(ASV, Psalm 22:8) This is another common form of Hebrew poetry called parallelisms. This means that the words “commit” and “delight” are also synonyms. Thus, therefore, רחוק in the primary form, as in Psalm 119:155, according to Ges. רחוק is not to be taken as an apposition of the subject of עזבתני: far from my help, (from) the words of my crying (Riehm); for דברי שׁאגתי would then also, on its part, in connection with the non-repetition of the מן, be in apposition to מישׁועתי. Here is how this verse can be written, showing the chiastic structure. …in the desolation they rolled themselves upon me. He is hopelessly abandoned by men. In Psalm 22:3 the reverential name of God אלחי takes the place of אלי the name that expresses His might; it is likewise vocative and accordingly marked with Rebia magnum. What an exhibition of the dreadful depravity of the human heart was manifested in the crucifixion of the Redeemer! His desertion by God, as Psalm 22:2 says, consists in God's help and His cry for help being far asunder. And we continued on in that series for about six months ending at Psalm 20 at which point we turned our attention to the book … Before we get into the meaning of the Hebrew word for “commit,” we need to understand that this verse is written with a chiastic structure, a form of poetry common to Biblical Hebrew, especially the book of Psalms. Those words are a part of a messianic prophecy written by David which started it’s prophetic fulfillment during the time Jesus lived as a man on earth. 1b. Psalm 109:8 “May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.” Explanation and Commentary of Psalm 109:8. Since he professes to belong to God; since he claims that God loves him and regards him as his friend, let him come now and rescue one so dear to him. And Amasa wallowed in blood in the midst of the highway… (KJV, 2 Samuel 20:12) The correct rendering is," for he delighted in him." So, why did the translators translate this word meaning “to roll” as “commit” in Psalm 22:8? Now that we understand the Hebrew words galal and hhapheyts, let’s put the concrete meanings of these words into Psalm 22:8 Of course, these two words are not synonyms in the English language, which means we need to find out what these words mean in the Hebrew language. of the lxx, render: Θεέ μου, θεέ μου, ἵνα τί με ἐγκατέλιπες. As I began my investigation into this word and its meaning within the context of the verse, I quickly realized that this verse would make an excellent case study to show how important it is to understand Hebrew vocabulary, poetry and philosophy when studying the Bible. let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him; this is another ironical sarcastic flout, not at God, but at Christ, and at his profession of trust in God, his claim of interest in his favour, and of relation to him as being the Son of his love, in whom he was well pleased; he always was the delight of his Father; he expressed his well pleasedness in him at his baptism, and transfiguration on the mount; he took pleasure in him while he was suffering and dying in the room and stead of his people; and he delivered him, raised him from the dead, and brought him into a large place, because he delighted in him, Psalm 18:19; These very words were said by the Jews concerning Christ, as he hung upon the cross, Matthew 27:43. (Note: Eusebius observes on Psalm 22:2 of this Psalm, δικαιοσύνης ὑπάρχων πηγὴ τὴν ἡμετέραν ἁμαρτίαν ἀνέλαβε καὶ εὐλογίας ὢν πέλαγος τὴν ἐπικειμένην ἡμῖν ἐδέξατο κατάραν, and: τὴν ὡρισμένην ἡμῖν παιδείαν ὑπῆλθεν ἑκὼν παιδεία γὰρ ειρήνης ἡμῶν ἐπ ̓ αὐτὸν, ᾗ φησὶν ὁ προφήτης. βρύχημα), is the loud cry extorted by the greatest agony, Psalm 38:9; in this instance, however, as דּברי shows, it is not an inarticulate cry, but a cry bearing aloft to God the words of prayer. Seeing he delighteth in him of the roar of the lion (Aq. Let’s attempt a Psalm 22 Summary. The language here is the taunting language of his enemies, and the meaning is that he had professed to commit himself to the Lord as if he were his friend; he had expressed confidence in God, and he believed that his cause was sate in His hand. Psalm 22 is the 22nd psalm of the Book of Psalms, generally known in English by its first verse, in the King James Version, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" But to this it is not adapted on account of its heterogeneousness; hence Hitzig seeks to get over the difficulty by the conjecture משּׁועתי ("from my cry, from the words of my groaning"). (KJV, Job 40:17) 1a. The ἀνεβόησεν φωνῇ μεγάλῃ, Matthew 27:46, and also the κραυγὴ ἰσχυρά of Hebr. What blasphemy! The Hebrew language is a concrete language, which means that words with a concrete meaning are used to express abstract ideas. If God wants him, let him come and save him. I was asked to provide some insight into the word “commit” from the following passage and interpret it from a Hebraic perspective. …and they rolled the stone from the well's mouth… (KJV, Genesis 29:3) Psalm 5:7, which does not refer exclusively to the scene in Gethsemane, calls to mind the שׁאגתי of Psalm 22:2. Seeing he delighted in him - Margin, "if he delight in him." So to really understand the concrete meaning of this word, let’s look at some of the verses that use this word in a concrete way. This Psalm of David is born out of the great distress of the author, who seems to have been falsely accused and attacked. His uninterrupted crying remains unanswered, and unappeased. About the ninth hour Jesus cried, after a long and more silent struggle, ἠλί, ἠλί. Roll thyself over to Jehovah; Let him deliver him: Let him rescue him, seeing he wags in him. If verse 8 sounds harsh, it is nothing compared to the curses in the rest of the Psalm. Psalm 55:22 Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. 2b. ad Pammachium de optimo genere interpretandi, where he cries out to his critics, sticklers for tradition, Reddant rationem, cur septuaginta translatores interposuerunt "respice in me!"). Our adult Sunday School class started considering the book of Psalms in January of 2015. Because “roll over to Yahweh” is not how we speak in English, so they translated this concrete word with an abstract one in order for the English reader to be “more comfortable” with the verse. When His passion reached its climax, days and nights of the like wrestling had preceded it, and what then becomes audible was only an outburst of the second David's conflict of prayer, which grows hotter as it draws near to the final issue. This word apparently means “to wag,” like a dog does with his tail when it is excited, and figuratively this word means “to be delightfully happy.” Because this word is a synonym with galal, we can conclude that galal more literally means “to roll over in excitement.” He says it in Aramaic, not in order that all may understand it-for such a consideration was far from His mind at such a time-but because the Aramaic was His mother tongue, for the same reason that He called God אבּא doG dellac in prayer. He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. This, too, was actually fulfilled in the ease of the Saviour. (KJV, Job 30:14) By interpreting the Bible this way, we can better see into the mind, culture and philosophy of the Ancient Hebrew people.


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