Incorporating / adjusting a landing page’s design to showcase a video (~1 minute at most) can increase conversion with minimal content. All marketers love to see their traffic go up, but if none of that traffic is leading to action, it isn’t driving growth. Reach out to influencers that use your product or that you have a close relationship with and ask them to give a brief testimonial. This has the effect of increasing retention from existing paying customers by providing extra value for free, and helping them learn how to use your product better. A data-driven growth strategy is like other data-driven initiatives, but it applies to the whole company rather than any singular department. Add more visuals to your landing page in order to maintain user interest. For example, if a friend referred a new user, the user should be able to see that in a personalized onboarding flow. Developing growth tactics should never happen in isolation. Try adding a longform story testimonial to your site. Which is why I recommend writing a welcome email that gets people excited for whatever it is they just signed up for. Say you find that a majority of your leads are startups in the New York City area – you’ll be able to build and target an audience of other NYC startups, founders, and their employees. Using informal, conversational, or friendly language on a popup can be a good way of collecting more email addresses. Successful referral programs not only give you more customers, they also give you better customers. What this means for your business and clients: avoid any customer service mishaps or flops by equipping your site with an intelligent chatbot. Focusing on the right side of your landing page rather than the center, especially when the form remains visible while scrolling down the page, keeps registration forms and CTA buttons above the fold and easily accessible for visitors. Provide an email course on a relevant topic over a series of days. One of the coolest evolutions of video content is the ability creators have to collaborate with others. Then you can get people straight to your app from an AdWords ad or Google Search. This will both let your new subscriber know you care enough to engage with them one on one and also allow you to discover if and how your product or service fits the subscriber’s need, increasing the potential of starting the sales cycle. Send an email with a testimonial from one of your clients to remind everyone how useful your product is. The pre-launch was a big part of that launch’s success. Offer a free premium version of your product in return for a review to amplify the voice of your supporters and spread the use of your brand. It’s also a piece that too many businesses leave out. Should you do it? Use Optimizely to track which CTA approach results in the highest conversion rate for your landing page. From there, ask for the reason for their score, and you’ll get feedback gold. And that the CPC for that campaign was $0.98. If you haven’t hopped onto the automation bandwagon yet, here’s the gist of what you’re missing out on. Removing these distractions will help visitors focus better on what you actually want them to do – follow your primary CTA to sign up, make a purchase, or register for an account. According to BuzzSumo, 74% of marketers say that original research has helped them bring in more website traffic. Well, you’d want to segment these folks into two different groups. I haven’t run a split test on this, but I’m confident that the course wouldn’t have done nearly as well if we launched our program out of the blue. That is: if you stick to exit-intent popups. These data sources may come from your internal analytics tools in various departments or from other sources, such as your advertising, social media, and content management platforms. Larger companies who have the capability to collect and analyze massive amounts of data may use big data analytics to produce insights. Remove any steps that might slow down a person’s registration process and gather the information for fields you’ve removed after they’ve already signed up for an account. This is a list of 15 super effective marketing tactics. This can give you relevant traffic and potential backlinks to your site, boosting SEO authority. Make sure to get the most out of this first email by asking for feedback with an open-ended question from a founder. The best way to develop a new business growth/marketing tactic is to use past experimentation data and recent insights to double-down on what’s working or to answer a specific question. Different advertising platforms take different approaches to the way they reach audiences. It reminds your users that they have friends who would also enjoy your product. Many subscribers to your email list have never seen the best content you’ve produced. Make sure the CTA stands out distinctly away from dense copy or complex images. Try a downsell during the cancellation process to get them to sign on for a cheaper subscription that provides less of what you offer or provides them with a discount. A good way to monetize users that don’t qualify for your product is to pass them on to an affiliate. Place your call to action form or button on the right side of your landing page to increase activation. This can be really useful for retaining context between your app and another app that a user opens via a link. on B2B, B2C, Conversion, eCommerce, Facebook, Google, Growth Tactics, Retention, SaaS, Sales & Services, Tools & Resources, Traffic, Twitter. Automatically notify users if their credit card has expired or can’t be charged. Our study found that long headlines get an average of 76% more shares than short titles. Improve your retention and LTV by sending an email or series of emails to acknowledge and reward your best customers. Provide a list of your top content for new users who have just joined your list. I personally work with a professional graphic designer to get these visuals made. BONUS: See 22 Creative Facebook Ad Design Tactics to A/B Test. Listing all the tools you integrate or partner with on your site is an easy way to show social proof for your product. i.e. This is one of the most credible ways to build trust. Acquisition is the most important yet most expensive aspect of growth strategies for business, in terms of both budget and time. Summarize the main points of your long-form writing and use the most salient parts to create a slide deck. A mobile user may just be there to learn about your product, while a desktop user wants to reach your pricing page. It also describes how you will spend every dollar of your marketing budget. In this case, it’s as simple as changing the color and layout of a button on a CTA: While this model still works (who doesn’t use A/B testing? What’s position zero, you ask? People consistently prefer completing eight tasks with two done for them over eight tasks with none done for them. This will massively improve retention for those users, even bringing them back from dormant / churned status. On the other hand, this post was good… but kinda old. If you’re tracking the types of products a user is purchasing or looking at, you should be able to recommend to a high degree of accuracy other products that user might be interested in.


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