I'm fascinated by the ways people under repressive regimes still manage to share information - and joy. BrainyQuote has been providing inspirational quotes since 2001 to our worldwide community. Repressive anti-union laws stunted the ability of workers to organise and defend their rights. Can such tolerance serve to contain qualitative social change? Error rating book. The influence of the Shaw Brothers films on my work has been profound. There is one, and only one, thing in modern society more hideous than crime namely, repressive justice. I don't hold America responsible for the largely oppressive governments in the 22 Arab countries. Colonialism is known in its primitive form, that is to say, by the permanent settling of repressive picturequotes.com helpful non helpful. I can honestly say I've never sold any arms to a repressive foreign regime while reassuring everyone at home that the weapons will be used for nice things. Enjoy the best Herbert Marcuse Quotes at BrainyQuote. Repressive tolerance, Marcuse argues, takes two main forms: (i) the unthinking acceptance of entrenched attitudes and ideas, even when these are obviously damaging to other people, or indeed the environment (the painfully slow response to warnings about climate change and environmental degradation might be seen as an example of this); and (ii) the vocal endorsement of actions that are … There are people who help us deal with difficulty or hardship; from the concentration camps to the court jester, there was a need for humor. Arms can't address such concerns. 1 quote have been tagged as repressive-tolerance: Robert Boyers: ‘All that we can hope for, [Herbert] Marcuse argued, is that we will be 'reeducated into... Home My Books I must judge, I must choose, I must spurn, purely for myself. Even today, England is a very repressed, repressive country, and there's pressure to be kind of a certain way, so people do things that ultimately make them sad. The tolerance which enlarged the range and content of freedom was always partisan--intolerant toward the protagonists of the repressive status quo. One repressive state after another has had to face the dilemma of wanting abundant Internet for economic advancement, while ruing the ways in which its citizens can become empowered to express themselves fearlessly. However, as the daughter of a former political prisoner in Cuba, I would argue that they should have known better than to travel to the island and support its repressive regime. So much of this comes also from a lack of education. Clearly, we must denounce militaristic approaches to global unrest and find life-affirming ways to end repressive cycles of violence rooted in discrimination, humiliation, and despair. ', 'The truth of art lies in its power to break the monopoly of established reality to define what is real. In fact, some saw the harsh and repressive nature of Arafat's regime as actually bolstering the prospects for peace. ... Can the indiscriminate guaranty of political rights and liberties be repressive? It took a long time to escape. The one source of criticism even the most repressive authoritarian leader cannot silence is the outside world. Well, first I studied piano. Plan Colombia, as the assistance program was called, provided billions of dollars to what was, and remains, the most repressive government in the hemisphere. Not selling arms to a regime that is the most repressive and probably one of the worst human rights violators, particularly towards women, like Saudi Arabia? Defending human rights should be an important objective of foreign policy, and that, too, will sometimes be hard to reconcile with an economic agenda, especially when it comes to dealing with rich but repressive players like China and Russia. Voici quelques extraits significatifs : « Ce qui est proclamé et pratiqué aujourd’hui sous le nom de tolérance sert au contraire la cause de l’oppression. But somehow it does help, it is an ingredient, it acts as a Catalyst to a man who is committed. My mother began her political journey as a symbol of hope and resistance to the repressive, regressive, Islamist regime of General Ziaul Haq. Quotes By Herbert Marcuse. The autocracies of the Arab world have been as economically destructive as they've been politically repressive. Colonialism is known in its primitive form, that is to say, by the permanent settling of repressive foreign powers, with an army, services, policies. It doesn't make a whole lot of difference to what extent we're involved in propping up those governments. The federal government needs to get off the backs of small businesses and let the private sector grow and create jobs instead of harnessing it with onerous regulations and a repressive tax code. Writers in repressive societies are considered dangerous. But I think theatre in a repressive society is an immensely exciting event and theatre in a luxurious old, affluent old society like ours is an entertaining event. It began with a sense that it was repressive, stern, judgmental. It was passionate, but it was terrifying. Our pious horror at the intolerant and repressive behaviour of Islamic State is bitterly funny, given that it is really not that different from the policies of our close ally, Saudi Arabia. I just think that unless you have that cohesiveness in the family unit, the male character tends to become very dominant, repressive and insensitive. After my father served proudly in the U.S. Army, they settled in Buffalo, N.Y., and were able to live the American Dream. Welcome back. After more than two decades of traveling with American presidents and chief diplomats - on visits to places that have included some of the world's most repressive nations - I am used to watching leaders disappear behind closed doors. I often play roles that are repressive, or women who are slightly repressed or having some kind of internal conflict. Work while you work, play while you play - this is a basic rule of repressive self-discipline. General Zia-ul-Haq, a dictator and unscrupulous political actor, used Islam as a pretext for waging war in Afghanistan and adopting an aggressive stance towards India. The only justification for repressive institutions is material and cultural deficit. Everything's so repressive now - it's the No generation. There were individual priests and nuns who were helpful, but the religion was cold. Quotations by Herbert Marcuse, German Philosopher, Born July 19, 1898. Under the rule of a repressive whole, liberty can be made into a powerful instrument of domination. 9. Quotes about Repressive. In addition to the richness of Asian culture, we at Wu-Tang were fascinated with the struggles between the oppressed Chinese villagers and the repressive Manchu authority and how it mirrored our own experiences growing up as black kids in America's inner cities. I grew up in Mexico City at a time when the country was a repressive one-party dictatorship almost wholly dependent on oil revenues. I couldn't really say that a repressive society would result in creative art.


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