[27][28] In their brief régime, the Spartan oligarchs killed about five per cent of the Athenian population, confiscated much property, and exiled democrats from the city proper. Anytus almost certainly disapproved of his son's relationship with Socrates. [11]:204 Waterfield said that Socrates, with his unconventional methods of intellectual enquiry, attempted to resolve the political confusion then occurring in the city-state of Athens, by willingly being the scapegoat, whose death would quiet old disputes, which then would allow the Athenian polis to progress towards political harmony and social peace. But that's something else. Ubisoft, Ubi.com and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. 34 men left. puzzles historians. Please try again later. With no judge to offer them instructions as to how to interpret the charges or the law, each juror struggled for himself to come to an understanding of the case and the guilt or innocence of Socrates. "[11]:183 Given the availability of a hospitable host outside of Athens, Socrates, at least in a limited way, chose to remain in Athens. Moreover, the legal and religious particulars against Socrates that Polycrates reported in The Indictment of Socrates are addressed in the replies by Xenophon and the sophist Libanius of Antioch (314–390). In Stone's critical view, the central fact remained that in the city's darkest hour, Socrates "never shed a tear for Athens." Group: The Lost Tales of Greece Category: Sokrates's Trial. I contacted the support and they solved it to me. For it to be added to your journal, you need to have completed Between Two Worlds, Heir of Memories and the first two episodes of The Fate of Atlantis. [25] Assuming a jury of 501, this would imply that he was convicted by a majority of 280 against 221. For it to be added to your journal, you need to have completed the quest Life's Worth and started Episode 5 of the main game. Please refine your search criteria. What were the Trials of Odysseus? A vague charge such as impiety invited jurors to project their many and varied grievances against Socrates. Royal Stoa (scene of the preliminary hearing for Socrates). roof, breaking his neck. Often his unpopular views, expressed disdainfully and with an air of condescension, provoked his listeners to anger. in his The Lives of Eminent Philosophers, Diogenes Laertius reported that Socrates "discussed moral questions in the workshops and the marketplace." There's no trophy for me, either. For some, the execution of the man whom Plato called "the wisest and most just of all men" demonstrated the defects of democracy and of popular rule, for others the Athenian actions were a justifiable defense of the recently re-established democracy.[31]. During the reign of the Thirty, many prominent Athenians who were opposed to the new government left Athens. Expressing surprise at the few votes required for an acquittal, Socrates joked that he be punished with free meals at the Prytaneum (the city’s sacred hearth), an honour usually held for a benefactor of Athens, and for the victorious athletes of an Olympiad. Why, then, propose a punishment guaranteed to be rejected? (Diogenes Laërtius, 2.42). Why, in a society enjoying more freedom and democracy than any the world had ever seen, would a seventy-year-old philosopher be put to death for what he was teaching? In presenting such a prosecution, which addressed matters external to the specific charges of moral corruption and impiety levelled by the Athenian polis against Socrates, Anytus violated the political amnesty specified in the agreement of reconciliation (403–402 BC)[22], which granted pardon to a man for political and religious actions taken before or during the rule of the Thirty Tyrants, "under which all further charges and official recriminations concerning the [reign of] terror were forbidden".[23].


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