(Plato), Wealth is well known to be a great comforter. The artist knows nothing worth mentioning about the subjects he represents, and that art is a form of play, not to be taken seriously. (Plato), Everything that deceives may be said to enchant. (Plato), Attention to health is the greatest hindrance to life. (Plato), Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the gods. Philebus. (Plato), God is truth and light his shadow. Plato Art Quotes and its their meanings. (Plato). (Plato), All things will be produced in superior quantity and quality, and with greater ease, when each man works at a single occupation, in accordance with his natural gifts, and at the right moment, without meddling with anything else. The true musician is attuned to a fairer harmony than that of the lyre... for he truly has in his own life a harmony of words and deeds arranged in the Dorian mode. Romantic Art: The Hearts Awakening - Bouguereau At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. (Plato), He was a wise man who invented beer. (Plato), A man's duty is to find out where the truth is, or if he cannot, at least to take the best possible human doctrine and the hardest to disprove, and to ride on this like a raft over the waters of life. Had he learned by rules of art, he would have known how to speak not of one theme only, but of all; and therefore God takes away the minds of poets, and uses them as his ministers, as he also uses diviners and holy prophets, in order that we who hear them may know them to be speaking not of themselves who utter these priceless words in a state of unconsciousness, but that God himself is the speaker, and that through them he is conversing with us. Plato’s Views on Art Art can never truly represent reality, for life itself, of which art is merely a copy, does not represent reality, according to Plato. “The Plato Collection [47 Books]”, p.2181, Catholic Way Publishing, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle (1967). (Plato), As the builders say, the larger stones do not lie well without the lesser. Our world “…as we experience it, is an illusion, a collection of mere appearances like reflections in a mirror or shadows on a wall.” (Quoted by Rosalind Hursthouse in “Truth and Representation,” Philosphical Aesthetics.) – Plato Quotes “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” – Plato “Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.” – Plato “There are three classes of men: lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, and lovers of gain.” – Plato “For a man to conquer himself is … (Plato), Democracy... is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder; and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike. (Plato), Those who intend on becoming great should love neither themselves nor their own things, but only what is just, whether it happens to be done by themselves or others. (Plato), Better a little which is well done, than a great deal imperfectly. Statesman”, p.106, Plato, Catholic Way Publishing (2015). By. “There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot.” ― Plato Plato was the first political philosopher of the western world who gave the immortal message of political philosophy to humanity. Plato - From the Beauty category: For he who would proceed aright... should begin in youth to visit beautiful forms... out of that he should create fair thoughts; and soon he will of himself perceive that the beauty of one form is akin to the beauty of another, and that beauty in every form is one and the same. (Plato), For he who would proceed aright... should begin in youth to visit beautiful forms... out of that he should create fair thoughts; and soon he will of himself perceive that the beauty of one form is akin to the beauty of another, and that beauty in every form is one and the same.


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