, gall bladder, and stomach complaints. In early Christian days, a special soup was made with these nine herbs, including yarrow, to ward off evil spirits. OR you roll your eyes at words like, "crunchy," "granola," and "hippie,". The opinions expressed herein are authors personal opinions and do not represent any one's view in anyway. Yarrow is extremely useful in respiratory ailments such as catarrhs, cold, and cough. Yarrow’s effects on the study’s animal subjects backed up the medicinal use in hyperactive cardiovascular as well as airway disorders like asthma. Below is given medicinal properties along with the meaning. Required fields are marked *. Yarrow was formerly much esteemed as a vulnerary, and its old names of Soldier's Wound Wort and Knight's Milfoil testify to this. Ilana Sobo is a community herbalist, Ayurvedic Practitioner and artist in the greater NYC area. Yarrow opens the pores of the body. Yarrow is kind of a bad ass. These boys make my mama heart, . The efficacy of these products have not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. Yarrow was used in ancient Greece, and Rome for medicinal purpose, and to drive out the evils from the body of possessed. Yarrow leaves are about 2-4… **These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Learn more about the benefits of using herbal yarrow plants here. Yarrow bears the Latin name millefolium, meaning a thousand leaves, also Named for the great hero Achilles. It must not be used in pregnancy. In India, it is found in Himalayas from Kashmir to Kumaun at the altitude of 1050-3600 meter. Tincture (1:5 g/ml): 5 ml, three times daily between meals. It calms nervous system, and cures nervous weakness. We’ve all experienced it at some point. A decoction of the whole plant is employed for bleeding piles, and is good for kidney disorders. In fact, yarrow earned its genus name, Achillea, because in legend Achilles used the herb to stop the bleeding of his wounded soldiers. Now widely distributed, and cultivated in the temperate regions of the world. It is one of the ingredient of well-known, and scientifically proven as a liver Tonic, Himalaya’s Liv 52. Yarrow is one of the oldest medicinal herbs, dating back thousands of years and used for various ailments.It’s a member of the aster family, along with chamomile and chrysanthemums; it’s quite a famous and beautiful flower family. Yarrow leaves and flowers can be dried and ground into a spice. ---Constituents---A dark green, volatile oil, a peculiar principle, achillein, and achilleic acid, which is said to be identical with aconitic acid, also resin, tannin, gum and earthy ash, consisting of nitrates, phosphates and chlorides of potash and lime.


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