With good reason does Paul say, that, the sword of the Spirit is the word of God," and enjoin us to "take the shield of faiths" (Ephesians 6:16,17.) Mark expresses it more fully, by adding a contrast, that it was unlike the manner of teaching of the Scribes As they were false expounders of Scripture, their doctrine was literal and dead, breathed nothing of the power of the Spirit, and was utterly destitute of majesty. When Satan wickedly tortures Scripture, does Christ give way to him? 7. hal. Here our Saviour doth not seem to have observed the custom of the synagogue, for he read but two verses: and yet he did nothing but what was both allowable and usual. And thus, when the demoniacs speak, the devils, who have received permission to tyrannise, speak in them and by them. This verse begins, like Luke 4:24, with a solemn asseveration. 29. rose up--broke up the service irreverently and rushed forth. Those words therefore of Naaman, 2 Kings 5:17,18, I would thus render; "Thy servant will henceforth offer neither burnt offering nor sacrifice to strange gods, but unto Jehovah. Having created men, he does not cease to care for them: but, as "he breathed into their nostrils the breath of life," (Genesis 2:7,) so he constantly preserves the life which he has bestowed. For the reading of Scripture, which was then in use, has not only grown obsolete under the Pope, but is driven from the churches by fire and sword; with this exception, that such portions of it, as they think proper, are chanted by them in an unknown tongue. And he preached in their synagogues in all Galilee, and cast out devils. Hence also we conclude, that Papists, as if they had made a bargain with Satan, cruelly give up souls to be destroyed by him at his pleasure, when they wickedly withhold the Scripture from the people of God, and thus deprive them of their arms, by which alone their safety could be preserved. It was, that he might preach the Gospel to the poor Hence we conclude, that those, who are sent by God to preach the Gospel, are previously furnished with necessary gifts, to qualify them for so important an office. We need not dispute long on these matters. 8. And he saith to them, Ye will altogether [323] say to me this comparison, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever things we have heard done in Capernaum, do thou also here in thy country. 36. cap. The same kind of coldness may be now observed in the speculative theology of Popery. Hence it is evident, how forcible are the reproofs which proceed from the Spirit of God: for the minds of those who would willingly evade them, [328] are inflamed with rage. And when it was day, he called his disciples, and chose twelve from among them, whom he also called Apostles: 14. Christ called the sons of Zebedee sons of thunder, because he was to give them a powerful voice, that they might thunder throughout the whole world. This is not inconsistent with the shameful weakness which he manifested in denying his Lord: for this title showed his invincible power and steadiness, which continued till his death. And he came to Nazareth The Evangelists are very careful to show by what sort of proofs Christ became known, a striking instance of which is here related by Luke. All know what title the books of the law do bear in the front of the Hebrew Bibles, viz. Moses' first quadragesimal was Exodus 24:18: his second time was after he had destroyed the golden calf, Deuteronomy 10:10: the third was after the tables of the law had been made anew, Exodus 34:28. God, who now employs bread for our support, will enable us, whenever he pleases, to live by other means. They experienced in their bodies the grace of Christ, but we must look at the design: for it would be idle to confine our view to a transitory advantage, as if the Son of God were a physician of bodies. How was Christ surrounded by our weakness, so as to be capable of being tempted by Satan, and yet to be pure and free from all sin? For it is written, that he will command his angels concerning thee, that they may preserve thee: 11. And he answering said to him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. 15. 5. But I interpret Christ's laying hands on the sick, as meaning simply, that he recommended them to the Father, and thus obtained for them grace and deliverance from their diseases. It was for this purpose that the Jewish Sabbath was succeeded by the Lord's Day. We have to contend every day with the same imposture: for every believer feels it in himself and it is still more clearly seen in the whole life of the ungodly. 42. III. Wherefore let us learn, never to become weary, till, having finished the whole course of our war, we have reached the end. But when the year grew on to the summer, then was it a seasonable time to inquire after hay and grass. This word, slightly altered from the Greek word agonothetes, signifiesthe judge who presided at the public games." If Satan had endeavored to allure him by the enticements of gluttony, [311] he had at hand passages of Scripture fitted to repel him. It was sufficient for Christ, having withal so great a conflict with the devil, to do it but once. And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold they peace, and go out of him. [353] This answer will serve also for the third question. II. It may be asked, whether that license that was permitted the zealots extended thus far: "He that steals the consecrated dishes and curseth by a conjurer" (that is, curseth God in the name of an idol), "and goes in to a heathen woman (that is, openly, as Zimri, Num 25:6), the zealots slay him. Our salvation, therefore, was attacked in the person of Christ, just as the ministers, whom Christ has authorized to proclaim his redemption, are the objects of Satan's daily warfare.


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