The personality test is based on the Keirsey Temperament Theory created by Dr. David Keirsey. 20.Is it worse to a. The Four Temperament … hope someone will answer. The Temperament Sorter is a 70 question personality instrument that helps individuals discover their personality type. The S-N scale on the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II differentiates between two distinct worlds of human interest or focus. Be “in a rut” 4. A "10" means that you answered all questions in favor of a particular preference, while a "0" means that you answered no questions in favor of that preference. Decide on answer a or b and put a check mark in the proper column of the answer sheet on page Scoring directions are. Scoring directions are provided. Kiersey Temperament Sorter 1. At a party do you a. As in the original book, Please Understand Me II begins with The Keirsey Temperament Sorter, the most used personality inventory in the world. There are no right or wrong answers since about half the population agrees with whatever answer you choose. Are you more drawn toward the a. Emotions 5. (a) a practical sort of person. 19.Are you more a. Have your “head in the clouds” b. There are no right or wrong answers since about half the population agrees with whatever answer you choose. But also included is The Keirsey Four-Types Sorter, a new short questionnaire that identifies one’s basic temperament and then ranks one’s second, third, and fourth choices. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS) is a self-assessed personality questionnaire designed to help people better understand themselves and others. The graph below represents your score for each letter preference, on a scale of 0 to 10. People with a high Sensory score pay more attention to what is going on outside themselves in the world of concrete things; people with a high Intuitive score pay more attention to what is going on inside themselves in the abstract world of ideas. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter II. The Keirsey Temperament Personality Assessment Test, also known as The Keirsey Temperament Sorter, is one of the most widely used personality tests in the world. click here for test result explanations. (b) a fanciful sort of . Are you more impressed by 21. a. Are you more. Speculative than realistic 3. It was first introduced in his book “Please Understand Me” and is one of the most widely used personality instrument. Scoring directions are provided. Interact with many, including strangers b. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS) is a self-assessed personality questionnaire designed to help people discover their temperament. 1 When the phone rings do you __ (a) hurry to get to it first __ (b) hope someone else will answer 2 Are you more __ (a) observant than introspective __ (b) introspective than observant Observant: quick to notice or perceive; alert. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter. For each question, decide on answer a or b and put a check mark in the proper column of the answer sheet. Interact with a few, known to you 2. kiersey temperament sorter questionnaire (complete all 70 questions . Principles b. hurry to get to it first. Realistic than speculative b. The test consists of 70 questions designed to help the participant learn what their personality type is. When the phone rings do you.


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