Also known as shrimpfish, razorfish have a unique swimming style: they keep their bodies vertical (heads down, tails up) while propelling themselves forward in schools. Read more, Also known as Ambanoro Goby, Ambanoro Prawngoby, Gudgeon, Prawn Goby, Shrimp Goby, Spotted Shrimpgoby, Twinspot Shrimpgoby, Twin-spotted Shrimpgoby. Hardy head silversides (Atherinomorus lacunosus) are abundant fish in shallow water seagrass meadows throughout the Indo-Pacific that often form shoals. Aberdeen: Meaning "mouth of the river” Adira: Of Hebrew origin meaning majestic, strong, or noble Anthia: Greek name that means "lady of the flowers" Aukai: Hawaiian for "explorer of the sea" Azure/Azurine: A French girl's name that means "sky-blue" Bahari: Ocean in Swahili Beck: British term that means "mountain stream" Bermuda: After the triangle. Beside that, these fish eat zoo plankton that float freely in water. Found over fine sandy bottoms of coral and rocky reefs. Found in pairs or family groups floating with head down mimicking seagrass over seagrass beds.. more Read more, Also known as Areolate Rockcod, Areolated Grouper, Areolated Rockcod, Brown-spotted Grouper, Cod, Flat-tail Cod, Green-spotted Rockcod, Hind, Orange-spotted Rockcod, Reefcod, Rockcod, Spotted Grouper, Squaretail Grouper, Squaretail Rockcod,.. more They feed.. more Read more, Also known as Galapagos Parrotfish. I spotted the first of these very small fish and set up my camera for the shot. Moray eels eat their prey in a unique way – with two jaws. Found resting or "flying" over mud, rock and sandy bottoms foraging for food with their pectoral.. more Read more, Also known as Blue Mackerel, Cape Horse Mackerel, Common Scad, European Horse Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Jack Mackerel, Pollock, Saurel, Scad, Western Horse Mackerel. Read more, Also known as Anemone Shrimp, Commensal Crinoid Shrimp, Commensal Shrimp, Crinoid Shrimp. Read more. Found in pairs over shallow muddy waters in areas bordering open grass.. more Read more, Also known as Arabian Sponge Coral, Marine Sponge, Siliceous Sponge. - The larger fish in this picture are called sweetlips (Plectorhinchus) because of their big, fleshy lips. Blue-banded Goby Blue-banded goby is small fish with brightly colored fish that lives on rocky reefs in eastern Pacific ocean. Read more, Also known as Lionfish, Firefish, Turkeyfish, Zebrafish. Butterfly Fish Butterfly fish has amazing array of colours and patterns are among the most common sights on reefs through out the world. Found in open waters over freshwater lakes, flood plains, river basins and swamps. Found in schools over gravel bottoms of the Amazon river basins. Unfortunately, common names can refer to more than one fish. Read more, Also known as Apolegma Sea Slug, Nudibranch, Purple Nudibranch. Yellow Tang Yellow tang fish also known as Lemon sailfin and Somber surgeon fish. They feed on sponges. Fairy Basslet Fairy basslet are tropical members of the sea bass family. Read more, Also known as Brown-striped Macerel Scad, Japanese Scad, Mackerel Scad, Mexican Scad, Southern Mackerel Scad, Stonebrass, Stonebrass Scad, Temperate Scad. Found singly or in pairs over coral, rock and rubble areas of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on benthic hardshell.. more The ghoulish “blob sculpin” (Psychrolutes phrictus), a deepwater fish found off the Pacific coast of the U.S. from the Bering Sea to Southern California, can grow to about 70 cm (more than two feet) in length and eats small invertebrates. Read more, Also known as Indo-Pacific Spotted Moray, Mosaic Moray, Mottled Moray, Sawtooth Moray, Sawtooth Moray Eel, Saw-toothed Eel, Spotted Moray. I took this photo while on my back under the local sea plants, looking up as it swam by.” -- Nature's Best Photographer, Richard Wylie. There are over thirty species of sweetlips, which tend to live on coral reefs in small groups. Found singly or in pairs amongst rubble and sand over coral and.. more Respiratory System in Marine Fish Along with the... 15 Types of Ocean Sunfish and Freshwater Sunfish, 15 Importance of Sharks in The Marine Ecosystem, Characteristic of Drought Season and Countries Experiencing It, 6 Factors Affecting Air Temperature and The Explanation, Causes of Typhoon Hagibis and The Impacts of Mitigation Methods, Sand Boil Phenomenon Explanation and How to Overcome, Characteristics of Freshwater Swamp Forests – Functions – Distributions. Found singly or in pairs amongst rubble and sand areas of coral and rocky reefs. Found in small to very.. more Read more, Also known as Almaco Amberjack, Amber, Amberfish, Amberjack, Crevalle, Deepwater Amberjack, European Amberjack, Falcate Amberjack, Greater Amberjack, Highfin Amberjack, Longfin Kingfish, Longfin Yellowtail, Pacific Yellowtail, Rock Salmon,.. more Read more, Also known as Dragonfish, Silver Arowana, Water Monkey. Found singly or in pairs amongst sand and rubble areas of coral and rocky reefs. Opisthobranchia - Nudibranchs.. more They feed exclusively on yellow sponges. Meanwhile, These fish are omnivore, they eat on different algae, brine shrimps and mysis shrimp. Found singly or in small schools.. more Found amongst corals and rocks in the.. more They feed on smaller fish, molluscs and plant material. Which fish gets its name from the 1950’s horror movie The Blob? Flounder and halibut are two examples of demersal fish. But the striped eel catfish (Plotosus lineatus) is found in marine systems including coral reefs, estuaries, tide pools and other coastal areas of the Indo-Western Pacific. Mandarin fish is a carnivore, it likes to eat worms, protozoans and curtaceans like munid isopod.


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