You are exactly right! This is so disruptive to my life. When I go near my water smart meter my ears begin ringing horribly. I thought it to be very good news if it means an end to the awful grid humming we are suffering, because thousands of people will want them. I'm afraid and disappointed to share this but even in my fully off-grid property "that Hum" still exists. Oh Joy! They discriminate against anyone who has less than perfect hearing, i.e. You can hear it out in the parking lot. None of them seem to work and they sleep for a few hours in the daytime and then begin again in the evening, sometimes there are marathon session that just seem to go on for 36 hours or more. I moved into a new build flat which had up to date soundproofing! So i guess my other question is why can som not hear if its environmental. If I open the window in my bedroom then I can't hear it. I only wish the companies who make these damn machines would think less about profit and do more research on the effects of the noise on humans. I've copied stuff to them about the dangers of LFN (and it has the same physical effects on me, too) but they just won't have it. I hear it hum through to my pillow. The police have been no help; they actually accused us of harassing them when we complained and again they suggested we might be just making up. My instinct is that nothing will or can happen. I HAVE DIABETES AND I HAVE BALANCE ISSUES, THE VIBRATIONS ARE MAKING IT WORSE!!! Since the increase, I have developed 6 nodules on thyroid. I think I am picking up LFN resonance which, according to research, only some people can hear. Also, before writing, read the Scottish report on the link given by Brown Nose and also the Leventhall report which can be found on the web. The "Hum", as far as I can tell, is coming from the electrical grid and I think RF is amplifying it some how. Hello Kerry. He had his gas meter moved to the wall shared for him; his garage; for me; my bedroom and now a smart meter also. Silicone ear plugs do not work ...that is .. they do not block that sound out. All the time I observed the physiological manifestation of the phenomenon in my body. There needs to be a law against this. I thought it started late summer 2015 when my neighbor changed out mechanicals (AC, water heater, heating) Basically I suffered a lot during the winter from vibrations in my home, then at work, and even now in the summertime I feel it on the street, in the stores. It is not that easy to track down when you are outside. Ear phones work up to a point, but only if you stay in one position and don't mind the music, they do cut you of from the world, which is not good at night. Very interesting reading, thank you. I am at work right now and still hearing the hum. 58th ed. This is what my ENT doctor described it to me. I would pay to stop the cause. I started hearing a humming noise just over a month ago which is worse at night when all is still. The hum varies. I became aware of it about a month ago. Since bass has a physical property, you should also be "feeling" the vibration (pulse/beat/resonance). If the sound is that bad use a smartphone to record it. It's the worst at night when I'm trying to sleep. My next door neighbour doesn't notice but his partner who visits does. It's not the noise so much, it's the vibrations. It is only by people making a fuss and raising Cain that things will change. Having suffered from humm from a pole mounted transformer, I purchased another house in another town.Brick construction with underground electrical supply lines. The neighbors can't really hear it, so it must be that I'm especially sensitive to the frequency of the hum and It MUST be something affecting the whole neighborhood, like possibly the electrical substation a mile or so from us, or possibly a natural gas well that's also about a mile away. EH comes very near the bottom of the list when the money is dished out. blah blah. Well I am happy I am not alone. More heat, more ACs running, etc., so the Grid pumps out more current/Amps. See our safe care and visitor guidelines, plus trusted coronavirus information. I can only hope the U.N. will step in and stop this madness. I started hearing this in oct. 2018 it is maddening Wales me up drives me crazy have called every department in my town and even reached out to the state health dept can get no help I have no peace in my own home so unfair. There is some interesting government funded research on line. Hearing loss can be age-related, come from a one-time exposure, or exposure to loud sounds over a lifetime. @John...maybe you think there are red herrings. Jameson JL, et al., eds. New 12-minute video out 6/5/16: Dr. Laura Presley tests a man's home for Dirty Electricity, Electric Fields, & RF from his Smart Meter. At first I thought there was mining going on below my house. No sleep for me again tonight. It took a while. Wish, though, that I could hear a sample of the noises just to make sure I get one that doesn't actually drive me mad. It ramps up in the winter and gets worse because of furnace usage. Tinnitus. Environmental Health got involved, but because the LFN can not be measured in decibels, and they did not have any guidelines about LFN, they said that the noise did not breach regulations?? I can liken it a pump labouring far off in the distance. On calm days they do not help ventilation of the roof to any great extent. Please see here for Sarinne's invitation, Sam,over the last 15 years the vermin responsible for the supply installation and ongoing operation of this equipment have ruined the lives of hundreds upon hundreds of unsuspecting Australians. It's quite late now and still awake so going to put the radio on all night to see if that helps. I got up & hear this exact noise & doesn't stop. Up to now I had been using a combination of a Dohm white noise machine and an under-pillow flat speaker, but have found the Bose sleep buds to be more effective at masking the noise. I definitely hear it at night. I did an experiment on either side of my head, as the turbine site asks you if experience hearing it both sides, and sure enough one side was much much more apparent. So sorry to read you were suffering Margaret (Dec 2017). Although, my neighbor must have some way to insulate his Bass subwoofer or Sound Masking machine (White/Pink Noise) so he and his family can tolerate it - or he's plain nuts and enjoys it. Very interested in your use of Melatonin, may try that. So sorry to hear about this. Dee I believe there has to be a group lobby to MPs, councils, etc. I use my meter everywhere now lookimg for an area rural and hopfully a basement appt. It is very obvious to me that there is an agenda. Sounds like a distant engine, worse at night, rapid not really helping etc. What say ye? Please do not think you are going crazy. Ear plugs do not block it out, it is far worse at night when other noises no longer 'block it out', it is awful, occasionally a car passes by and blocks its frequency out, but that is only momentary. My mother first heard it over sixty seven years ago. As I turned to go back on the trail it happened agin for 10 seconds this time twice as loud as the first like a jet without the mid and high range frequency it was in my chest and head with no direction. I could hear the exact same humming sound in their house too. Oddley it seems to have started after a bad sinus cold. Got back from ear doctor. I have been using it only 1+ week so far, mixed w/water, drink it. Thank you for your latest post. I have been made to feel rather uncomfortable in the past whenever I have spoken about this subject because others could not hear it.. Once, even told to have my hearing checked (just in case!) Please forgive me if I'm totally out of order, but I suspect a scam. (He does not feel the vibrations or the droning and hears the city sounds as a one tone noise) As if anyone has any experience to begin with.


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