Note: We do not take over any responsibility or guarantee for any result! This calculator program is protected by national and international copyright laws and might not be copied or commercially exploited without our written permission. We don't take over any guarantee or liability for any technical data, specifications, or result. With a click on the button "Calculate transmission curve" You might use the calculated curves for your purposes, but the curves must remain unmodified. here %T is 100 times this result, and %Absorption is 100-%T. All raw filter data used for this calculation program were supplied to us by the SCHOTT AG with kind permission to be used in our online calculator. Rev. (Internal transmittance, surface reflection-losses NOT included). Using our calculator, you can compute individual filter transmission curves. Online transmission calculator for SCHOTT optical color glass filters Our online SCHOTT-filter calculator allows you to individually calculate and analyze the transmission curves of nearly all SCHOTT color glass filter materials, which makes it easy to find out the best optical color glass filter … The optical transmissionof a sample is given by 10 to the powerof -(optical density). Fused silica exhibits an excellent transmittance (98%) down to 193nm [3]. The utilization of the data in this filter curve calculation program takes place with the kind permission of the SCHOTT AG. However, the spectrophotometer can only measure absorbance up to 4.5 directly. Please consider that it is not recommended to choose filter thicknesses below 1mm because compliance with the material's transmission specifications at lower thicknesses isn't safe anymore. No specification. In order to help you select the most suitable fused silica grade, we offer the tool below. To be able to use our website to its full extent, please agree to all cookies. You can change your preferences in the, HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning). If you like this tool, we invite you to place a direct link to this calculator on your website. . The optical properties of bulk substances is often quoted as "n" and "k" values, which are the real and imaginary parts of refractivity, respectively. Our free online SCHOTT-filter calculator for calculating the transmission of all available optical glass filters made of SCHOTT color glass filter material and neutral density filters is online and at your disposal with immediate effect. Beyond this level all values must be extrapolated. P. B. Johnson and R. W. Christy. The company designs, develops, manufactures, and markets high performance fiber-optic products to communications networks, and provides customized solutions to instrument, defense, spectroscopy and sensing … This option does NOT consider the surface reflection losses which under normal conditions occur. B 6, 4370-4379 (1972) Data [CSV - comma separated] [TXT - tab separated] [Full database record] Optical transmission calculator All measurement data used for the calculation of the filter curves are the property of the SCHOTT AG. "k" relates to optical absorption, and this calc determines the transmission of a sample. We reserve the right to change any technical and non-technical data without notice. It is a helpful tool to calculate the transmittance or optical density of a neutral density filter. If, for example, maximum transmission of 10% is reached within the measuring range, the Y-axis, which is the transmittance, is scaled to a value range of 0-10% to allow a more accurate analysis of the transmission in wavelength ranges with lower transmissions. Choose this option to see the transmission under real-world conditions: This option includes surface reflection losses based on a single filter used in air. Transmission Calculator In the visual spectrum fused silica transmits light more efficiently than other optical glasses. Another calc provides the reverse calculation. you accept our terms & conditions for the use of our SCHOTT-filter calculator below. An optical densityof 1 corresponds to 10% transmission, and of 2 to 1% transmission. The origin of the curve must be identifiable by a direct link to our online calculator. Here you can convert optical density to transmittance and vice versa. Our free online SCHOTT-filter calculator for calculating the transmission of all available optical glass filters made of SCHOTT color glass filter material and neutral density filters is online and at your disposal with immediate effect. Using our calculator, you can compute individual filter transmission curves. Our online SCHOTT-filter calculator allows you to individually calculate and analyze the transmission curves of nearly all SCHOTT color glass filter materials, which makes it easy to find out the best optical color glass filter for your application. © 1994 - 2020 Präzisions Glas & Optik GmbH.


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