This God; q.d., Behold what a God have we! Till death is to us over? Some expositors have strangely found a difficulty in the last verse, deeming such a profession of personal faith as inappropriate termination for a national song. Verse 14. He will never leave us, nor forsake us. Congratulate yourselves that you have been happy during the greater part of your days; remember that your life of sorrow will net last long, and be comforted by the glory of those who are gone; for the love of honour alone is ever young, and not riches but honour is the delight of men when they are old and useless.” How striking is the contrast of this utterance with our psalm. (3) Mark how from this dramatic description there rises a loftier thought still. The stability and endless prosperity belong not to the material Zion, but to the mystic, the Church in her spiritual and evangelical inheritance. The Jew's pride in Jerusalem was a different thing altogether from the Roman's pride in Rome. He will be our guide - Through all the snares and difficulties of life: -. God also deals practically with nations as with individuals. This God would be thy God for ever and ever. Verse 14. Throughout life, and to our dying couch, he will graciously conduct us, and even after death he will lead us to the living fountains of waters. The landlord cannot say of his fields, these are mine for ever and ever. This he will do in behalf of those who put their trust in him, (e) by shedding light upon our path when in perplexity and doubt; and. They cannot say of their crown, their gold, “This is mine for ever.” The head that wears the crown must be laid low, and the rich man’s gold pass into other hands. And it has pleased God furthermore to disclose Himself in His Word; that is, in the writings of holy men of old, who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. And our Guide has unerring wisdom (Psalms 73:1-28.). And what is this blessed promise but that which we find in Christ’s words, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” (M. R. Vincent, D. D.), How perfectly qualified God is for this office. ), Great and awful is the subject which this Sunday brings before us--the greatest and most awful of any. By David’s time it seems they served in the musical aspect of the temple worship (2 Chronicles 20:19). Even unto death - He will never leave us; and we, by his grace, will never abandon him. In making this statement, the people of God assure themselves that he will be their guide and keeper for ever. And so Job, amid all his perplexities, comforts himself with the thought, “He knoweth the way that I take.” And our Guide indulges us with constant intercourse, and is equal to all our exigencies. And God is revealed as a pardoning God, freely forgiving our sins. © 2017 QuotesCosmos ● Home ● About ● Privacy ● Terms ● Principles ● Sitemap ● Contact. The first instance has yet to be shown of one who has fared other than well by following God as a guide. David was ever making such claim. "Sermon Bible Commentary". -------------------- General Epistles Pauline Epistles BibliographyBullinger, Ethelbert William. Historical Books and you feel, would to God I had defence and protection for ever? Burder. We have, then, two sources of information concerning God. Man needs nothing more for this life than the confident assurance that he has the Eternal God for his guide, and that he will never be left or forsaken by Him in any possible situation in which he may be placed. It is, then, the property of faith to set before us not a confused but a distinct knowledge of God, and such as may not leave us wavering, as superstition leaves its votaries, which, we know, is always introducing some new counterfeit deities and in countless numbers. I. Some things God will net give you because they would hurt you. Proud member Pauline Epistles 14  For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death. The great wide seal The source of the fertilizing shower, the great receptacle to which those fertilizing showers return! (L. (Worthington). To me it seems that the verse, as it stands, is admirably in harmony with the song, and is its crowning beauty. The idea of a future state, though not expressed, is not excluded. The context is not concerning guidance up to death, but deliverance from it, and from destruction when imminent. What a portion then is that of the believer! (W. This is my God, this God that has done all things that can be conceived of, whether “in heaven above, in the earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth.” “Comes there before you now dangers, jeopardy, adversaries? But God is. -------------------- If you did, you would not worry and fret as you do. Of Resignation -- He will be our guide, etc. "Commentary on Psalms 48:14". All rights reserved. Every other relation breaks up; but this, never. --- Hebrew, their posterity shall applaud their maxims, (Calmet) as many of their followers contributed to keep them in the delusion, (Haydock) which the damned will deplore, when it is too late, ver. The name even of the earthly Zion was "Jehovah-Shammah"—"The Lord is there." Birth and life, and the several ages of life and death, are often ascribed to churches and commonwealths, both in the Scriptures and in other authors. All the arithmetical figures of days, and months, and years, and ages, are nothing to this infinite cipher ever, which, though it stand for nothing in the vulgar account, yet contains all our millions; yea, our millions and millions of millions are less than drops in this ocean ever. READER! It is devoted to the honour of God. In the Old Testament it was the joy of the devout Jew that God was his God. https: The one thing that gave it glory was that in it God abode. (1) Mark the dramatic vigour of the description of the deliverance. He guides not only to the brink of Jordan's river, but through the deep waters of it, and never leaves till he has landed them safe on the shores of eternity: and some, as Aben Ezra, render the word as if it was עולמית, "for ever"; and others, as Abendana observes, render it "secretly"; the Lord sometimes leading his people in ways dark and hidden to them: and others give the sense of it, "as in the days of youth"; that is, God is the guide of his people in old age as in youth; he is always their guide, and ever will be: to which sense incline R. Moses in Aben Ezra, others in Kimchi and Abendana, and as also Jarchi and the Chaldee paraphrase; but Kimchi and Ben Melech render it as we do, "unto death", or "unto our death".


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