The point is that God keeps me as I go through the journey. If you are He is your keeper. The mountains and the hills are large; yet God owns them. Find Top Church Sermons, Illustrations, and Preaching Slides on Psalm 121. I start every day reminding myself that my life is a journey, that the way is challenging and I need help, that the only One who can truly help me is the true and living God, the Creator of all things. We don’t have to train him to hit his brother and sister; to steal from his brother and sister; to scream if we give his brother and sister something and don’t give it to him. After all, the Lord is my Keeper! Songs like these. Hope requires a God who is in control. First: At the beginning of every new journey, it calls me to focus on the Lord and the Good News of his love. (Ill. In the Middle East, the sun is hot and distressing. No, God is not like that. What I saw was a barren wilderness – rocks and sand and scrub brush for as far as you could see Hardly a place for a Sunday afternoon stroll. Yes, I make my own profession of faith, as the pilgrim does in verses 1-2 of the Psalm, but the rest of the psalm, the majority of the verses in the Psalm, reflect what the community says to me. My help doesn’t come from the hills, it comes from the One who made the hills! We make all kinds of journeys in our lives. Three times a year, faithful Israelite families would march from the small towns of their nation to the proud city of Jerusalem, home of Solomon’s Temple. will neither slumber nor sleep. then this Psalm is for you! all. They’re not born good. We take our prayer needs to the Lord. He will protect us from the evil one - 1 Pet. need to remember that the Lord has never made a house that fell, nor a foundation that New The Lord is the Good Shepherd who leads His sheep along the journey of life. It says this in Hebrews 3:14—For we have come to share in Christ (and that’s the past tense—it has happened to us in the past) if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.” So we should expect that God will sustain us to the end, and at the end of our lives, to be able to look back on a lifetime of trusting God. But let’s look at the Scriptures. The hymn puts it so well, This is my Father’s World. Therefore my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. is renowned for his courage, yet he fled from the woman Jezebel. It says “He keeps you” six times in this psalm. that his help would not come from the hills. What do you tell yourself in those times? Now, we all know people who appeared to be Christians and drifted away. He sees us leave and come home again. To stand at the base of a mountain and look up at the summit is to, well, stand in awe and wonder. It’s only as God intervenes and woos us and changes our hearts and sends out his grace on us that we actually can be saved. What can happen to believers that God doesn’t allow. Romans 5:8 says, “But God shows his love for us in this; that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” So if Jesus died for us, if he would come from heaven to earth, live as a man, the great invincible God becoming a little baby and then living as a man, and then dying a cruel death in our place that we might know God, do you not think that this demonstrates that he loves us? Well, whichever interpretation you prefer, they all lead to the same question: Where does your help come from? Psalm 121 is a completely positive psalm, and if this were all we had in Scripture, I might be tempted to think that my journey through life is going to be trouble free. Now, facing my own tragedy, I knew I needed to accept the truth that God’s love and power were sufficient.” (261), I’ve never met Tony Dungy, but, from reading his book, I’ve come to appreciate the strength of his character and the depth of his faith. But it’s not true. Verse 1 is not a declaration of hope, but rather, it is a cry of 1 Peter 5:7: casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. I’m sorry. Declaring the end from the beginning.” In other words, he knows the end of time from the very beginning of time. Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter and special offers. He loves me not!”. And Jesus does keep his promises. Hope requires eternal security, but it is not passive — we don’t just say, “Oh well. God protected me from certain harm. I have spoken and I will bring it to pass. But people say that human beings are born good. Yahweh will keep you from all evil. I imagine we all have memories like that — memories of bittersweet departures when you said goodbye to loved ones, and a new journey was undertaken.


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