Curious to see if anyone has done this. As a result, some builders do believe that the gap created by a shim actually adds a certain tonal quality and keeps the angle correct all in one operation. When you need that combination of lower action and just the right amount of float for the trem you can dial it in everytime. No issues with payment. Shims are also sold by Fender and Stewart-MacDonald. Attention, repair shops: making a quality shim takes time! Is it true some builders purposely put in a shim gap for tonal purposes? Save on Over 900 Items. You also notice that no matter how low you adjust the saddles, the strings are still sitting way too high above the frets. BOD2 Strat-O-Master. It is an Extension of Myself. With no shim, my high E string was completely choking out when doing whole step bends from about frets 7-18. Some builders firmly believe that the gap left behind by the shim significantly decreases the energy transfer from neck-to-body, “killing” the decay rate of a plucked note (which most known as “sustain”). Q:  Is there a problem with my neck pocket I see something in there? First step is to loosen (but don't remove) the strings. Perfection………peaceout….. By use of red oak veneer, you can easily make your own shims with a pair of scissors and a hole- punch. No adjustments needed to be made—fit like a charm out of the bag. Post a comment or two with your experience(s). Dan creates tapered shims that cover the entire heel of the neck—with these ready-made shims, that work is done for you. Others believe that as long as the bolt-on neck is installed properly and has a good, snug fit, the space does not affect decay rate whatsoever. As Dan Erlewine describes in his Guitar Player Repair Guide: "This gap may cause an upward kink in the neck. The action on the upper frets is now exactly where it’s supposed to be.After marking the blanks for the screw holes I applied thin superglue to both sides of each shim where I was going to drill. Rick holds a bachelors degree from University of Md. As long as the bolt-on neck is installed properly and has a  good, snug fit, the guitar neck shims do not affect sound whatsoever. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What Finishing Processes Does Haywire Use? What can be used as guitar neck shims material? It’s like visiting a tailor for a final fitting. Want to Find Out if This Will Work with Your Bass. With Rick’s many years of development and guitar set-up experience, Haywire Guitar shop “Builds satisfied players… one Haywire guitar at a time”. It’s a guitar neck shim often used by Haywire, Luthiers and techs for years. Why would you need to adjust the angle or pitch of the neck? Why is a neck shim so often needed for new neck installations? Is it true some builders purposely put in a shim gap for tonal purposes? Thanks. Joined: Feb 28, 2008 Location: Scottish Borders, UK. As for how much gap you should put in there, I have no idea because it varies from instrument to instrument. You could use a guitar pick, a thin piece of veneer, a business card, a thin sheet of metal, however: HVAC silver sealing tape is one of the best choices. And many players feel they lose tone unless firm contact is maintained between the neck and the body.". Not complaining, just sayin. Like glass bedding a rife barrel to the stock, for the perfect fit. And of course, bolt patterns vary wildly depending on what you have, because not everyone has a standard Fender 4-bolt setup. 3 blank shims for bass. You can trim along the lasered line to fit the shim to a pocket with a flat heel, like a Tele. Fixed the problems I was having with both the bridge and trem and turned the Bass VI from a dog into a real player. What worked? Alternatively, if you want to gain string height you can also use a reverse shim at the other end of the pocket, seen below: I'm not sure if I love it enough to change it. You also notice that no matter how low you adjust the saddles, the strings are still sitting way too high above the frets. Shaped: 2-3/16" x 3" (55.56mm x 76.12mm) Now, it’s time measure for a shim. 3 blank shims for guitar I used two of the blank .25 degree shims to reset the neck angle on my Taylor Mini and they worked perfectly. If after installing the neck and adjusting the truss rod you see. No splitting or cracking.Great product. better action possible and you can set your action with string height better then use a shim. You could use a guitar pick, a thin piece of veneer, a business card,  a thin sheet of metal, however: HVAC silver sealing tape is one of the best choices. The standard terminology used by luthiers for a thin wedge under a bolt-on neck is a shim. Had a Sharp & buzzing G string on a G&L Doheny Tribute. Fender's most popular pick shape in different materials. You will need one, because the likelihood of a new bolt-on neck fitting exactly right just doesn’t happen. It is preferable to use a material that can but cut to fit across the width of the neck easily, and/or layered and won’t degrade with age. as well as a guitar player. If you would like to experiment with certain gaps to see (or rather hear) what tonal differences there are, feel free to try it out. No two necks fit exactly the same, even if they were cut from the same log. I can't convince myself otherwise. You install it, level the frets, re-crown, set the neck on all 4 axis, then add the two “E” strings clamp it, adjust your truss rod for proper bow, and then if notice that the height of the strings is high. Loosen them off until there is no tension … You could use a guitar pick, milk jug plastic, a business card, 120 sandpaper, wood, a slim sheet of metal, etc. No two necks fit exactly the same on a body. Some builders do believe that the gap created by a shim actually adds in a special tonal quality. The improved version of the classic Fender Strat Bridge, The most consistent, top quality Strat® replacement body on the market today. If you’d like to learn more about guitar neck shims and the guitar building process just go to and click on BLOG for over 100 articles here: Rick Mariner-Haywire Custom Guitars, Custom Shop. Both should be to hight or depth and then Scraped and or sanded to. I've come up with what I think is a working model for shims. Not a single hint of deformation on threads, straightness, or the (+) heads with 30yo japanese screws after many rounds of adjustment. To adjust the angle or pitch of the neck. Shaped shims fit most neck pockets with a rounded heel. You can fix this easily with a set of tools. Well made. My package did arrive a few days late, but I can’t blame StewMac for that. Put in a .50 shim and voila!! A shim when referred to guitar neck usage is for all intents and purposes a thin spacer. OTOH, I don't want to waste money on it if shimming isn't a guaranteed thing. The holes lined up perfectly and installation took no more than five minutes! Yeah, my ’63 P came with 2 shims made of vulcanized fiber, which you can buy by the square foot from a knifemaker’s supply shop.


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