7. 1660.163 5/1972 Moser 136/83 R 3.674.562 7/1972 Schneider ct a1: 136/83 R 15 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures w 1 I 55 @v 34 1 '2 22 e res g /3 f s $3; s. LITI-IIUM-IODINE BATTERY BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to the conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy, and more particularly to a new and improved construction for lithium-iodine cells. 8. It utilizes lithium hydroxide with water and lithium iodide as the electrolyte to lower the rate of chemical reactions hence increase stability. Material 50 fills the interior of the casing in an amount sufficient to contact the exposed portion of the lithium members of the anode, and in the present instance material 50 fills the interior of the casing to a level above frame member 34 and near the open top of thecasing. As soon as iodine-containing cathode material or depolarizer 50 is. The sealing means comprises a ferrule 40 preferably of metal such as stainless steel which surrounds or encloses anode current collector lead 28 and insulation 32 in spaced, generally concentric relationship therewith. anode means including a lithiummember within the casing. therefore, an object of this invention to provide a new and improved construction for a lithium-iodine cell. However, the cells present increased capacities of up to 40% as compared to others, and their lighter design is perfect for electric cars. Generally, batteries used in electric vehicles are designed to offer a substantial lifespan of about 8 – 10 years of service with charge and discharge cycles included. 5. Otherwise, electronic cigarettes with lithium batteries are allowed on planes but only on carry-on luggage. It is a further object of this invention to provide such a cell which has relatively fewer parts and requires relatively less time to assemble. Apparatus according to claim 14, wherein said casing is hollow rectangular in shape and sAid frame has a rectangular peripheral shape and wherein three peripheral surface portions of said frame are in contact with three inner surfaces of said casing. In this case, the pair of electrons has not moved entirely over to the iodine end of the bond. FIG. Lithium iodide (LiI) Lithium iodide, anhydrous. Anode frame or holder 34 fits tightly against a portion of casing bottom 11 and tightly against portions of casing end walls l4, 15. A lithium-iodine cell comprising: a. a casing of electrically conducting material; b. anode means positioned within said casing and comprising an element of lithium having an exposed surface portion and another surface portion; c. electrical conductor means operatively connected to said other surface portion and extending from said casing, said conductor means comprising an anode current collector in contact with said other surface portion of said lithium element and an electrical lead connected to said current collector; d. means for sealing said conductor means from the remainder of said cell, said sealing means comprising means covering the remainder of said current collector which is not in contact with said lithium element and means enclosing said electrical lead, said enclosing means comprising a ferrule surrounding Said lead, said ferrule having one end adjacent said anode current collector, said ferrule having sufficient length so as to extend along the portion of said lead within said casing, a seal between said ferrule and said lead at said end of said ferrule adjacent said current collector, said seal being of a material which is non-reactive with iodine, and an hermetic seal between said ferrule and said lead at the other end of said ferrule; and e. cathode means comprising iodine-containing material within said casing and in operative contact with said exposed surface portion of said lithium element and with said casing; f. whereby an electrical potential difference exists between said conductor means and said casing during operation of said cell. 12. Current drain in a pacemaker generator is fairly low output, and typically can be accomplished with a traditional lithium-Iodide battery. As a result, the only critical point where iodine from material 50 could contact lead 28 is adjacent the seal 42, and to reach this point the iodine must first traverse the entire inside length of the lower portion of ferrule 40. tween anode lead 28 and the metal casing. The battery’s graphene electrodes provide high-efficiency rates and increase its energy capacity while making it rechargeable in pure oxygen. if the iodine migrates or flows to make electrical contact with the cell outer case, the case becomes common to the cathode terminal. A cell according to claim 7, wherein said anode means further comprises a frame member continuously surrounding the peripheral edges of said lithium members in a manner sealing said edges, said electrical lead extending through said frame member. In both instances the current collector 26 is sealed within members 22, 24 and the peripheral juncture at the edges of members 22, 24 is enclosed or sealed by frame 34. This is because these cells are capable of providing high energy densities despite their small weights. How does the super-capacitor charge? Cathode means 50 preferably comprises a charge transfer complex of an organic material and iodine. A cell according to claim 3, wherein said firstnamed seal comprises a plug threaded into said ferrule. electrical conductor means operatively connected to the lithium member and extending out from the casing, and cathode means comprising iodine-containing material within the casing and contacting the lithium member. A cell according to claim 3, wherein said firstnamed seal is molded in said ferrule. This portion, however, is sealed or plugged with the Teflon material 44. Cathode material or depolarizer 50 is prepared by heating the organic material, i.e., 2-vinyl pyridine, to a temperature greater than the crystallization temperature of iodine and then adding iodine to this heated material. Therefore, X-ray views can be made through these portions of bottom 11 and end walls 14, 15 thereby permitting relatively easy X-ray examination of the interior of a completed and sealed cell. The lithium-iodine cell according to the present invention operates in the following manner. This is because they are the vehicle’s primary power source and their failure could lead to the breakdown of the whole car. To make it safe for human settlement sacrifices have to be made, and specific measures are taken. When is a roman numeral most likely needed in the name of an ionic compound? ICD shocks require up to 830 V of stored charge per full output ICD shock and require large capacitors. The sheath or coating 32 of Teflon or similar insulating material which surrounds lead 28 covers and protects the lead along the entire distance from the glass hermetic seal 42 at the top of ferrule 40 as viewed in FIG. These batteries are also capable of withstanding harsh environmental conditions such as intense heat in the summer and freezing temperatures during winter. The anode electrical conductor is completely sealed from the rest of the cell, and the casing serves as the cathode current collector. It is important that the iodine-containing material 50 is not allowed to come in contact directly with any portion of the electrical conducting means connected to the lithium members of the anode, in particular, anode current collector 26 and lead 28.0therwise, this will cause an electronic conduction between the cathode material 50 and the anode current collector 26 or lead 28 creating an electrical short circuit condition in the cell.


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