Every maintained school will have a policy which sets out which subjects are compulsory. You should get the results in July. But, parents may request their children get taken out of parts or the whole lesson. All maintained schools must follow the National Curriculum at Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) and Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) as outlined below. “Academies are required to have a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.”. It must include English, science, and mathematics. Moreover, top results that educational institutions in UK have continually scored have stemmed from their modern and well-suited education system. This guide covers everything you need to know about the education system in the UK. Click here for a directory of technical terms used on this site. Children do not have to take exams in the 2 other compulsory subjects. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Note: Local councils decide the Religious Education syllabus. Coram Children’s Legal Centre cannot be held responsible if changes to the law outdate this publication. If it gets an approval by the Privy Council under Further and Higher Education Act 1992. ICP#: 10044692 Learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers organised by subject. But, faith schools and academies can choose to set their own. Does my child have to do religious or sex education? Academies must set out a broad and balanced curriculum. Teachers will then discuss the school reports with the parents. Children study it when they reach age 11 and onward. The teacher also assesses whether your child needs extra help with reading. GCSEs take a total of 2 years and mark the end of compulsory education for students in the UK. Religious education and sex education are also included. Your child will get tested in their skill levels of: As a rule, Key Stage 2 tests last no longer than 4 hours. It does not promote early sexual activity or any particular sexual orientation. If the matter is not resolved, you may wish to make a written complaint to the Governing Body. But, parents may withdraw their children from all other parts of this topic if they wish to do so. Click here for full details of the pricing structure. It denotes the standards that schools expect children to reach in each given subject. Please check your email for further instructions. Schools should make clear in their policy how they will provide religious education and when they will accept withdrawal from these classes. . Teachers will make a formal assessment of each child's performance at the end of each key stage. Core Subjects: English, mathematics, science. There are some compulsory sections of sex and relationship education as part of the national curriculum for science. Even so, all academies must teach religious education. Higher Education Funding Council for England website –, The UK Council for International Student Affairs –, The Guardian (UK)’s site on Higher Education-, The British Council’s page on Higher Education –. Results of your child's teacher assessments get sent out automatically.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'theukrules_co_uk-box-4','ezslot_2',139,'0','0'])); Your child will take national Key Stage 2 tests in May when they reach the end of KS2 term. Some parts of sex and relationship education are compulsory as they form part of the National Curriculum for science. © 2020 Studying in UK - All Rights Reserved. For more information see our page on Complaints to Schools. Individuals may print or photocopy information in CCLC publications for their personal use. STEM careers are creative. Compulsory National Curriculum subjects in Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) are: During Key Stage 4 most pupils work towards national qualifications such as GCSEs. They learn the same things according to national standards and similar education levels. Your child will take the Key Stage 1 test in May and you can get the results from the school. They will be able to advise on how withdrawal may affect a child’s future prospects (for example, many Sixth Form Colleges have a minimum entrance requirement). Many STEM careers need creativity as much as the more analytical skills traditionally associated with STEM subjects. The Child Law Advice Service now offers a Schools Information Service. Maintained schools must provide religious education and sex education from Key Stage 3, but parents can ask for their children to be taken out of the whole lesson or part of it. Speak to the school in person. Coronavirus: Separated Families and Contact, Legal aid if you have been a victim of domestic abuse, Legal aid if your child is at risk of abuse, Legal position relating to unborn children, Raising and caring for children & young people, Local Authorities’ duties in relation to Looked After Children, Children’s services referral and assessment, Local Authorities duties’ in relation to LAC, Alternatives to ending a marriage or civil partnership, Direction off-site for the improvement of behaviour, Education of children outside of their chronological age group, Radicalisation in schools and The Prevent Duty, School powers to search and screen pupils, Supporting children with medical needs in schools, Participation of young people in education, employment or training, Explaining the legality of a Child Arrangements Order, Remote hearings in the family court – Covid-19, Appealing an Education, Health & Care Plan or a Statement of Special Educational Needs, Claiming against disability discrimination in schools, Enforcement of an Order for contact or residence, SEN Needs Assessments & Education, Health and Care Plans, Variation and discharge of an order for contact or residence, Directing children off site to improve behaviour, Understanding your school’s Equality duties, Providing education for children out of school, Understanding the obligations of Children’s Services, Dealing with Parental Responsibility disputes, Understanding school admissions and appeals, Dealing with school attendance and absence, Supporting pupils with medical conditions, Supporting pupils’ mental health in schools, Legal aid if you have been a victim of domestic abuse or violence, Police powers of protection & Emergency protection orders, Schools Information Guides – For Schools only, School security and banning parents from school premises. Click here for full details of the pricing structure. Schools must also offer at least one subject from each of the following areas: Maintained schools can decide to make other subjects compulsory in addition to the compulsory subjects of the National Curriculum. Most STEM roles are about coming up with solutions to problems – and problem solving is often about thinking creatively or “outside the box”.. Take architecture – it’s a core STEM career.


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