Hundreds of thousands of houses have these corrugated appliance connectors in service right now. If you have ANY DOUBTS about flexible gas lines or CSST, visit a local firehouse and talk to the team leader that's on duty. long flexible gas connector. The electrical service grounding system.  In response, some manufacturers of CSST flexible gas piping now have black coated versions that are more resistant to lightning strikes. It also describes a safety hazard and code changes due to the history of house fires associated with CSST when lightning strikes nearby, or worse yet, the home itself. Please see EFF’s page on this issue or the U.S. Court of Appeals docket for more information about ongoing litigation over your right to read and speak these laws. The dielectric yellow jacket is believed to actually increase this problem. When this type of gas-distribution system is installed, without being properly bonded to current standards, there is an increased risk for damage.  A Damaged gas or propane line can leak gas, causing a fire and / or explosion. You're now the proud owner of some wonderful corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST). See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive. Uploaded by  FAC is a short length of tubing designed to connect the gas-distribution pipe to the gas-burning device. Lightning strikes have caused numerous fires in residential homes as a result of  CSST failing. Adding additional gas lines at a future date is not a problem if you plan for the possibility during the original installation. Homes built with CSST flexible gas Lines before the Building Code required bonding were built correctly to the Building Code at the time they were built.  BUT that does not mean they are safe.  These homes may, or may not have bonded gas lines.  Only an inspection will determine if the gas lines are safely bonded as required by today’s Building, Plumbing & Electrical Codes. A CSST brass fitting, a steel manifold or rigid pipe component connected to a CSST fitting. In some areas, as of 2015 Home Inspectors became required to notify their clients (in writing & on the inspection form) of the presence of CSST gas lines that do not have proper bonding. If you do not think of plumbers when you think of combustible fuels, let us change that. This code came in as a response to damage to flexible gas lines and fires in homes struck by lightning. If you have lots of pipes to run, this may be the way to go. (back … WARNING:  IF YOU SMELL What you feel is a GAS or propane fume — LEAVE YOUR HOME & LAWN. FAC does not require bonding. Menomonee Falls Fire Department If you need a licensed professional to look over your gas piping and the installation of your gas piping, feel free to give us a call. CSST Bond Wires or Clamps Shall NEVER Be Connected to: A ground that is independent of the electrical service grounding system. Because the CSST snakes its way around bends and obstructions as one solid piece of tubing, you only have a fitting at each end of the line. Only a direct hit from a hot bolt of lightning will bore a hole in a traditional black iron pipe. Check with your local plumbing inspector to see if they are permitted. With this new system in place you don't need heavy black iron pipe anymore.  The most common issue that home inspectors find is the CSST system is not being properly bonded. They're a new flexible stainless steel piping system that is installed like electrical wire. The risk is tremendously reduced when CSST flexible gas lines are “bonded “ (BONDED DEFINED: Connected with wiring to take electrical current away from CSST flexible gas lines in the event of a lightening-strike on or near the home). If you are not able to get CSST tubing and can't handle working with black iron pipe, consider using soft copper. Copyright © 2020   This means when something was installed in compliance to Building-Codes at the time of the installation — it is deemed correctly installed moving forward in time, even if Building-Codes change significantly. can puncture this pipe. What is this material? The thin walls of CSST might not seem to handle as much of a strike as black iron. I happen to be a master plumber and given the choice, I'd install traditional threaded black iron pipe. That would never happen with a piece of traditional black iron pipe. If you do have a leak, these fittings are almost always readily accessible for adjustment. If you use copper for gas lines in your home, be sure to label them so a future weekend warrior doesn't mistake them for a water line! Lightning has caused many house fires that have flexible gas lines. This verbiage ss from the TracPipe Manufacturer: “TracPipe® CounterStrike® is a patented CSST innovation that is engineered to significantly decrease the potential for lightning induced damage to fuel gas piping systems. Working with CSST is not really a do-it-yourself proposition. 50 natural gas through the pipe. If you have questions on the article I mentioned, you may contact the Dallas News. All of these steps are very time consuming. Subscribe to the FREE Ask the Builder newsletter to receive professional advice for your home. DEAR TIM: The natural gas lines that are being installed in our new home are not the heavy black iron pipe. Connections are made with common flare fittings that tighten with standard wrenches. We do not expect Electricians to know what pipes and which pipes require Bonding which is where your licensed Plumbing contractor, or home inspector can provide. They have worked well for many years. Building-Codes have something called ‘grandfathering’. This material was approved for residential use in 1988 by the National Fuel Gas Code. Spending hundreds of dollars more for black iron pipe may be well worth it in the long run if you have a house fire. More on this in a just a moment. FAC corrugation is highly visible. In addition, standards bodies will frequently issue errata or reissue standards over time and governmental bodies may change which standards they incorporate to law. Public Resource The CSST systems can be installed one of two ways: The series installation resembles traditional black iron piping. Many of my fellow contractors who install gas lines thought it was unsafe. FAC are commonly found between the home’s gas-supply lines and the gas equipment OR appliance. The pipe in the walls acts like an interior lightning rod.


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