In Section 5, we give the conclusions and point out the contribution of this paper. This is to accentuate the parts of their body which will attract a male audience. “The making of the new and the rearranging of the old” (Bentley, 1997). We thus seek creative opportunity in other parts of our life; Love objects - They need something to love and if they do not have something they will buy or make one; Sense of power - when we are in control we have a sense of ability to choose and perhaps possess power over others; Roots - we seek roots but in seeking to satisfy other needs we make ourselves rootless; Immortality – we seek to create meaning in our lives so we may live beyond death. 'Practise without theory is empty; theory without practise is blind.' Gauntlett - He challenged the effects model on audiences and has investigated the impact of web 2.0 on identity and audiences. He also said: ‘Genre constrains the possible ways in which a text is interpreted, guiding readers to a preferred reading’ (see HALL). This means that the media is determining what issues and stories the public thinks about. (this contrasts with Keen’s ideas). He tried to explain how pictures that arise spontaneously in people’s minds come to be—a simplification of his theory is that we live in second-hand worlds. David Nye (2007) presented the idea of cyber-dystopia, which envisions a world made worse by technological advancements. No restriction should be placed for gathering the information for publication. Alexandre Astruc’s concept of the ‘caméra-stylo’ (camera pen) promotes directors to wield cameras as writers use pens and to guard against the obstacles of traditional storytelling. Understanding Media introduced a phrase that McLuhan has become known for: “The medium is the message.” This notion represented a novel take on attitudes toward media—that the media themselves are instrumental in shaping human and cultural experience. Each of these narrative types has a source, an original story upon which the others are based. a Disney fairytale using computer generated imagery, released in multiplex’s and DVD and internet availability. The theory is concerned with how the self-identity and the behaviour of individuals may be determined or influenced by the terms used to describe or classify them., Next: 2.3 Methods of Researching Media Effects, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Circe: The Chase, the spider and the fly, the innocent and the victim e.g. Jonathan Culler (1978) – generic conventions exist to establish a contract between creator and reader so as to make certain expectations operative, allowing compliance and deviation from the accepted modes of intelligibility. Devil’s Advocate, Wall Street. Lanier argues that Web 2.0 developments have retarded progress and innovation and glorified the collective at the expense of the individual. Tim O’Sullivan (1998) argues that all media texts tell us some kind of story. Jacques Derrida argued that the binary opposites are never equal and audiences are positioned to favour one over another. Allen – ‘Any text requires what is called ‘cultural capital’ on the part of its audience to make sense of it’. Journalists should have professional autonomy within their organization. I have summarised most theorists’ key ideas or simplified their concept for your benefit. lifting the production values of the time and setting can strip away differences in which movies/texts can find similarities, Genres undergo predictable development. O'Brien, W - Conducted a study into the development of 3rd generation gaming through historical commentary. When critics claim that a particular media outlet has an agenda, they are drawing on this theory. theories of cultural industries including those of Hesmondhalgh. The theory has thus to reconcile independence with obligation to society. Your email address will not be published. The media logic theory states that common media formats and styles serve as a means of perceiving the world. Grossman - Examined the effect of video games on audiences. Marshall - Examined the changing relationship between games and movies (2004), McShane - Highlighted 5 points/methods that journalists follow. Publication should be free from any prior censorship. John Hartley also says that "institutions are obliged not to only speak about an audience, but - crucially, for them - to talk to one as well; they need not only to represent audiences but to enter into relation with them". This theory was put forward by Professor Stuart Hall in ‘The Television Discourse - Encoding/Decoding’ in 1974, with later research by David Morley and Charlotte Brunsden. A study of the motives behind a given user’s interaction with Facebook, for example, could explain the role Facebook takes in society and the reasons for its appeal. Male characters may also be looked at, but it is still a male viewpoint. Attacks on any government, official or political party, should not be punishable, even after the event. Branston & Stafford – argue that ‘Media have produced a potential for profit that has inspired the development of some of the most renowned and successful conglomerations such as News Corporation, Time Warner, and Disney (link to Industry pages). All new items of information are based on preceding ones, and they are "new" ... Generation of ideas, images and/or solutions.


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