Hugo Grotius believed that people have a ‘right reason’ for doing things. Recent initiatives at the UN, both in the General Assembly and in the Human Rights Council, such as the Russian initiative to promote the concept of traditional values, the Cuban initiative on cultural diversity, and the Pakistani proposals on interreligious dialogue, are slow but inhis view sure attempts to weaken the fundaments of universal rights. Integral to the theory of natural law, natural rights are rights endowed by birth and not dependent on the laws or customs of any particular culture or government. This was a period when theology of the Catholic Church set the tone and pattern of all speculative thought. Proponents of the concept usually assert that everyone is endowed with certain entitlements merely by. This is true of the legal philosophy of Stoics or of Kant. It is not difficult, of course, to demonstrate that all human beings share certain characteristics. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. Countries like China, Venezuela and those in the Arab world human rights as too westernized. Its origins basically lie in the philosophical discourse with concepts such as liberty and even “rights”. The universality is still a claim, not reality. which partook of the divine wisdom but remained uncommunicable to lesser mortals. Natural rights are perceived as the inherent and original rights of human nature, which equally belong to all men without exception, and which are possessed solely because of their human condition. They are held to stem from a concept of natural law, whatever definition may be attributed to the term. The United States Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments which were ratified on December 1791, were a big leap into realisation of human rights. This was another major step in conversion of human rights from theories and thoughts into real legal instruments that could be enforced and followed. Natural law is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values that govern our reasoning and behavior. Human beings can only vindicate their rights in relation to others, for human beings can only live in relation to others. On this peculiar view, the conceptual point of law would be to enforce those standards that are morally valid in virtue of cultural consensus. “That men are entitled to make certain claims by virtue simply of their common humanity has been equally passionately defended and vehemently denied. For, if there were no else in the universe, there would be no need for protection, there would be no need for rights. This principle also reinforces the principle of universality. Rousseau’s political theory has weak links to natural law. The debate was whether economic and social rights are aspirational, as contrasted with basic human rights which all people possess purely by being human, because economic and social rights depend on wealth and the availability of resources. Human rights, rather than being a 20 th century phenomenon, marks both a culmination of and a transition from the Western natural law and natural rights traditions. (Read the fact that legal theories fail to come down on the side of either democratic or autocratic principles of the government. Human rights, rather than being a 20th century phenomenon, marks both a culmination of and a transition from the Western natural law and natural rights traditions. Religions, cultures, traditions, world views and beliefs benefit indirectly from the human right to freedom of religions and belief. It has been the principle instrument in the transformation of the old civil law of the Romans into a broad and cosmopolitan system; it has been a weapon used by both sides in the fight between the medieval church and the German emperors; in its name the validity of international law has been asserted, and the appeal for freedom of the individual against absolutism launched. Man therefore signs a social contract, surrendering “the power of punishing”, which is “to be so far disposed of by the legislative, as the good of society shall require.” But he never surrenders his rights, and thus government “is obliged to secure everyone’s property [liberty, life and possessions], by providing against those… defects… that made the state of nature so unsafe and uneasy.”[ [12] ] Man did not enter society to become worse than he was before, but only to have his natural rights better secured. [ [9] ] To Locke the state of nature that preceded the social contract was not, as conceived by Hobbes, one of brutal horror, but rather a golden age, an Eden before the Fall. The use of a social contract to construct a natural rights doctrine is articulated most fully in the writings of John Locke. Natural law does not loom large in Hobbe’s thinking, except for the fact that he expressed the main precept of natural law in terms of man’s right to self preservation. It evolved in the same way, for the same straightforward and uncomplicated reasons, as our ability to throw rocks accurately. But finding those that constitute the “essence” of being human and are of sufficient import to serve as a rationale for rights is a bit harder. Error, group does not exist! Both conservative and socialist thinkers, however, have attempted to deny such claims, and instead assert the interests of the community as more important than those of the individual.


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