The name "Shakespeare" seems to be coded into it. The flood got worse until all the highest mountains were covered. We stand fearless at the cliff-edge of doom, courageous in seastorm and earthquake. Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 08/31/16 at 11:08 AM, I don't hold with the numerology part (four vowels, six consonants), but the hiding his name in the text is just the sort of thing I'd expect from someone like Shakespeare. By David’s time it seems they served in the musical aspect of … During the dark and dangerous periods of the Reformation, Luther would turn to his trusted friend Philip Melanchthon and exclaim: “Let’s sing the 46 th Psalm, and let the devil do his worst!” It inspired his great hymn “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.” Salem Media Group. A Song for Alamoth.These sons of Korah were Levites, from the family of Kohath. Psalm 46 (The Message Bible) Genesis 7:16 (Read all of Genesis 7) male and female of every creature came just as God had commanded Noah. Birds, farm animals, wild animals, the entire teeming exuberance of life - dead. KJV Psalm 46:1 God is our ... A Message of Peace. Anything that moved - dead. And of course, three sixes in a row is the Mark Of The Beast! I wonder if anyone has ever done a search for other names hidden in the same way -- with decent computer skills, it shouldn't be too difficult. Noah opened the hatch of the ship and saw dry ground. Applause, everyone. Then he sent a dove to check on the flood conditions. River fountains splash joy, cooling God's city, this sacred haunt of the Most High. The bible can be very confusing. A Song of the Sons of Korah God is a safe place to hide, ready to help when we need him. See the marvels of God! Attention, all! 2 We stand fearless at the cliff-edge of doom, courageous in seastorm and earthquake, 3 Before the rush and roar of … Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. This is the same kind of b.s. Then God turned his attention to Noah and all the wild animals and farm animals with him on the ship. A Bible Devotion from Psalm 46 God is Our Refuge and Strength God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Every living, breathing creature that lived on dry land died; he wiped out the whole works - people and animals, crawling creatures and flying birds, every last one of them, gone. The flood continued forty days and the waters rose and lifted the ship high over the Earth. This sermon confirmed my belief and really encourages me to continue my study. Learn More About The Message Jacob-wrestling God fights for us, GOD-of-Angel-Armies protects us. Godless nations rant and rave, kings and kingdoms threaten, but Earth does anything he says. I read Psalm 46 and thought straight away that it was a Millennium dispensation psalm but afterwards when researching bible commentaries, I couldn’t see that they saw Psalm 46 refer to the 1000yr rule of Christ. Psalm 46 was Martin Luther’s favorite Psalm. And all people - dead. Psalm 46:1-11 THERE are two events, one or other of which probably supplies the historical basis of this and the two following psalms. of The reasoning stems from the fact that each part of Reagan's given name has six letters each. All rights reserved. Noah reached out and caught it, brought it back into the ship. Psalm 46; Psalm 47 Read chapter in The Message Bible. Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.". The powers of earth are God's - he soars over all. After 150 days the worst was over. Jacob-wrestling God fights for us, God of angel armies protects us. Then God shut the door behind him. ), Posted by Phideaux on 08/31/16 at 11:33 AM. Noah knew that the flood was about finished. but it couldn039;t even find a place to perch - water still covered the Earth. It's composed of a number of different documents sort of tossed together into two acts. Sing to our King, sing praise! Yeah, 'cause there wasn't any Bible in ancient Hebrew that had to be translated relatively accurately, they could just put any words they liked in there... Posted by Richard Bos on 09/03/16 at 03:06 PM. All original content in posts is Copyright © 2016 by the author of the post, which is usually either Alex Boese ("Alex"), Paul Di Filippo ("Paul"), or Chuck Shepherd ("Chuck"). (I admit I'm not a Bible scholar, so I don't know if the word 'bacon' is anywhere in scripture, but that's the first thing I'd look for. God caused the wind to blow and the floodwaters began to go down. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. On the seventeenth day of the seventh month, the ship landed on the Ararat mountain range. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling. Princes from all over are gathered, people of Abraham's God. Whole Psalm. Bans war from pole to pole, breaks all the weapons across his knee. thinking used to show that Ronald Wilson Reagan was really the AntiChrist of Revelations from the christian Bible. God Most High is stunning, astride land and ocean. The title of this psalm is To the Chief Musician.A Psalm of the sons of Korah. We sing this Psalm to the praise of God, because God is with us, and powerfully and miraculously preserves and defends his church and his word, against all fanatical spirits, against the gates of hell, against the implacable hatred of the devil, and against all the assaults of the world, the flesh and sin. Commenting is not available in this channel entry. "Step out of the traffic! male and female of every creature came just as God had commanded Noah. Sing songs to God, sing out! He sent out a raven; it flew back and forth waiting for the floodwaters to dry up. In the six-hundred-first year of Noah039;s life, on the first day of the first month, the flood had dried up. Loud cheers as God climbs the mountain, a ram's horn blast at the summit. He crushes hostile people, puts nations at our feet. Now in the old days prior to word-processing, good grammar and spellcheck each document was hand copied by scribes who were often illiterate. Bravo, bravissimo! In 1902, a person identified only as "a learned correspondent in West Hackney" brought to the attention of the world a curious fact about Psalm 46 of the King James Version of the Bible. The water kept going down until the tenth month. Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. Proud member 5 But as for the river-its rivulets shall cause the city of God, the holy place of the dwellings of the Most High, to rejoice. He waited another seven days and sent the dove out a third time. 46 1 God is a safe place to hide, ready to help when we need him. It came back in the evening with a freshly picked olive leaf in its beak. As you meet in your homes for family worship or study this passage on your own, here are some questions for study, reflection, and application. Exploring every aspect of a world that is not only stranger than we imagine, but stranger than we can imagine. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Posted by Gator Guy on 08/31/16 at 07:54 PM. Only Noah and his company on the ship lived. In the original 1611 King James Bible, the word spear was actually spelled "speare," which contradicts the guy's point about the 4 consonants and spelling of Shakespeare's name. He plants flowers and trees all over the earth. Inch by inch the water lowered. - the high water mark reached twenty feet above the crest of the mountains. Psalm 46 The Message Bible << Psalm 45 | Psalm 46 | Psalm 47 >> God Is Our Refuge and Strength. By the twenty-seventh day of the second month, the Earth was completely dry. Then the group paying for the bibles, well they had to express their views since they paid for it. The underground springs were shut off, the windows of Heaven closed and the rain quit.


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