Jesus came here to transform the human experience. Dr. Thorsten Grahn described Jesus as the Model Servant Leader and using John 13:1-17, he identifies several points that reveal Christ’s leadership style. What does Jesus have to teach us about what a leader looks like? Geoff: You mentioned that Jesus was the greatest leader … Though he was executed as a criminal, Jesus started a faith that now has more than 2 billion followers. He faced the challenges of life knowing that God will never leave him. We can look to Jesus for examples of wise, loving leadership. Jesus chose the low road of suffering and the cross. When Jesus was resurrected, he told his … As any leader of integrity must. Jesus knows his true mission. Jesus submitted his own life to sacrificial service under the will of God (Luke 22:42), and he sacrificed his life freely out of service for others (John 10:30). Jesus calls the people of his time, and us, to remember certain essential truths. I have summarized my learnings about Jesus as a leader into five lessons for your reflection and prayer: Jesus rejected the powerful ministries presented by Satan—the sensational, the spectacular and the speedy. Jesus knows who he is, and Whose he is. He came to serve (Matthew 20:28) although he was God’s son and was thus more powerful than any other leader … Jesus as a Leader. Knowing and Being Known. But Jesus is so different from many earthly leaders that it seems foolish to compare them — especially when the more important comparison is between Jesus … John 10 presents a most familiar image for Jesus as leader—Jesus as shepherd. As Christian leaders, we rely upon the Holy Spirit to help us become more and more like Jesus: Jesus, the Model Servant Leader. He did not storm Israel by messianic force. Jesus’ basic motivation was … Examples of Leadership Leaders Confidence Worry And Stress obeying Responsibility Success And Hard Work Obedience Attending Church Leadership Man Keeping Watch Bishops, Duties Shepherds, As Church Leader Honouring Rulers anniversaries Useless Labour Privileges defence, human Jesus knows the best way to live. Contemporary leadership is fraught with distractions and worries of the moment; we dare not miss those opportunities to seize moments where transformation might occur, whether personally, professionally, or for our organization. Jesus was a very optimistic leader. Jesus perseveres, endures, and does not quit. What Jesus says in Mark 10 contradicts many popular resources on leadership available in North America today, even some leadership books with a “Christian” slant. The setting Two disciples, John and James, approach Jesus privately for privileged positions of power.


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